God says the wicked profess themselves to be wise, not knowing they are fools."Stupid" certainly applies here ironically.
God says the wicked profess themselves to be wise, not knowing they are fools."Stupid" certainly applies here ironically.
What do you profess yourself to be?God says the wicked profess themselves to be wise, not knowing they are fools.
Total bunk. Trump lost. Conspiracy rubbish will flow for a while yet but eventually will fall down the drain and possibly into a swamp which would be ironic.No judge in the land has examined this evidence and hundreds of others and found it to be false.
The election results in Virginia’s Fairfax County were very suspect late Election Night. There were five ballot drops each with over 300,000 votes for Biden in and out like a yoyo which ended up being 73% of the County’s votes for Biden.![]()
More on Biden's 308,000 Ballot Drop in Fairfax County Virginia on Election Night - This One Ballot Drop Was 73% of Biden Votes in the County -- EXPLAIN THAT! | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
The election results in Virginia’s Fairfax County were very suspect late Election Night. There were five ballot drops each with over 300,000 votes for Biden in and out like a yoyo which ended up being 73% of the County’s votes for Biden.www.thegatewaypundit.com
We’ve reported since the election on the unreal results in Virginia on Election night. We uncovered a pattern that occurred in Virginia as well as in other states that we labeled the “Drop and Roll”
Equating universal health care and welfare systems with stealing from people is a misnomer from the start.
From a moral perspective, there has to be provision for everybody,
unless you'd rather anyone who is unable to work should have no food?
Furthermore, it's a system - over here at least that you can avail yourself of should you ever find yourself in a position of unemployment or even permanently rendered incapable of work. How is that theft?
Would you sooner the elderly, disabled and sick simply shuffled off their mortal coil instead of receiving care?
If you were to find yourself in such a position then you'd be entitled to the care that you seemingly begrudge others.
If there's no healthcare afforded for the chronically ill, disabled and elderly because you don't support a system that provides it then what other "choice" is there but for them to succumb?
People who support democracy are not "sinning".
That's just your own subjective opinion
based on your religious views
that nobody is obliged to agree with.
Should the chronically ill, the disabled and elderly just be allowed to succumb to their condition, disease and ailments and not be provided health care?
Should the chronically ill, the disabled and elderly just be allowed to succumb to their condition, disease and ailments and not be provided health care?
Um, no, the evasion is all yours. For the third time of asking, should the chronically ill, the disabled and the elderly be afforded health care?
And more tin foil hat rubbish.
You've taken that Paul quote and reduced it to something that wouldn't remotely apply to a myriad settings in the present. In your "utopia", people would starve if they weren't working even if willing and able and those who couldn't would be reliant on family and friends never mind their ability to support them. The homeless, they're just "bums", right?When such a system by default is taking money from others to give it to other people who are not deserving of such, it is, by definition, theft.
Because you say so?
Because Paul said if a man does not work, he shall not eat.
There's a huge difference between not being able to work, and not being willing to work.
Neither of which require the government to take from others to give to them.
Because it's taking from other people to give to you. That is, by definition, theft.
What gave you that idea?
Talk about a non-sequitur...
If I were in that position, I'd be asking those around me to help me out. Hopefully, I wouldn't have burned those bridges down previously.
I wouldn't dare ask the government for help.
It's called asking for help from one's neighbors, be it family, friends, or those around him.
Yeah, they are.
My opinion has nothing to do with this.
It's called the Bible. Not "your religious views."
But we all know you hate God and His word.
Of course not. But that doesn't mean I won't promote the Truth.
Hopefully someone close to them, physically or relationally, would step in to provide.
Why do you think that the government should be the answer here?
Afforded healthcare? Sure.
Should the government be the one to provide it? NO.
Says the mask-wearer.
Didn't you know? Masks are the new tin foil hats...
What? !
You description of your ideal country positively abounds with military and police!
Your warships and no doubt more.
And that means that you would have 'military police' as well.
Ah! It looks as if you think that all sin is evil.
And Democrats....!
I'm not a Theist
but I'm guessing that a lot of Christians look upon Capitalism, making money and less care about all people in a community are the sinners.
Mammon or God? But I'm a Deist so can only guess about that.
