Changed by TOL


New member
How TOL changed me:

Before I joined I wore the identifier, Messianic Jew, even though I had not attended a Synagogue for 8 years. I have been identified as such for 15 years. There just wasn't one in the towns where I lived when I moved from Colorado. So my husband took the family to Baptist churches. The Calvinism and the liberalism there really did not win my heart. The American Baptist Church in Lincoln Nebraska was a turn off. The pastor preached tolerance of homosexuality. What I had seen of Gentile Christianity just did not impress me. I was even more turned off by it when I started modding another debate site and was exposed to the 'Emergent' movement. My theology has pretty much been the same all of my life. The kind of church where I was raised, I just cannot find anymore. The problem has been finding the right fit in terms of identifier.--Then along come TOL, something completely new in the way of a website. Its not ooey gooey namby pamby like other debate sites that put Christians in time out for saying homosexuality is a perversion. I can even say the homosexuality should be put back in the criminal category and not get squashed like a bug by the Admins. I found others like myself that wore the tag Christian. I learned on here that the term “Bible Believing Christian” is the best description of how I believe. This site has also helped me put names on what I believe.

I am a
6 day Creationist,
Young Earther,
Open Theist
Exchanged Lifer
and a Theonomist.

Now you haters out there can throw your tomatoes. :rolleyes:

No Inzl, no hating between christians. I'm glad you're here.
And, anyway, tomatoes are good for you! Blessings, pat

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
How TOL changed me:

Before I joined I wore the identifier, Messianic Jew, even though I had not attended a Synagogue for 8 years. I have been identified as such for 15 years. There just wasn't one in the towns where I lived when I moved from Colorado. So my husband took the family to Baptist churches. The Calvinism and the liberalism there really did not win my heart. The American Baptist Church in Lincoln Nebraska was a turn off. The pastor preached tolerance of homosexuality. What I had seen of Gentile Christianity just did not impress me. I was even more turned off by it when I started modding another debate site and was exposed to the 'Emergent' movement. My theology has pretty much been the same all of my life. The kind of church where I was raised, I just cannot find anymore. The problem has been finding the right fit in terms of identifier.--Then along come TOL, something completely new in the way of a website. Its not ooey gooey namby pamby like other debate sites that put Christians in time out for saying homosexuality is a perversion. I can even say the homosexuality should be put back in the criminal category and not get squashed like a bug by the Admins. I found others like myself that wore the tag Christian. I learned on here that the term “Bible Believing Christian” is the best description of how I believe. This site has also helped me put names on what I believe.

I am a
6 day Creationist,
Young Earther,
Open Theist
Exchanged Lifer
and a Theonomist.

Now you haters out there can throw your tomatoes. :rolleyes:


Did the baptist that told you it is ok to be a homo, be obediant and get water batpised?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

Did the baptist that told you it is ok to be a homo, be obediant and get water batpised?

Yup :vomit: I wasn't well liked by some people in that church because I didn't believe that way. This was the disgusting church that I mentioned a while back that had the teenage boys dress in drag for Halloween and have a beauty contest. :vomit::vomit::vomit:


New member
Hall of Fame
How many of you would say that you have changed...

...theologically, politically, etc....

...since you have been an active participator on TOL.

NOTE: This change need not be as a direct result of being on TOL (through the ideas and words of others), although those stories, I think, would be the most interesting.


I think the best summary of how I've changed is that I've become more liberal theologically and politically. Influences outside of TOL have contributed to that also, though, so it's very possible I would have gone through similar changes even without TOL. Joining TOL was in some ways a step in the process.

I've also learned that I have a lot to learn and to ask a lot of questions.

I've grown to hate dogma on all sides and of all stripes.

Nathon Detroit

I think the best summary of how I've changed is that I've become more liberal theologically and politically. Influences outside of TOL have contributed to that also, though, so it's very possible I would have gone through similar changes even without TOL. Joining TOL was in some ways a step in the process.
Maybe I should ban you before you become a total loser.



