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a biden unmasked
A Freedom That Is Infectious
A truth unmasked. A shiny object that's hard to ignore. The demand for truth is inflating it's worth. Even Facebook can't manipulate that. Masking the truth is as difficult as an algorithm designed to recognize it. The laity is now teaching Life, Marriage, and Family preserved by the Church. That's the truth.


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a manipulation
A Facebook Strategy
A pipeline manipulated by Russian hackers. Our best hackers work for social media. Manipulating users of Google and Facebook pays a whole lot more than the five million you get for manipulating a pipeline. Chances are you don't feel manipulated. Just get an electric car. All you have to worry about is a battery fire.


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a manipulation of an election
A Zuckerberg Funding
A four hundred million donation to CTCL. This was not investigated by the DOJ. The DOJ is investigating the election investigation in Arizona. They did not investigate Jesse's trailer but they did investigate his family. The DOJ may have to investigate the election investigations in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.


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a social dilemma
A manipulation
A realization that you can control people if you can control information. Why not an election? All you need is money and the ability to control ballots. Call it harvesting. If allowed some will cheat to control the outcome of an election. Can you say Zuckerberg? Can you say CTCL? Can you say 400 million dollars? Say it.


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a new religion
A Social Justice
A chance to show you care. You too can be a victim if you don't. They will come after you. The lie must be protected with intimidation. It can't handle the truth. It takes courage to speak the truth. It is a job for the laity if our leaders can't do theirs. Speak the truth if you have it. Look for it if you don't.


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a social distance
A Socialist
A social injustice. There ought to be a law. There is but it is racist so it can be ignored in the name of social justice. You have to be carefully taught. Life, Marriage, and Family are racist concepts. Like climate change, racism is what you should be worried about. The media and our schools are promoting this.


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a mining of racism
A Country Being Divided
A marxist playbook. No solutions. Just problems identified. The consequence is chaos. A disorder. Common sense cancelled. Fear and hate are the seeds of division. Freedom is the price to be paid. Religion must go or at least be ignored. The solution will be clear once your freedom is lost.


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a fear of the unknown
A New Curriculum
A hatred being carefully taught. Our children cannot read or write but they are being taught to fear climate change and hate racism. We have the truths but they are not being taught. We have laws but they are not being enforced. Cling to your bible and gun. We have religion and freedom but they are slipping away.


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a double orange daylily
A China Connection
A Huawei redirect of an Amazon inquiry. The single orange daylily from Shanghai is now coming up as a reminder of how well China is connected. Amazon may not know a single from a double but they should know when something is being shipped from China and will take over a month to deliver. Not very prime.


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a truth cancelled
A Truth Not Spoken
A lie affirmed. Facebook can't protect you. They can only manipulate you. They control the information. What do you control? What you say and do. Only if you have the courage to do so. Be not afraid. Be informed. Not manipulated by social media.


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a teacher
A Marxist Tool
A child is our front line protecting our freedom. It should be fathers, family, and faith protecting our freedom. What happened to fathers? Family? Lack of faith. The teachings of the Church on Life, Marriage, and Family are not being taught. Francis is working with China which may improve our schools.


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a day to remember
A Life Given For Our Liberty
A defense of our freedom. Many lives have been lost defending our way of life. Liberty is not free. We must fight to protect our liberty. For whatever reason there are those doing what they can to restrict our freedom. We must be willing to do whatever is necessary to protect it. So many have given up their life so we might be free. We remember them today.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
a dialogue
A Crisis in the Church
A "divisive and ineffective" priest has started a dialogue. Francis asked for it. Can a Catholic vote for anyone in the Democratic Party? Should a politician supporting abortion be allowed communion? Blessing same-sex unions? Should Father Altman resign? Bring it on. Francis wants a dialogue.
Wow. I just read that. It amazes me how far away from such a simple principle that so many Catholics, including priests, seem to be. The simple principle is that the bishops' job is to transmit to us all that the Apostles taught, and they uniformly taught, captured in Scripture but also in the Sacred Apostolic Tradition, that same-sex sexual offenses are of the same gravity as heterosexual sexual offenses, and of masturbation. That's what the Apostles taught, that's what the bishops teach that they taught, and that door is shut. We believe the Apostles taught what Jesus taught them. So therefore, Jesus Himself does not "bless" "same-sex unions".