Can someone answer this?


Well-known member
Take a look at this time line diagram below:

God's week (year 1)------------------------------------(today)

.............................Roman week (46BC)---------(today)

The Romans implemented the current calendar's 7 day week we use today in 46BC before this date they used a very strange calendar that had 8 day weeks plus an extra day for market (making 9 day weeks) and it only had 10 months!. Now the important bit is the Romans did NOT make sure that the new 7 day week of the new Julian calendar that we use today was matched to the Jewish 7 day week used by the Jews in Israel. Does that make sense to someone here (anyone)? Here is some info on the old Roman 8/9 day week calendar and the Julian calendar that we use today:

The chances of the current 7 day week matching the Jewish week is only a 1 in 7 chance. Are you able to find the evidence that shows the Greek Mathematician Sosigenes (who Julius Caesar employed to create the Julian Calendar) got these two different calendar weeks to match up? Because no one else can!

To me this is very simple to understand but getting others to is nigh on impossible but then again my IQ is about 140 so forgive me if I sound exasperated.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I just want to talk to someone with enough intelligence to understand what I have explained, is that too much to ask?
No. But creating 9 identical threads does make it rather difficult to have that discussion. Which thread does one respond too?


I just want to talk to someone with enough intelligence to understand what I have explained, is that too much to ask?

I said
But when you ask foolish questions a Christian is suppose to avoid them.

2 Tim 2:23-24
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.
24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,


Well-known member
I said
But when you ask foolish questions a Christian is suppose to avoid them.

2 Tim 2:23-24
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.
24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,

You don't understand the op. Try to understand and address the op and not something else that pops into your mind.


Well-known member
Take a look at this time line diagram below:

God's week (year 1)------------------------------------(today)

.............................Roman week (46BC)---------(today)

The Romans implemented the current calendar's 7 day week we use today in 46BC before this date they used a very strange calendar that had 8 day weeks plus an extra day for market (making 9 day weeks) and it only had 10 months!. Now the important bit is the Romans did NOT make sure that the new 7 day week of the new Julian calendar that we use today was matched to the Jewish 7 day week used by the Jews in Israel. Does that make sense to someone here (anyone)? Here is some info on the old Roman 8/9 day week calendar and the Julian calendar that we use today:

The chances of the current 7 day week matching the Jewish week is only a 1 in 7 chance. Are you able to find the evidence that shows the Greek Mathematician Sosigenes (who Julius Caesar employed to create the Julian Calendar) got these two different calendar weeks to match up? Because no one else can!

To me this is very simple to understand but getting others to is nigh on impossible but then again my IQ is about 140 so forgive me if I sound exasperated.

Why is this important to you?

Evidently some scholars have been able to sort out that stuff.


Well-known member
Why is this important to you?

Evidently some scholars have been able to sort out that stuff.

If I told you you would not believe me, as I have tried telling others in various ways, that is why I am trying instead now to get someone to see it for themselves but it seems no one here has the intelligence to understand it. Although I am hoping some one will eventually.


New member
The chances of the current 7 day week matching the Jewish week is only a 1 in 7 chance. Are you able to find the evidence that shows the Greek Mathematician Sosigenes (who Julius Caesar employed to create the Julian Calendar) got these two different calendar weeks to match up? Because no one else can!

False premise, we don't use the Julian calendar.


Well-known member
False premise, we don't use the Julian calendar.

The Gregorian calendar is the same as the Julian calendar, except that it is 11 minutes less per year. The Gregorian calendar makes up for this 11 minute difference by not making years divisible by 100 to be a leap year. This means that the year 2,100, for example wouldn't be a leap year whereas in the Julian calendar format - it would be. And you have also not understood the OP.


New member
The Gregorian calendar is the same as the Julian calendar, except that it is 11 minutes less per year. And you have also not understood the OP.

"To get the calendar back in sync with astronomical events like the vernal equinox or the winter solstice, a number of days were dropped.
The papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, decreed that 10 days be dropped when switching to the Gregorian Calendar. However, the later the switch occurred, the more days had to be omitted."

"In 325CE the Council of Nicaea decided that the Easter date would be the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the March equinox. Easter is therefore delayed one week if the full moon is on Sunday, which lessens the likelihood of it falling on the same day as the Jewish Passover. Eastern Orthodox churches in many countries such as Greece still figure their Easter date based on the Julian calendar."


Well-known member
"To get the calendar back in sync with astronomical events like the vernal equinox or the winter solstice, a number of days were dropped.
The papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, decreed that 10 days be dropped when switching to the Gregorian Calendar. However, the later the switch occurred, the more days had to be omitted."

"In 325CE the Council of Nicaea decided that the Easter date would be the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the March equinox. Easter is therefore delayed one week if the full moon is on Sunday, which lessens the likelihood of it falling on the same day as the Jewish Passover. Eastern Orthodox churches in many countries such as Greece still figure their Easter date based on the Julian calendar."

All true but none of that answers the OP.


Well-known member
The OP is moot. Israel went by celestial observations.

Moses probably never heard of the Julian calendar.

Good, you are starting to think about it!!

Yes the Jewish Sabbath was tied to the lunar months and most Jews had never heard of the Julian calendar that came out in 46 BC and those who did hear about it would have totally rejected it because all Jewish Sabbaths, holy days and festivals were tied to there own lunar-solar calendar.

The evidence shows that it was not until 359AD that the defeated and decimated Jews finally accepted the Julian calendar but in a last stand Rabbi Hillel II created the Modern Jewish calendar that approximates the feast days but ignores the correct Sabbath days completely favouring the Sabbath being on the 6th day of the Julian week.

Here's some info on it:


New member
Yes the Jewish Sabbath was tied to the lunar months and most Jews had never heard of the Julian calendar that came out in 46 BC and those who did hear about it would have totally rejected it because all Jewish Sabbaths, holy days and festivals were tied to there own lunar-solar calendar.

The evidence shows that it was not until 359AD that the defeated and decimated Jews finally accepted the Julian calendar but in a last stand Rabbi Hillel II created the Modern Jewish calendar that approximates the feast days but ignores the correct Sabbath days completely favouring the Sabbath being on the 6th day of the Julian week.

Did Jesus go by the Julian calendar?


Well-known member
Neither do I.

Ahhr, so are you saying that you can see that Jesus did not use the Julian Calendar Sabbath. And can you also see that Jesus (and the Jews) were using their own Lunar-Solar Calendar Sabbath?

If you say yes to both you will be the first here to do so after many days of my trying. I can't give you any prizes unfortunately, other than the revelation of these truths.