Not enough, I'm afraid to say. Certainly not enough!
A people that doesn't care about it's weakest, most dependent ..... will dwindle.
Your community would not do so well, I'm thinking.
The Laws of Moses showed that in clear detail. Provision for the poor, strangers, orphans, widows, the sick and more.
I've been given the impression on TOL that governments who provide for the above are wicked!!!
Socialist!s and Commies all!
Well? How can you tell me that your new country would be any good?
Do you support the tenet of providing for all poor, orphans, widows, strangers, the sick and needy in your country?
Do you absolutely support full and free health provision for all Americans?
Do you support full and free healthcare, education and subsistence for all children?
Surely all children should be provided for?
Some parents do need help with healthcare, education and subsistence for their children.
Do you absolutely support full and free health provision for all Americans?
They don't need to be given money.
They need a Healthcare system provided for all!
Sin leads to sickness and death.
James {1:14} But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. {1:15} Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
Do you support full and free healthcare, education and subsistence for all children?
Do you think that Jesus was a Capitalist?
You did not know of a single word that Jesus spoke about LGBT or abortion.
I don't agree with getting rid of merely unwanted pregnancies by abortion,
but I can see that you do not know what Jesus said, and cannot quote him this.
You've taken that Paul quote and reduced it to something that wouldn't remotely apply to a myriad settings in the present.
In your "utopia", people would starve if they weren't working
even if willing and able
and those who couldn't would be reliant on family and friends never mind their ability to support them.
The homeless, they're just "bums", right?
If you ever find yourself in a position whereby you're out of work or completely down on your luck with no available help from family and friends that you seemingly presume most other people have, then fine. Don't avail yourself of any government aid.
Become homeless and retain that supposed pride that elevates you above those who accept it. However, why would you feel any better about taking income off your family and friends anyway?
Frankly, your opinion
where it comes to "hating God's word" can just be dismissed for the juvenile bunk that it is.
You are on record for promoting the most twisted and vile thing I've ever encountered on here. That being trying children in court as adults and executing them as young as five including stabbing them to death if they've committed a "capitol crime". That is beyond sick. It's no wonder that RD wouldn't address that in another thread and Jefferson felt obliged to state that any form of children being executed in context were adults. You don't get to declare 'truth' of any sort after that.
Yeah, I wear masks.
I'm not remotely surprised that you don't
and the projection is almost hysterical.
I wouldn't dare ask the government for help.
Are you going to accept the stimulus money coming your way?
You mean taking back the money that I've been forced to give the government over the past several years? Sure.
Indeed it is.
How about you? Do you support such a system?
You are the most sick, twisted and warped individual I've encountered on any sort of forum or social media site. It's no surprise that you lack even the remotest semblance of compassion or understanding for people who are homeless considering that you advocate the absolute sickness of executing five year old children.
Go ahead, bring the ban hammer down. You are disgusting.
You've taken that Paul quote and reduced it to something that wouldn't remotely apply to a myriad settings in the present.
In your "utopia", people would starve if they weren't working
even if willing and able
and those who couldn't would be reliant on family and friends never mind their ability to support them.
The homeless, they're just "bums", right?
If you ever find yourself in a position whereby you're out of work or completely down on your luck with no available help from family and friends that you seemingly presume most other people have, then fine. Don't avail yourself of any government aid.
Become homeless and retain that supposed pride that elevates you above those who accept it. However, why would you feel any better about taking income off your family and friends anyway?
Frankly, your opinion
where it comes to "hating God's word" can just be dismissed for the juvenile bunk that it is.
Yeah, I wear masks.
I'm not remotely surprised that you don't
and the projection is almost hysterical.
Yes, it's fascinating that you'd enjoy the fruits of a system you abhor.
The stimulus? Yes. Of course.
I don't know of a military force that does not have its own internal police, called military police.Normal police, normal military.
Sin leads to sickness and death.Eider: Which, if any, sin is NOT evil?
Financially speaking, everyone for themselves?Most Christians who have a proper Biblical worldview are capitalists.
Why does it have to be the government that does so?
Why can't it be the people themselves?
Why? Explain in detail, please.
Yup. But never in the form of government handouts.
