Christian Persecutions

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I really didn't want to write this article, but I have no choice. Something needs to be said.

I have been persecuted for being a Christian all of my Christian life, which is almost 50 years. I have never hid the fact that I am a blood bought born again child of God. When I was in business for myself as a lumber broker I always kept a Bible on my desk as a witness that I was a Christian.

After I retired I got bored and became a state certified home inspector. I had no idea of what I was getting into. I had no idea of the hatred that Realtors had for home inspectors. I was a good home inspector and felt that I had a moral obligation to reveal to the buyers the condition of the home that they were purchasing.

Well, many times the buyers would back out of the deal because of my report. It was not unusual to get a call from the Realtor cussing me out for causing the deal to fall through. And then all of the Realtors got together and black balled me. That was after I became a lab certified mold inspector. I had brochures in most of the Realtors offices. Many of them threw my brochures in the trash.

Well here I am again on TOL. The last place where you might think that you would be persecuted as a Christian. I have been here for 10 years. First, let me say this, Christians do not persecute Christians. Unbelievers are the ones that persecute Christians. Satan must persecute Christ. If you are "In Christ" you will be persecuted. If you are not persecuted it is because you are not standing up for Christ and his Gospel. There is nothing in the Bible about being a secret Christian. Those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit will have the witness in themselves.

This Forum and the moderators are a real disappointment to me. They willingly allow John W. to call me and other Christians every derogatory name that there is. I have been called Satan, devil, moron, wolf, plus many other names. This is a form of persecution. The moderators allow John to do this in the hope that I will disappear. I don't know why they just don't ban me, maybe they will after this article. I finally got out of the home inspection business. I was in it for 9 years. What these persecutors don't know is that everything is being recorded and will be revealed in the judgment, Matthew 10:26.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I really didn't want to write this article, but I have no choice. Something needs to be said.

I have been persecuted for being a Christian all of my Christian life, which is almost 50 years. I have never hid the fact that I am a blood bought born again child of God. When I was in business for myself as a lumber broker I always kept a Bible on my desk as a witness that I was a Christian.

After I retired I got bored and became a state certified home inspector. I had no idea of what I was getting into. I had no idea of the hatred that Realtors had for home inspectors. I was a good home inspector and felt that I had a moral obligation to reveal to the buyers the condition of the home that they were purchasing.

Well, many times the buyers would back out of the deal because of my report. It was not unusual to get a call from the Realtor cussing me out for causing the deal to fall through. And then all of the Realtors got together and black balled me. That was after I became a lab certified mold inspector. I had brochures in most of the Realtors offices. Many of them threw my brochures in the trash.

Well here I am again on TOL. The last place where you might think that you would be persecuted as a Christian. I have been here for 10 years. First, let me say this, Christians do not persecute Christians. Unbelievers are the ones that persecute Christians. Satan must persecute Christ. If you are "In Christ" you will be persecuted. If you are not persecuted it is because you are not standing up for Christ and his Gospel. There is nothing in the Bible about being a secret Christian. Those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit will have the witness in themselves.

This Forum and the moderators are a real disappointment to me. They willingly allow John W. to call me and other Christians every derogatory name that there is. I have been called Satan, devil, moron, wolf, plus many other names. This is a form of persecution. The moderators allow John to do this in the hope that I will disappear. I don't know why they just don't ban me, maybe they will after this article. I finally got out of the home inspection business. I was in it for 9 years. What these persecutors don't know is that everything is being recorded and will be revealed in the judgment, Matthew 10:26.

No member of the body of Christ, believer in the LORD God of the bible, asserts this satanic doctrine of demons, so stuff your "wounded soul" routine, you wolf, posing as a sheep:

You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.


I have noticed what john w is doing to you. It is not right.

It is sad but a very good thing that in general a post on a thread needs to be in keeping with the OP or Opening Post. That we start threads inspired by or because of something on another thread or another post on TOL or Theology Online or some other reason from our own person or life is expected though we don't always know if there is something that has caused this or not.

