No, I think you should try to organize an anti marriage group right slap dab in the middle of a wedding party if it suits you. But if and when you do, when you specifically aim to do that, it speaks to something and I'll speak to that, as I did.
This is a false analogy, as has been copiously demonstrated.
Atheism is not Anti-Christmas. The comparison is utter hogwash. You still have yet to address this point head on, and probably never will.
If eliciting negative responses and/or outrage, were a prerequisite for a tasteless billboard, then atheist billboards would be "tasteless" year-round.
I'm not sure why you decided to truncate a full answer on this point and pretend the incomplete was a complete answer, but you might want to omit the "A)" next time. It sort of gives what you're doing away.
I didn't omit "A)" precisely so that people would know that it was part of a three part answer. This was intentional, your assumption of deception notwithstanding. You gave a three part answer, and I addressed all three parts, but
Part A was the only part you denied being part of your argument. So allow me to lay it out for you.
You said that the billboard in question was tasteless, and in defense of that statement you stated that the timing is central to that statement, though obviously timing alone (as the iPhone example illustrated) wasn't the issue. You also included motive in that defense, though remaining vague on what exactly that entailed. So from this it appears that timing + Motive, is what makes the ad in poor taste. So in questioning you on what motive you suppose is behind the ad you gave a three part response: A, B, and C.
I responded to all three points, to which you gave a counter-response to only two. In essence, both points A & B are implicit in all ads, and I've said as much. You haven't argued or disputed that, and you don't appear to object to all ads. So what gives?
The argument being that the Timing, Motive A, and Motive B, are all non-specific to the atheist billboard in question, this only leaves Motive C. So why include A and B, at all?
From that I expected that perhaps you would then claim that points A, B, and C, were bad only in conjunction with each other; That on their own, each individual point could be benign. I was waiting for you to say something along those lines, but you never did. So neither did you offer any response regarding my rebuttal to point A, nor did you claim that "A on its own isn't bad, only in conjunction with the other points" (though I have a rebuttal for that claim as well). Instead you simply said "Not my argument" absent of any explanation of why point A was included at all if that wasn't your argument.
From my perceptive, this just looks like you stonewalling.
No, I'm speaking to the crassness of picking a wedding to hold up a sign saying, "Don't believe in marriage? You're not alone."
The message is the
necessary cause of the crass-ness of the act, right? If the sign had said something else, it would not have been crass. A sign that had said "Chapel this way ->" would not have been crass at a wedding. The message on the sign is what makes the difference. Denial of this is just bizarre.