Funny that you think you get to decide what 'Christianity TM' is.
No, not funny at all. A Christian FOLLOWS Christ. If you don't, or have people as more important, you aren't. It is as simple as that. Sorry to burst that little bubble.
Add in your naive and simplistic, not to mention selective, understanding of scripture, completely devoid of both any form of contemporary theological thinking and willfully ignorant of every form of well established historical-critical biblical scholarship.
IOW, Humanism. Yeah, that isn't "Christ"ianity. It is "Human"ism, political, and secular. You can call yourself a duck after that. Just because one quacks, does not a duck make. ONLY God can make a Christian.
That aside, your view of the scriptures would have had to condemn the New testament when it was new and fresh. You enjoy the benefit of being so far away the canonization of the New testament that you unproblematically just assume its scripture.
It is much more confirmed than that, but you are correct, "Unproblematic." :up:
That of course wasn't obvious for the early church. Given your scriptural hermeneutic, you would have to exclude it. None of the evangelists employ these simplistic literalist readings of the scriptures, they employ obvious typological and allegorical readings of scripture, readings that are indefensible with a literalist approach to scripture (Case in point: Matthew's application of the Old testament to portray Christ as the fulfilment of Old testament prophecies).
Says the secular humanist bible corrector. Such is NOT Christianity because you have nobody to follow. A Christian follow Christ. Where do you learn or know about Him? --> Scriptures. A Christian esteems scriptures as the source of his Christianity. Not into them? --> Not a Christian then. Sorry, you are more a John Lennonian than a Christian at that point. All you need is love. It is secular humanism, NOT Christianity. Simply say "I love the Beatles" and leave it at that.
Once again, you just assume the power of definition.
Of course. Christianity, by definition, has Christ at the pinnacle. There is NO place else we find Him other than in Scriptures. There is not sense anyone is a Christian without Christ as the center of his/her being. :nono:
Perhaps "Christianish" or "somewhat associated" would be better labels for you :think:
He disagrees with me, so not only must he be a liberal. I suspect your actual understanding and knowledge of liberal theology is close to zero, it is just an empty demonizing label used by anti-intellectual groups within American forms of modern Christianity today. Of course, feel free to actually provide an intellectually informed criticism liberal Christianity by providing us with an intelligent criticism of the theological method of Friedrich Schleiermacher and the principles and results of modern biblical scholarship that isn't just a regression to fideism and anti-intellectualism.
Grew up in that church. Dead bones are dead bones. I'm WELL acquainted. There is no sense they are Christian. They are secular humanists with little Christianish adherence.
And how is he secular? Humanist perhaps, but humanism can be Christian. 'Spiritual understanding' seems to just be a nicer phrase for fideism and anti-intellectual forms of religion. 'Biblical understanding' is incoherent (see above), or mostly just a hollow power rhetoric on your part, that attempts to label your opponents as heretics and unbelievers tout court.
No, a humanist is sociologically interested and vested. Yes God told us to love our neighbor and do good. No, your only duty is not man, but a relationship with God, reading your bible daily, praying, seeking Him, loving Him. Anything else is BUT humanism without the "Christian" part.
All in all, typical of the theologically vapid forms of religion you find in so much of evangelical Christianity today, which implicitly claims that ceasing to think is an all important Christian virtue.
Nope. I won't toot my own horn after least not this post.
I don't find humanism but emoting THEN thinking about what they prefer in their emotes. Christianity requires one takes up his/her cross.