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Chrys and Theo,
Do you walk the walk 100% of the time?
When I fall short I take it to my Father in prayer.
Chrys said, "you HAVE to walk the walk". It's a must, according to him.
If I walk the walk 1% of the time, does that satisfy the demand?
Ask God.
We need more cowbell!I want more, too.
I see it that way too.:e4e:
I'm just making a point.
I don't have a problem with walking the walk.
Even non-Christians behave godly at times.
You cannot attach behavior to the gospel, however. It won't work.
Ask God.
I have stp on ignore for very good reasons
-he and others have proved that there are stupid questions
-this got me thinking about walking and working and how much is enough
-it really comes down to attitude
-knowing that we are at His mercy
-knowing that we did not do enough
I have stp on ignore for very good reasons
So if you do 75%, God will cover the 25% remaining?
I'm just making a point.
I don't have a problem with walking the walk.
Even non-Christians behave godly at times.
You cannot attach behavior to the gospel, however. It won't work.
Do Calvinists agree that it would be evil to oppose God?
When a Calvinist tells others that they should do good and not evil, they just might be talking to someone that is not capable of doing anything but evil.
So telling them to be good would be in direct conflict with God's decreed purpose that he remain evil.
To put another way, to tell a reprobate that they should be doing good would make you an opposer of God's decree for them.
If they are doing evil things, it is only because God decreed them to be doing evil things.
So why would you tell them to oppose God's decree for them?
Since God is the one that plants belief in you, then telling others what they should believe would be in opposition of God's decree.
They cannot believe what you tell them, they can only believe what God plants in them.
So no one should be listening to you at all.
Nothing you tell them will matter.
In fact, scripture shouldn't even be believed, beacasue it has no power to convince you one way or the other.
They should just wait till God plants in them whatever He wants them to believe.
Therefore, wickedness is decreed by God to take place.
The wicked are no more responsible for their belief and behavior than the non-wicked.
They can be nothing else.
In fact, don't Calvinists say that God's decree is holy and just, and that His decree of wickedness glorifies Him just as His decree of righteous also glorifies Him?
We can sorta see this concept in that it seemed wicked for man to crucify Christ on the cross, but we actually view it as glorious.
So in this case, wickedness did glorify Him.
I mean, Peter tried to stop the wickedness from happening, but was made to not hinder the wickedness, but to let it happen.
But is that the pattern in which we should perceive all wickedness?
Are we to see all wickedness as glorious and not attempt to hinder any wickedness?
Why would God be grieved of the wickedness he saw if that wickedness glorifies Him?
Why would God be grieved when he saw men being wicked, if it was His decree they be that way?
That would have God grieving over what He Himself decreed in advance to happen!
Thanks, Theo.I'm going to have to think through this before I answer you.
None of those reveal "what determines whether one is a Christian, or not?". A couple of those reveal the person is not! And since when does what you DO have anything to do with salvation?The Lord, alone, knows the difference between the wheat and the tares. He alone searches the hearts of men. He knows His own.
His own obey Him.
They praise Him.
They thank Him.
They live to honor and glorify Him.
They seek His face.
They bow to Him.
They exalt Him.
They live to please Him.
They confess their sins to Him.
They walk in a manner pleasing to Him.
They are ambassadors for Him.
His word is hidden in their hearts so they might not sin against Him.
They are forgiven in Him.
They die daily for Him.
They deny themselves for Him.
They give for Him.
They sacrifice for Him.
They are sold out to Him.
They speak for Him.
They pray and commune with Him.
They are justified through Him.
They are sanctified by Him.
They are purchased by Him.
They believe, by faith, they will one day be like Him.
Their hearts, souls, minds and strength are consumed with Him and by Him.
They think they deserve Hell.
They are nothing without Him.
They are everything with Him.
He knows His own.
Do Calvinists agree that it would be evil to oppose God?
When a Calvinist tells others that they should do good and not evil, they just might be talking to someone that is not capable of doing anything but evil.
So telling them to be good would be in direct conflict with God's decreed purpose that he remain evil.
To put another way, to tell a reprobate that they should be doing good would make you an opposer of God's decree for them.
If they are doing evil things, it is only because God decreed them to be doing evil things.
So why would you tell them to oppose God's decree for them?
Since God is the one that plants belief in you, then telling others what they should believe would be in opposition of God's decree.
They cannot believe what you tell them, they can only believe what God plants in them.
So no one should be listening to you at all.
Nothing you tell them will matter.
In fact, scripture shouldn't even be believed, beacasue it has no power to convince you one way or the other.
They should just wait till God plants in them whatever He wants them to believe.
Therefore, wickedness is decreed by God to take place.
The wicked are no more responsible for their belief and behavior than the non-wicked.
They can be nothing else.
In fact, don't Calvinists say that God's decree is holy and just, and that His decree of wickedness glorifies Him just as His decree of righteous also glorifies Him?
We can sorta see this concept in that it seemed wicked for man to crucify Christ on the cross, but we actually view it as glorious.
So in this case, wickedness did glorify Him.
I mean, Peter tried to stop the wickedness from happening, but was made to not hinder the wickedness, but to let it happen.
But is that the pattern in which we should perceive all wickedness?
Are we to see all wickedness as glorious and not attempt to hinder any wickedness?
Why would God be grieved of the wickedness he saw if that wickedness glorifies Him?
Why would God be grieved when he saw men being wicked, if it was His decree they be that way?
That would have God grieving over what He Himself decreed in advance to happen!
Your non-answers are noted.You all's limited perspective of predestination is disappointing. It seems we can never get out of the rudiments in order to delve into anything more complex.
Calvinism sits directly on a notion of Providence, which like Catholicism, there is a authority from within the church itself which God utilizes.
If you tell a person to do good, and they were evil before but become good, then they were predestined, incited by God's Providence to be such.
You really just wasted your time making the other 80% of your post, cascading fiction from more fiction. But I suppose that's all you can do when rejecting the real gospel![]()
Your non-answers are noted.
According to Calvinism, what you believe is exactly what God made you to believe