Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
I mean, technically, if a believer's pot smoking (or whatever) stumbles another believer by offending them (because their conscience does not allow them to approve of it), then if we use this passage without prooftexting it, the pot smoker would have to give up pot (or whatever) out of respect and charity for that other believer's lack of faith. Rom 15:1-2

Again, just one guy's opinion.

You wouldn't want to smoke it in front of him. Just like you wouldn't want to drink alcohol in front of an alcoholic.


Well-known member
The context of the chapter is believers arguing and judging one another over the obsolete standard of clean and unclean foods. I personally would not stretch it beyond that. Just my opinion, counts for no more than that.

It's true of anything that might offend someone else. For instance, some believe celebrating birthdays is wrong...or Christmas. Some believe watching TV is wrong. Some believe spanking your kids is wrong. We simply cannot and should not walk in another man's convictions, but be thoroughly persuaded in our own minds.

Romans 14:22
Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.

Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.


You do not see all of the Tanakh quotes in the writings of Paul?
Perhaps you should look for a different "mother"-covenant, eh blindy?
It appears you have been suckling on sour milk for too long . . .
You are such an idiot. You're the one with crazy, outer space alien trillion-to-1 against interpretations of things Daqq. Why would Our Father Who art in heaven be unable to communicate something as important as what you're suggesting, until you showed up? Why are you the only one saying what you say? Are you so narcissistic, that you couldn't even care less, that you're apparently a raging egomaniac, completely wasted on testosterone? Fall in line.


Well-known member
You are such an idiot. You're the one with crazy, outer space alien trillion-to-1 against interpretations of things Daqq. Why would Our Father Who art in heaven be unable to communicate something as important as what you're suggesting, until you showed up? Why are you the only one saying what you say? Are you so narcissistic, that you couldn't even care less, that you're apparently a raging egomaniac, completely wasted on testosterone? Fall in line.

And he thinks you suck on sour milk, too. :chuckle:


Well-known member
And he thinks you suck on sour milk, too. :chuckle:

You also did not recognize the reference to "the milk of the Word" and "Jerusalem of above", our mother-covenant according to Paul in Gal 4? His "mother" is the Catholic church by his own admission, but your response is also not surprising.