If this were the case then:
1) Jesus could not be genuinely tempted, because God can not be tempted, according to James.
Dear K:
Jesus inherited the desires of the flesh from Mary but not sin. For Mary was a descendant of Adam who passed the natural desire of the flesh upon every man, woman, and child that has every lived or will live. But sin is only passed thru the male seed.
Oh, and it was not the the Spirit of Christ who was tempted, but it was the flesh that had that was tempted.
For Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. Yet this passage is not talking about Christ because the Word made flesh was not a part of the "ALL" crowd of regular men because the Word is God.
2) Jesus could not learn obedience, because God is omniscient and learns nothing.
Exactly. The Spirit of Christ did not learn obedience. As I stated in my previous posts, the body of Christ had learned obedience and not the Spirit of Christ who was God. For a person can train their body to be in the habit to exercise. A person can give into the desires of the flesh or resist them. So the body can learn to obey or disobey your self conscious choices that your soul makes.
3) Jesus could not be dependent on another, because God is never dependent on another, yet Jesus was 100% dependent on God for his authority. All of Jesus' authority was delegated to him by God yet God is not delegated authority by anyone. He is the one who delegates authority.
Your choice of the word "dependence" implies that Christ was limited so as to depend upon the Father as if Christ was a limited being. Yet, this was not the case at all. Jesus prayed to the Father for two reasons:
#1. Jesus prayed to the Father as an example to the body of Christ to be united.
#2. Jesus prayed to the Father so that the world could believe that the Father had sent Him as the Son (John 17:20-21). Thereby authenticating that He was the Son of God (i.e. being as the same nature of divinity as the Father).
Also, you have to understand that if God is three in one, then Christ appearing as a man who communicated with the Father and or who did His will is not a contradiction of the Godhead. Besides, the Godhead can be clearly seen thru out all of Scripture.
As for the Father having authority within the Godhead:
Well, the best way I have found to understand the Godhead is to understand how we are made in God's image (Genesis 1:27). For God is triune and He consists in being as the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7). Therefore, if God is triune, then man must be triune, too. In fact, Scripture confirms this fact, for man consists in being as a soul, spirit, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
For example, when I shake somebody's hand, I am using my soul, spirit, and body in order to do so. Yet the person who is shaking my hand is only receiving the hand shake from my physical body. For they cannot touch my spirit or my soul. Yet I used all three in order to make that one physical action to happen, though; And it was my mind (or my soul) that chose to shake that person's hand.
Here is another example:
Your body, mind and spirit are separate and distinct. My hand is a part of me, but it is not my intellect, my mind. My thoughts are a part of me, but they are not my spirit. To help illustrate this to you, There have been times where I've seen my mind and my spirit in conflict. I'm hurt. My spirit is wounded. I'm crying and my mind says "Stop crying!" but I can't because my spirit has been wounded. Sometimes our mind and our flesh are in conflict. We know something is wrong but we are so weak and powerless that we let the flesh have its way. For again, Paul talks about how his mind and flesh were in conflict--
Romans 7:25
"So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin." For we are undoubtedly tripartite (body, mind, spirit) yet we remain one entity. In fact, if you and I were in the same room and I looked at you, I would only see your flesh. I could not see what you were thinking or what you were feeling. I could not see who you really are.
Therefore, in conclusion...
God exists in perfect harmony so there is no separation within the Godhead for God to have any type of disobedience within Himself. So if God is three and one (and He is) then the issue of authority can't be the same type of authority that is ascribed to man because the Lord is far more perfect than man.
Anyways, I hope this helps.
And may God bless you greatly.
With loving kindness to you in Christ: