That's a good distinction for discussions and meaning. :up:
i believe it's simple, or not extremely complicated, i see works as good, motive is the key (wide-ranging), see, already complicated, but fruit comes through believing, acting without motive or "recognition", as nothing we do is counted righteous (completely). fruit (wide-ranging), we know it when we see it and God Knows. somehow, fruit got all tied up and connected . . . to works, and law (OT), by some folks. yes, very debated i suppose. it's as if, when I say I am dead to sin, i'm saying sin doesn't matter. or if one says they aren't under the law, then they must repent and plead for forgiveness daily. then why not 24-7, because it will never be enough. this is what Jesus is all about. and all Scripture, summed up nicely by Paul, with new information FROM CHRIST (i had to throw that in) Lon, i'm not ducking out, i'm hittin' the sack. God Bless you everyday. peace -
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