New member
Hall of Fame
Rabbit trails are okay sometimes. I occasionally take them myself. In fact... sometimes the rabbit trail is the most interesting part of the thread. Yet some folks hijack every thread they participate in and that can be frustrating (you are not one of those folks). :)

Rabbit trails can be nice but you occasionally run into an Arthur Brain and have to backtrack quickly!! :granite:


New member
Hall of Fame
When I first came to TOL I was fairly fundamental in my Christianity but I was moving toward a more Liberal approach. Politically, I'm not sure? I think I was fairly Conservative in a Libertarian sort of way. It's hard for me to remember exactly where I was at that time. These days I'm not sure where I stand as far as labels and I don't worry about it. I vote for whomever I think is a good candidate. Last November I voted for a Libertarian and a Socialist, neither of which had a chance of winning. It was slim pickens around here.

About the time I showed up here I started looking into Messianic Judaism but quickly figured out there wasn't much Jewish about it. By the next year I was able to let go of Christianity even in it's liberal form. Six months later I started at the Synagogue.

I can't say for certain how my beliefs and opinions will change over time. They aren't set in concrete. Some may describe me as wishy-washy. I would say I'm just open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. I will stand pretty firm when I think something is wrong or something needs to be said. I don't change my mind from moment to moment on a whim. I just try to be open to more knowledge and considerate of others people's perspective as well as experience.

In a few months I'll go to the mikveh for my conversion to Judaism. I didn't grow up in a Jewish family and I had no Jewish education. I have to grow into my Jewish identity as an adult without being a part of a Jewish family. It's isn't easy and I have so much to learn. Where I am now is surely not where I will be five years down the line, ten years down the line or 30 years from now. It's a whole new world.

What has drawn you to Judaism?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Rabbit trails are okay sometimes. I occasionally take them myself. In fact... sometimes the rabbit trail is the most interesting part of the thread. Yet some folks hijack every thread they participate in and that can be frustrating (you are not one of those folks). :)

You should've seen the bunny trail in VC's thread on abortion. :dizzy:


New member
How many of you would say that you have changed...

...theologically, politically, etc....

...since you have been an active participator on TOL.

NOTE: This change need not be as a direct result of being on TOL (through the ideas and words of others), although those stories, I think, would be the most interesting.


Wow this is an interesting thought, it's forcing me to think to much about why I joined, where I have been usually caught thinking about why I stay . . . . Cogs are starting to turn in ones brain again, this could be messy!

The main thing issue that has changed for me with ToL's help was abortion . . .

I used to be against abortion as a personal choice for me, as I have always wanted kids, however I could see and understand why some would take the option . . .

That changed . . . .

My last partner mis-carried at 6 months, something that effectively finished the relationship, I was truly heart broken and took a leave of absence from sanity for a little while. This mixed with some compelling arguments from others here, Elo and fool stick out, has landed me with the belief that there is always a better option and it should be done, the child's life is paramount. My only problem with the subject is I do not wish to see girls/women having to go to back alley internet doctors to get an abortion in the worst conditions.

ToL played a big part in this.

Son of Jack

New member
Wow this is an interesting thought, it's forcing me to think to much about why I joined, where I have been usually caught thinking about why I stay . . . . Cogs are starting to turn in ones brain again, this could be messy!


The main thing issue that has changed for me with ToL's help was abortion . . .

I used to be against abortion as a personal choice for me, as I have always wanted kids, however I could see and understand why some would take the option . . .

That changed . . . .

My last partner mis-carried at 6 months, something that effectively finished the relationship, I was truly heart broken and took a leave of absence from sanity for a little while. This mixed with some compelling arguments from others here, Elo and fool stick out, has landed me with the belief that there is always a better option and it should be done, the child's life is paramount. My only problem with the subject is I do not wish to see girls/women having to go to back alley internet doctors to get an abortion in the worst conditions.

ToL played a big part in this.

Ragtag, that's an awful thing to have to go through. My wife and I have had a number of very close friends experience that as well. Thankfully, we have been blessed with three healthy children, the result of three complication-free pregnancies.

Honestly, I can't imagine what life would be like without any one of them. My heart goes out to you, and your former partner. Thanks for sharing.

PS - A full-hearted AMEN to what I bolded.:)


I joined to argue, listen, talk, and change, learn, think, network, share, care, pray, live, to reconsider, to ponder, to grow.