When a person is insulted or called names in public or in a particular venue it is difficult to stop that which is occuring. Yes, there is persecution or suffering wrongly where sometimes the offender is not brought to account or approached in private, confidence, or in person. It may even be that the offender was not addressed in the venue in which the offense took place, and the fact that on the internet not everyone sees every post or experiences them at the same time.

I encourage you to continue to learn the truth from God by reading the Bible which is God's Word to Man. Man's Theology or Ideas have failed people in the past which may be true of you (or me) in the present. If you recognize something that does not sound right, maybe it was not in or from scripture.

Perhaps we can discuss whatever it is that you are dealing with sometime. For now you included a Member of Theology Online in your post here and I do not know if he has yet been given a chance to make a response or give a reply at the time of my making this post.



God's Truth

New member
I really didn't want to write this article, but I have no choice. Something needs to be said.

I have been persecuted for being a Christian all of my Christian life, which is almost 50 years. I have never hid the fact that I am a blood bought born again child of God. When I was in business for myself as a lumber broker I always kept a Bible on my desk as a witness that I was a Christian.

After I retired I got bored and became a state certified home inspector. I had no idea of what I was getting into. I had no idea of the hatred that Realtors had for home inspectors. I was a good home inspector and felt that I had a moral obligation to reveal to the buyers the condition of the home that they were purchasing.

Well, many times the buyers would back out of the deal because of my report. It was not unusual to get a call from the Realtor cussing me out for causing the deal to fall through. And then all of the Realtors got together and black balled me. That was after I became a lab certified mold inspector. I had brochures in most of the Realtors offices. Many of them threw my brochures in the trash.

Well here I am again on TOL. The last place where you might think that you would be persecuted as a Christian. I have been here for 10 years. First, let me say this, Christians do not persecute Christians. Unbelievers are the ones that persecute Christians. Satan must persecute Christ. If you are "In Christ" you will be persecuted. If you are not persecuted it is because you are not standing up for Christ and his Gospel. There is nothing in the Bible about being a secret Christian. Those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit will have the witness in themselves.

This Forum and the moderators are a real disappointment to me. They willingly allow John W. to call me and other Christians every derogatory name that there is. I have been called Satan, devil, moron, wolf, plus many other names. This is a form of persecution. The moderators allow John to do this in the hope that I will disappear. I don't know why they just don't ban me, maybe they will after this article. I finally got out of the home inspection business. I was in it for 9 years. What these persecutors don't know is that everything is being recorded and will be revealed in the judgment, Matthew 10:26.

You are just as bad as them.

You condemned yourself .

You say Satan condemns Christians .

You have condemned me a Christian.


john w if I may I do not know if this originally came from me.

I don't use the Old Testament to make a point, rather the TaNaK is the All Scripture Paul wrote about to Timothy. The Old Covenant being different has been refined to promoting a discussion of what it is.

I know Jesus did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.

I do not know if the TaNaK came before the 39 Book Christian Old Covenant or Old Testament.

Can a person use Scripture to make a point? Yes. I suppose. Because it is true. But the way that we look at the books changes what we are trying to say when we reference them.

It may not have been me. And I don't know about Robert Pate.




The Old Testament/covenant is gone, but not as Robert Pate says.

There is a New Covenant. And, with the change of the priesthood there has been a change of the law, as Jesus is our High Priest.

Maybe Robert Pate has been dealing with something where he has been able to minister from what he knows.

It is important to take a self-appraisal.

God's Truth

New member
There is a New Covenant. And, with the change of the priesthood there has been a change of the law, as Jesus is our High Priest.

Maybe Robert Pate has been dealing with something where he has been able to minister from what he knows.

It is important to take a self-appraisal.

Robert Pate condemns people and he doesn't know the truth; but he doesn't like it when others do what he does. He is a hypocrite, among other things.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I really didn't want to write this article, but I have no choice. Something needs to be said.

So much for your free will, then, no? No choice? Really? Rather you chose because you wanted to hold yourself out for undeserved sympathies while ridiculing those to which you are appealing.

