You are demonstrably wrong.
You do know there are Holocaust deniers?
How old were you in the 1970's?
Were you even alive in the 1970's?
You are demonstrably wrong.
You have no evidence.
The evidence is that there is more ice in the Antarctic right now than ever before.
It's why the idiots you follow got stuck in the ice trying to go there last year to tell people like you the ice is melting.
The only think dumber than believing the Antarctic ice is melting, is believing people who got stuck in Antarctic ice on a ship, telling you the ice is melting.
Wrong again ...
Don't you realize how silly you appear.
The Antarctic ice extent is at record levels. Because this is so embarrassing to global warming hoax proponents such as yourself, you guys have to claim that the ice mass is decreasing.
However, just like the Antarctic ice isn't melting, the Antarctic ice mass isn't decreasing either.
New paper shows ice mass stable to increasing over most of Antarctic ice sheet
The fact that you do not even understand the difference between a newspaper/magazine article and a peer reviewed scientific paper is enough to demolish whatever credibility you had.
Sea ice floats on the sea, and contributes to sea level rises. It is the ice on LAND that is key, so stop banging on about sea ice - it is not relevent.
That article doesn't give the overall balance of the increases and decreases, although the graphic seems to show a lot of mass loss over significant areas.
I assume you haven't read the paper's conclusions? Are you able to read the actual paper, because the abstract doesn't give the information needed to support your claim.
Any land ice that is melting on Antarctica is from volcanos not global warming.
These so called "experts" whom you guys believe whatever they tell you changed their positions from "ice age is coming" to "global warming" for political and idealogical reasons the same way Phd's changed their position on homosexuality.
You do know there are Holocaust deniers?
How old were you in the 1970's?
Were you even alive in the 1970's?
And, that's the same reason all these climatologists with Phd's went from claiming an ice age was coming to claiming man made global warming is a threat to the world.
Secondly, you have presented no case for your irrelevant comparison to homosexuality as a mental illness. I'm fairly certain that there is a bit more to that story than what you choose to present. As in understanding that homosexuality does not fit what is considered to be mental illness.
it became apparent that homosexuals were indistinguishable from "normal" people on any objective inventory of emotional health.
With regards to the climate change issue, that consensus is at 97-98% today.
Any land ice that is melting on Antarctica is from volcanos not global warming.
Volcanic activity in Antarctica is not new. So why is it melting the glaciers now?
You're making my point.
The glaciers on Antarctica have been melting for hundreds of years because of volcanos.
It has nothing to do with the man made global warming hoax.
And yet, it's only recently that they have been diminishing. Why do you suppose that is?
Um.....because molten lava is really hot.
Record snow in Columbia, South Carolina
Columbia, SC is experiencing its earliest snowfall on record. It beat the previous record (Nov 9, 1913) by 9 days.
I know, I has nothing to do with climate change...........Unless of course, when there are record high temperatures.......Then, it's the result of man made global warming and SUV's.