Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
You also did not recognize the reference to "the milk of the Word" and "Jerusalem of above", our mother-covenant according to Paul in Gal 4? His "mother" is the Catholic church by his own admission, but your response is also not surprising.

You also did not recognize the SOUR allusion to grapes by which you have set our teeth on edge. But your response is also not surprising....for once again you have proven to be grating.

Eagles Wings

New member
I don't like booze, so don't fool with that at all.

Drunks annoy me. But, I won't let it bother me unless it bothers the Lord reminds me, too.

How is God glorified by your smoking pot?

Have you studied the effect of THC on the brain?

How can you be certain you are not opening yourself to demons when the mind is altered?

Even if only once a month?

Why, Glory?


Well-known member
You are such an idiot. You're the one with crazy, outer space alien trillion-to-1 against interpretations of things Daqq. Why would Our Father Who art in heaven be unable to communicate something as important as what you're suggesting, until you showed up? Why are you the only one saying what you say? Are you so narcissistic, that you couldn't even care less, that you're apparently a raging egomaniac, completely wasted on testosterone? Fall in line.

Do you know how I was delivered from alcoholism? I finally surrendered and began to immerse myself in the Torah and the Prophets, (after assuming myself to have been a "Christian" and "saved" for a very long time, believing in much the same way that many do here). One day I was reading in Daniel 8 and came across the "king of fierce countenance", (and I recognized and knew him well as my old man twin), and I also remembered that I had read the same phrase in Deuteronomy 28:50, and that is when I realized that the curses in the Torah had somehow come upon me; and I also came to realize that the Prophets are always expounding the Torah, just as the Master does throughout the Gospel accounts in his holy Testimony. I can honestly say that the Word of Elohim, the Torah, the Living Oracles of the Father, delivered me from my alcoholism: for I have not had a sip, or a drink, or anything, not even any kind of pharmakea, in nine years now. Some of you here in this very thread might actually be able to help some of your own friends who are struggling with such things if only you would believe the truth. But of course that might mean that you yourselves would be required to change also, and "God forbid" you "fall" from your grace only doctrines by doing what is right not only for yourselves but for those you love and care about. It is not a bad thing to hear about the judgment of Elohim such as even what the OP quoted to Evil.Eye.


Well-known member
How is God glorified by your smoking pot?

Have you studied the effect of THC on the brain?

How can you be certain you are not opening yourself to demons when the mind is altered?

Even if only once a month?

Why, Glory?

Does it glorify God when you watch TV? When you read your novels? When you eat fudge brownies?
When you go shopping for a new hat? Have you studied the effects on your brain. Have you considered it could open you up to demons or entice you to lust or to sin.

Pot is milder than a glass of wine....much more so. It's better for me than valium or opioides or other pain killers.

I'm sixty seven years old, and I've been saved for over forty years. I know quite well what is best for me.

Eagles Wings

New member
Does it glorify God when you watch TV? When you read your novels? When you eat fudge brownies?
When you go shopping for a new hat? Have you studied the effects on your brain. Have you considered it could open you up to demons or entice you to lust or to sin.

Pot is milder than a glass of wine....much more so. It's better for me than valium or opioides or other pain killers.

I'm sixty seven years old, and I've been saved for over forty years. I know quite well what is best for me.
Your age does not matter.

I strongly advise you to stop it, Glory.

I will pray you do.