
ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nope, the *laws* were created for the sole purpose of suppressing the black vote because they know their political party has nothing to offer. The more legal votes cast, the more they lose.
I know this is folly but let me ask you - Which ONE specific law in the new legislation do you believe was created for the sole purpose of suppressing the black vote?

Name just ONE specific law

Cut and paste from here, if you like

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One of the reasons I'm so astonished at this is because I have lived in New York State for all of my life - my mother served as an elections volunteer for most of my youth and I have memories of accompanying her as a young child to the polling places. New York State's election regulations are much more restrictive than those that have just been put into place in Georgia and as far as I know they've never been controversial.
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a border opened
A School Closed
A fence unfinished. A pipeline shutdown. The police defunded. More restrictions on guns and religious liberties. No more Jim Crow laws. Finally a president who knows what he is doing. Did you get your check?


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a missing father
A Missing Mother
A consequence of government policy. The state will help you if there is no father. The country will let you in if there is no mother. You can now turn your kids over to a foreign country. Biden will take care of them. Why would he lie? Jim Crow?


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a mercy
A Forgiveness
A necessary ingredient. So is the truth. It must be protected. That is the purpose of the Church. The Church protects and teaches the sanctity of Life, Marriage, and Family. We must do the same by speaking out about it. Lest we forget, our job is to protect the child.


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a protection of the child
A Purpose of Marriage
A father is a necessary ingredient. Every child starts out with a mother and father. Children do better when parents stay together. Keeping them together is the job of both church and state. The teachings of the Church protect Life, Marriage, and Family. That's the truth.


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a statement of the truth
A Protection of the Truth
A Church is necessary to protect the Truth. Teaching is a necessary ingredient. The Truth can be ignored if it is not repeated at the pulpit. If it is not repeated at the pulpit, the laity must state it every chance they get. It is our job. Let's do it.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
a statement of the truth
A Protection of the Truth
A Church is necessary to protect the Truth. Teaching is a necessary ingredient. The Truth can be ignored if it is not repeated at the pulpit. If it is not repeated at the pulpit, the laity must state it every chance they get. It is our job. Let's do it.
One link to the Church's Catechism, and another to the Church's Scripture. Actually they can both be found at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website:



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a design
A Purpose
A reason for existence. Logic should tell you this. If it doesn't we have the Church that should let us know. Should. The purpose of the Church is to save the Truth and Teach it. That should include resisting efforts to change it. The laity should speak out if this is not being done.


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a first principle
A Cause and Effect
A child instinctively asks why. There must be a reason. Look for it. What does it say about you if you don't? Do you care? You have a free will. It is being tested.
- the wicked shall prove wicked -
Can you be trusted to get along? Who wants you if you can't get along?


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a statement of truth
A Protection of Freedom
A faith not a fear is necessary. A fact not a feeling. A reason not a reaction. A logic not a lie. You are free to believe and state what you believe. A truth not stated is a truth not protected. A father protects his family. Protecting the child is job one. Protect the Church that should be teaching this.


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a hope
A Faith
A charity. It starts with hope. It starts with wanting something and the belief that it is obtainable. It ends with charity, the fruit of a good person. Jesus gave us hope with a promise of eternal life. He also made it possible. You might be saved. It is now up to you.


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a father
A Necessary Ingredient
A job for a man. Just be there. The police are there to protect you. They deserve your respect. Respect for authority starts with a father. The mother should know how important he is. The Church should be teaching this. Are you? St. Joseph pray for us.


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a union for children
A Protection
A teacher and the police are protected by a union. So are Amtrak and Post Office employees. Who is protecting the children? We can no longer rely on the father or the family. Unions are protected by the Democratic Party which should find a way to organize a children's union. A small portion of mandated allowances could support this.



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a light shines in the darkness
A Truth Must Be Stated
A darkness cannot tolerate the light. A church shut down. A school closed. A light extinguished. A light censored. Just state the truth. Let it shine. Abortion kills babies. How can you justify it? A good tree bringeth forth good fruit. The truth can be canceled if it is not stated. Don't pass up an opportunity to state it.


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a missing father
A Missing Respect For Authority
A systemic breakdown of the family. Respect for Authority starts in the home with a father. Respect for Life. Respect for Marriage. The teachings of the Church on Life, Marriage, and Family are being ignored. They are not even being taught. Truth is missing. Truth must be stated. Speak it. Repeat it.