Global warming freaks are the modern-day equivalent of the bum on the side of the road with a "the end is nigh" sign.
But without the credibility.
Global warming freaks are the modern-day equivalent of the bum on the side of the road with a "the end is nigh" sign.
But without the credibility.
Of course the world isn't ending | |
"Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (Inventor of Email) is an MIT PhD who exposes who will profit from the “Climate Change” hoax, and why it was right that President Trump pulled out of the pollution-incentivizing Paris Accords"
al gore , the ipcc & friends
1. Pre-Carbon tax) Products are made
2. (Post-Carbon tax) Products are still made. Now taxes charged.
3. Carbon taxes are paid to UN IPCC, others
4. UN IPCC issues “Carbon credits”. In essence, this is permission to “pollute”. Never mind that Carbon Dioxide isn’t pollution, but a natural byproduct of combustion, or even breathing. But anyway….
5. So called “Carbon credits” actually go into the bond market, and allow the UN (and approved others) to use it as an investment vehicle. This is a trillion dollar industry.
6. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore once monopolized the market.
7. UN IPCC used their PR branch (or propaganda arm) to pressure the US into playing ball with the Paris Accord, despite the obvious fraud.
8. US pressured to create $100B “Green Fund”
9. “Green Fund” used to bribe 190 other nations into joining Paris Accord, and thus legitimizing the UN scam. Odd wording here
10. Advisors and NGOs who used US Green Fund money to influence joining of Paris Accord ended up enriching themselves in the process
11. Scientists “alter” findings to make situation seem worse.
12. Developing countries allowed to make situation worse. As an example, China puts out 11B tons/year now, and will be able to emit 22B tons in 2030.
13. After 2030, China will be able to buy “Carbon credits”.
14. UN paid “influencers” convince their nations to join Paris Accord
15. Paying $100B to the influencers is pocket change, as the Carbon credit commodities market will generate trillions in the end. A great investment.
16. This is really about virtue signalling.
17. Environmental data manipulated to generate support.
18. No conclusive evidence of temperature rise.
19. 1st world nations will pay more for everything.
20. 3rd world will (for years) be exempt.
21 UN IPCC and allies are only ones who will benefit.
22.Trump made right decision to pull out of Paris Accord.
NEW YORK ( -- A think tank partly funded by Exxon Mobil sent letters to scientists offering them up to $10,000
"Follow the money?" You betcha. :chuckle:
not thousands , but trillions of dollars
"Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (Inventor of Email) is an MIT PhD who exposes who will profit from the “Climate Change” hoax, and why it was right that President Trump pulled out of the pollution-incentivizing Paris Accords"
al gore , the ipcc & friends
But Trump claims asbestos is “100 percent safe.”
Whenever you wonder if Trump can really be THAT stupid,
are you triggered by the name Trump , sorry
this thread is about the climate change hoax and who is profiting from it
Tillerson realizes that mankind's reliance on fossil fuels can't continue indefinitely, if companies like Exxon are to remain economically solvent in the future, they must reposition themselves to take advantage of new energy sources!Fun fact of the day: According to Nikki Haley, when Rex Tillerson and John Kelly tried to recruit her to sabotage Trump, one of the issues they were trying to stop Trump on was leaving the Paris Climate Accord. The question for you is, why would Tillerson, the former CEO of Exxon Mobil Corp., support the Paris Climate Accord?
Why is Exxon lying to you?
Tillerson realizes that mankind's reliance on fossil fuels can't continue indefinitely, if companies like Exxon are to remain economically solvent in the future, they must reposition themselves to take advantage of new energy sources!
Tillerson understands that in the 21stC Exxon can no longer limit itself to be just an oil and gas company, it needs to embrace a range of future scientific discoveries and reinvent itself as an "energy" company!
Fun fact of the day: According to Nikki Haley, when Rex Tillerson and John Kelly tried to recruit her to sabotage Trump, one of the issues they were trying to stop Trump on was leaving the Paris Climate Accord. The question for you is, why would Tillerson, the former CEO of Exxon Mobil Corp., support the Paris Climate Accord?
Why is Exxon lying to you?
"If i think it might cost me money, then it can't be true!"
Not a very good approach if you want to live in the real world. Notice that was Exxon's idea; "just hide the truth, and everything will be O.K."
And you still can't get your head around that ExxonMobile is pushing for carbon credits. You're being played.