Clete said:
If God does not exist, knowledge of anything is impossible.
That statement is almost true, what it should say is "If God does not exist,
absolute knowledge of anything is impossible."
Clete, I think this is where you misunderstand what science is, and what it deals with. It does not deal with absolute truths or absolute certainty. Science is merely a tool to help explain observable reality with other pieces of observable reality (with some exceptions). That does not imply any absolutes. Science does not absoultely rule out the FSM messing around with our lives, Just that it has seen no magic spaghetti sauce as of yet.
Clete said:
No it doesn't. Certain theories contradict it but nothing that has been proven or that even could be proven for that matter. In fact, the real evidence is that the Earth really is only 6000 years old and that there was a world wide flood. I'd say that those were topics for another thread though. I'd prefer to keep this discussion on the topic of Carl Sagan and how his worldview is religious at it core.
Science is theories. If a certain theory is accepted, and it contradicts the Bible, for all intents and purposed you can say science refutes the Bible.
If you want to argue science is an unreliable way to get relative knowledge, then go right ahead, we're all ears.
Clete said:
The statement that, "all truth claims must be rational", is itself a truth claim.
How would you proppose to verify the truth of that claim?
That is an intersting philosophical conundrum. However, science is a very practical field. Logic works! The scientific method work! They have both been very useful
tools to learn about our environment.
As has been stated, there are some axioms. The reliability of our senses (most of the time), and the reliability of our brains (most of the time). If you deny these axioms, then you deny reality. While on an absolute scale you may be correct, on a practical scale all you say is meaningless to our reality.
Clete said:
Sorry, I generally assume quacking birds to be ducks. If you're not an atheist, what are you?
HEY! I resent that. Not all quaking birds are ducks!