

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
a missing father
A Missing Respect For Authority
A systemic breakdown of the family. Respect for Authority starts in the home with a father. Respect for Life. Respect for Marriage. The teachings of the Church on Life, Marriage, and Family are being ignored. They are not even being taught. Truth is missing. Truth must be stated. Speak it. Repeat it.
Where are these teachings found? Where can we see what they are?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a climate change lie
A Dirty Little Secret
A solution that promotes abortion. The only way to save the children is to kill them before they are born. Francis knows this. Those who promote this climate change lie also promote abortion as a necessary ingredient. Jesus said, "let the children come". Francis knows this.


like marbles on glass
A dirty little lie:
The only way to save the children is to kill them before they are born. Francis knows this.

Pope Francis:

"In general, it’s not known what I usually say … people know what it’s said I say.."

Pope Francis on abortion:

"While many will be irritated to hear a pope return to the topic, I cannot stay silent over 30 to 40 million unborn lives cast aside every year through abortion. It is painful to behold how in many regions that see themselves as developed the practice is often urged because the children to come are disabled, or unplanned. Human life is never a burden. It demands we make space for it, not cast it off. ... Abortion is a grave injustice. It can never be a legitimate expression of autonomy and power. If our autonomy demands the death of another, it is none other than an iron cage."
-- Let Us Dream

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
a mercy for everyone
A Few Exceptions
A special warning for those who mess with His Church or the little children. Don't get Him mad. His house of prayer turned into a den of thieves. Don't offend one of these little ones which believe in Him. It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. We have been warned.

I believe that the Democrats shoving Transgenderism and Homosexuality down the throats of little kids, and some medical professionals actually performing Transgender related procedures on children is the most Evil of Evils.

Jesus said: "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea."

Woe to those who fill the minds of children with this filth.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
A dirty little lie:

Pope Francis:

"In general, it’s not known what I usually say … people know what it’s said I say.."

Pope Francis on abortion:

"While many will be irritated to hear a pope return to the topic, I cannot stay silent over 30 to 40 million unborn lives cast aside every year through abortion. It is painful to behold how in many regions that see themselves as developed the practice is often urged because the children to come are disabled, or unplanned. Human life is never a burden. It demands we make space for it, not cast it off. ... Abortion is a grave injustice. It can never be a legitimate expression of autonomy and power. If our autonomy demands the death of another, it is none other than an iron cage."
-- Let Us Dream

And YOU are a sick disgusting supporter of abortion by means of your vote. You grovel at the feet of the Socialist Democrats and their evil policies.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Where are these teachings found? Where can we see what they are?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
When I Google "francis and satan" I get 7.66 million hits
Good question. Thank you for asking that.
When I Google "francis and abortion" I get 10.9m hits.
When I Google "francis and climate change" I get 92.5m hits.
What does that tell you?
When I Google "Francis loves sin" I get 200 kajillion hits

Google is no longer a reliable search engine. It has been scrubbed of many facts that conservatives know are true. It has been scrubbed of historical events.

As for the Vatican, no source has ever been honest about the Vatican. For that you have to go to the horse's mouth

The problem is, unless you know what you are looking for and where to look it is almost impassible to find anything. You need a knowledgeable REAL Catholic to help.

You can go to the Catechism, or to Papal Encyclicals, or to Council Documents, or to writings of the saints, doctors of the Church . . . . . 2,000 years of history is not easy to search.

Allow me to be your guide. Name something specific and maybe I can find it for you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a walk in the ancient paths
A Best Practice
A stumble in their ways for those who have forgotten God. Science does a good job of documenting what works. Religion has documented Life, Marriage, and Family as the best way to protect the child. The child is our posterity. We must protect the Constitution that protects religion, free speech, and guns.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
a father makes a difference
A Protector
A necessary ingredient. The teachings of the Church on Life, Marriage, and Family protect the child. A father in the home protects the child. Religious liberty and free speech protects the child. Focus on the child. Nothing is more important. St. Joseph the Protector pray for us. Amen.

You made me think. Was the relentless attack on the Catholic Church several years ago the opening salvo of today's cancel culture? And worse, were conservative protestant Christians willing accomplices by way of their dislike of Catholicism?

I remember reading a statement a protestant pastor had made years ago, It went something like, if the Catholic Church ever falls to the forces of secularism, the rest of the small churches will never stand a chance.

An interesting thought.