Lachrymose appeals and "Woe is me!" cavils about moderators and others do not suit you, Robert. You have been here for ten years because all other venues where you have plied your stock and trade have banned you. Count your blessings instead of bemoaning your travails.

Another article. Sigh.
As I have suggested, try creating your own blog at this site and you can blog your articles all day long:

The real reason you are the object of attention by others:

I have been here longer, and I can say that there is no other member at this site that has been given the latitude that you enjoy without being banned for the same antics. Again, count your blessings.



New member
First, let me say this, Christians do not persecute Christians.

Robert, I don't see where you have been persecuted as a Christian.

But I do see where you have been persecuted as a deceiver.

You consistently contradict scripture with your wild interpretations.

And you are impervious to correction.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
john w if I may I do not know if this originally came from me.

I don't use the Old Testament to make a point, rather the TaNaK is the All Scripture Paul wrote about to Timothy. The Old Covenant being different has been refined to promoting a discussion of what it is.

I know Jesus did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.

I do not know if the TaNaK came before the 39 Book Christian Old Covenant or Old Testament.

Can a person use Scripture to make a point? Yes. I suppose. Because it is true. But the way that we look at the books changes what we are trying to say when we reference them.

It may not have been me. And I don't know about Robert Pate.


You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Robert, I don't see where you have been persecuted as a Christian.

But I do see where you have been persecuted as a deceiver.

You consistently contradict scripture with your wild interpretations.

And you are impervious to correction.

You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So much for your free will, then, no? No choice? Really? Rather you chose because you wanted to hold yourself out for undeserved sympathies while ridiculing those to which you are appealing.

Lachrymose appeals and "Woe is me!" cavils about moderators and others do not suit you, Robert. You have been here for ten years because all other venues where you have plied your stock and trade have banned you. Count your blessings instead of bemoaning your travails.

Another article. Sigh.
As I have suggested, try creating your own blog at this site and you can blog your articles all day long:

The real reason you are the object of attention by others:

I have been here longer, and I can say that there is no other member at this site that has been given the latitude that you enjoy without being banned for the same antics. Again, count your blessings.

You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.


Well-known member
I really didn't want to write this article, but I have no choice. Something needs to be said.

I have been persecuted for being a Christian all of my Christian life, which is almost 50 years. I have never hid the fact that I am a blood bought born again child of God. When I was in business for myself as a lumber broker I always kept a Bible on my desk as a witness that I was a Christian.

After I retired I got bored and became a state certified home inspector. I had no idea of what I was getting into. I had no idea of the hatred that Realtors had for home inspectors. I was a good home inspector and felt that I had a moral obligation to reveal to the buyers the condition of the home that they were purchasing.

Well, many times the buyers would back out of the deal because of my report. It was not unusual to get a call from the Realtor cussing me out for causing the deal to fall through. And then all of the Realtors got together and black balled me. That was after I became a lab certified mold inspector. I had brochures in most of the Realtors offices. Many of them threw my brochures in the trash.

Well here I am again on TOL. The last place where you might think that you would be persecuted as a Christian. I have been here for 10 years. First, let me say this, Christians do not persecute Christians. Unbelievers are the ones that persecute Christians. Satan must persecute Christ. If you are "In Christ" you will be persecuted. If you are not persecuted it is because you are not standing up for Christ and his Gospel. There is nothing in the Bible about being a secret Christian. Those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit will have the witness in themselves.

This Forum and the moderators are a real disappointment to me. They willingly allow John W. to call me and other Christians every derogatory name that there is. I have been called Satan, devil, moron, wolf, plus many other names. This is a form of persecution. The moderators allow John to do this in the hope that I will disappear. I don't know why they just don't ban me, maybe they will after this article. I finally got out of the home inspection business. I was in it for 9 years. What these persecutors don't know is that everything is being recorded and will be revealed in the judgment, Matthew 10:26.

And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Acts 7:59-60

God's Truth

New member
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Acts 7:59-60

Pate goes against obeying Jesus.

By the way, you are a Calvinist.

Don't you know what Robert says about you?