Christian Florist Can Lose Personal Assets for Declining Gay Wedding


Expecting a business person to treat minorities with dignity and respect is forcing her to deny her beliefs?

Yes, respecting other human beings runs akin to "turning her back on God." :plain:

...some god she's got there. :think:


New member
They need to clear it with *The Thought Police*.

The thought police in action




Yeah? Well, I predicted that you guys were going to regret placing your religion in the way of someone else's rights, because you wouldn't like the answer.

still waiting for you to show us where in the constitution is the “right” to force someone to enter unwillingly into a business transaction

The thought police in action



were those private businesses or government agencies?

if they were private businesses, what business is it of yours who they wished to do business with?

Jose Fly

New member
if they were private businesses, what business is it of yours who they wished to do business with?
Because we tried that and ended up with the Jim Crow south.

Sorry folks, but society is clearly trending away from what you want. :)


Because we tried that and ended up with the Jim Crow south.

Sorry folks, but society is clearly trending away from what you want. :)

my question was to traci

but to address your response - we didn't try that at the government level - that was my whole point - forcing a government to change its behavior is quite a different thing from forcing a private citizen to change their behavior


eisenhower sending federal troops to forcibly thwart gov faubus was a good thing

federal judges forcing private citizens to enter unwillingly into a business transaction is a bad thing


New member
If I am already booked on the date you seek my services, I could legitimately refuse your request for my services.

Well there you have it. She should simply book a vacation that weekend and say she is unavailable to serve them.


New member
still waiting for you to show us where in the constitution is the “right” to force someone to enter unwillingly into a business transaction

were those private businesses or government agencies?

if they were private businesses, what business is it of yours who they wished to do business with?

It's not an explicit Constitutional right. See also the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution and the various Civil Rights Acts.


New member
the constitution deliberately limits the power of government

that claim that it has the right to force private citizens into business transactions aginst their will is unconstitutional

They aren't forcing private citizens into anything. They require businesses offering a public accommodation to serve the whole public equally.


They aren't forcing private citizens into anything. They require businesses offering a public accommodation to serve the whole public equally.

they are forcing citizens (in this case a florist) into a business relationship against their will

there's nothing in the constitution that gives the government that power


New member
still waiting for you to show us where in the constitution is the “right” to force someone to enter unwillingly into a business transaction

were those private businesses or government agencies?

if they were private businesses, what business is it of yours who they wished to do business with?

Try actually reading the constitution


New member
the constitution deliberately limits the power of government

that claim that it has the right to force private citizens into business transactions aginst their will is unconstitutional

The florist in the OP is running a public business.

The 14th amendment protects everyone from discrimination in the public sector.


New member
they are forcing citizens (in this case a florist) into a business relationship against their will

The private citizens are choosing to run a business. That business is subjected to a number of regulations, one of which is that if they purport to be open to the public (note that these laws don't generally apply to private clubs), then they must serve the entire public. The nexus of personal choice is in running such a business or not.

there's nothing in the constitution that gives the government that power

The government relies on the law. The law demands this kind of equality in commerce.