People do want to have jobs, but where disability, sickness and redundancy exist then they can't, and their children need provision. It's pro-life, no?No, except as provided directly from the parents.
Of course, they should be provided for by their parents.
Then the father should work, while the mother takes care of the children.
Correct. They should work hard to earn money to provide for themselves and their children.
Because I believe that some actions are no longer leading to sickness.So why are you promoting sin?
I don't think so.Jesus was very much a capitalist.
Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’ - Matthew 20:15 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+20:15&version=NKJV
Do you follow all the laws of Moses?Jesus affirmed the law of Moses.
The law of Moses spoke against homosexuality and abortion.
I hate the idea of abortion, we gave up a great deal for our third child, but in some situations I wouldn't challenge abortions before !2 weeks.Do you, eider, reject that life begins at conception?
Nice.Yet you don't know what He said either, hypocrite.
First remove the plank from your own eye, so that you may see clearly to remove the mote from another's eye.
And the reason why is explained in the show which I linked above, which you clearly did not listen to.
No, not the stimulus, the system which allows for such.
I don't know of a military force that does not have its own internal police, called military police.
I don't know of a police force that does not have its own internal police force.
But if you won't have that then you won't.
Sin leads to sickness and death.
There is not one sin which does NOT lead to sickness. . . . Evil is sickness.
Financially speaking, everyone for themselves?
It is a Command....... that is a law.
Not charity, but law.
Hence taxation for such provision for all.
One quotation from many:
Leviticus {15:11} For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.
People do want to have jobs, but where disability, sickness and redundancy exist then they can't, and their children need provision.
It's pro-life, no?
Showing one of 14 such commands:-
Deut:{10:18} He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. {10:19} Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
Because I believe that some actions are no longer leading to sickness.
Do you obey ALL the laws of Moses? (less the sacrificial/ceremonial ones)
I don't think so.
Jesus was for all people, not just for himself.
Do you follow all the laws of Moses?
I hate the idea of abortion, we gave up a great deal for our third child, but in some situations I wouldn't challenge abortions before 2 weeks.
That's what I believe.
So you do agree.....Yes, that's part of a normal police force and part of a normal military force, at least in today's militaries.
Oh Wait! So you've changed your mind.You seemed to be making a different argument however, not related to such groups, which has caused me to wonder why you would bring such a point up...
Thinking about it for a moment, such a group within the military and police forces would not be needed, since in my ideal system, there's always a higher earthly authority (except above the the King, who's authority is below God's). Recursion isn't the answer to justice.
Evil is simply the opposite of good, imo.Please answer the question I asked:
Which sin, if any, is NOT evil?
Which sin, if any, is NOT evil?
You read the verses........ don't question me, question them....To do what, eider, to have the government take my money so that they can, after taking a cut, spread the money to everyone else?
Or to give from my hand to yours willingly?
A Commandment from your God is a Law.Correct. You cannot compel charity, especially through a law.
Perhaps you could point out where it says that taxation should fund such efforts?
Because I'm not see it.
Strangers are covered many many times in the poor laws.Again, where does it say that the government should be the one you open your hand to?
I see:
- To your brother
- To the poor
- To the needy
I don't see:
- To the government
- To the people in other lands
But your God commanded that the community support all in the community, so that's what the law was....... The poor, strangers, widows, the sick...... all needed community support.So they ask for help from family, friends, neighbors.
No need for the government to get involved.
Don't forget that people have a right to fail, too.
I don't see too much risk of that in your ideal world.Harming people with love is also possible, eider.
Yep..... that's a broken record, all right.I'm going to sound like a broken record here but, where does it say that the government has to be involved in the process?
Mirror!You're certainly free to believe all the weird things you want.
That doesn't make those beliefs correct though.
Jesus was giving! Not holding back!Ignoring what Jesus said isn't helping your argument, eider.
Jesus said:
Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’ - Matthew 20:15 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+20:15&version=NKJV
No. But where I live we allow women to choose whether to carry pregnancy or not...... I think the time limit is about 24 weeks. I think 12 weeks might be better.Do you, eider, reject that life begins at conception?
You mentioned 'bans'.Try addressing the topic, once you come back from your ban: