Can a Christian lose their salvation


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Obviously you do not know that, since, as you have told us, you'll know nothing until judgement day.
I know that He provides all I need not to sin, but will I take, and use, what He provided for the rest of my life ?
That is what the day of judgement will reveal.
According to the other side of your self-defeating mouth, there's no "must" about it, since you say that
There is a lot of "must" involved.
If I forsake God and His Son, like Ananias, Sapphira, the Corinthian adulterer, and a bunch of others that Paul named, I will prove not to have been reborn.
My failed repentance from sin will be the proof.


Well-known member
However, it is God who gave you the faith to believe!
Do you have any verses stating that faith is a gift ?
Do you have any verses stating that the "gift of faith" was withheld from some or anybody ?

I am glad I couldn't be so evil that the gift of grace was withheld from me.
I am glad that His gifts also allow me to now live without sinning.
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"Your future is in YOUR hands"????
I must use what God has provided in order to bear any "fruit" to His glory, and to be found worthy of eternal life on the day of judgement.
God doesn't keep me from lying and stealing and committing adultery, but He makes it possible to do it myself.
What Scripture exists that supports that idea!
Who will be judged on the last day for MY actions ?
I suggest that you pray over and think about...........
Psalm 31:14-15, …"I am trusting you, O LORD, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in your hands…"
Psalm 16:5, ..........." You, LORD, are all I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands."
Amen to that !
He gives us all we need to keep making right decisions.
If we make wrong decisions, that will be charged to us alone.


Well-known member
Friend..........there is no such thing as a "faithful non-sinner".
No sinner has faith.
Scripture says that........"ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" !
Jesus committed sin ?
The verses sited by Paul in Rom 3 were applicable before Jesus, but not after He made it possible to be reborn from Father's seed.
Scripture says that our salvation is the result of God’s sovereignty. You don’t go in and out of the book of life in a he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not kind of a way. No, God was absolutely sovereign from the very beginning and has always known those who are his.
He will also erase some of those names.
It is written..."He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." (Rev 3:5)
Scripture also says that the MOMENT we accept Jesus as the Christ we are born again, saved from the judgment!
Scripture, please.
Are there some who will not be judged on the day of judgement ?
Actually and Biblically, the Scriptures also show that, if you’re a Christian, God wrote your name in his book before he created the world.
What He did........NO ONE can undo!
You can undo it, with a single lie.


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Isn't the basis of our salvation on the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Ephesians 2:9-9 clearly says that we are saved not by what we do but by the grace of God through faith.
Only if one has the believing faith in the Lord only.
So if one decides to stop having that believing faith in the Lord and chooses to have believing faith in another, what happens?
Do they enter the eternal kingdom by NOT having believing faith in the Lord?
I think the scriptures plainly point out the pattern of ones that choose to no longer maintain believing faith in the Lord will NOT result in them entering the eternal kingdom.


Active member
Only if one has the believing faith in the Lord only.
So if one decides to stop having that believing faith in the Lord and chooses to have believing faith in another, what happens?
Do they enter the eternal kingdom by NOT having believing faith in the Lord?
I think the scriptures plainly point out the pattern of ones that choose to no longer maintain believing faith in the Lord will NOT result in them entering the eternal kingdom.

Tambora, I think that the Scriptures answers your question clearly............

1 John 2:19...........
"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us."

The "Context" of that Scripture is "antichrists".

In Johns day these false teachers claimed to be believers, but were not.

John explains why: "if they had been of us, they would have continued with us." John uses the idea of "continuing" to refer to ongoing or repeated action. Those who did not last in the faith, particularly those who claimed to be leaders in the church, but turned against God, were literally against Christ or antichrists and were never saved to begin with.

John adds, "But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us." This abandonment of the faith offered proof or evidence that these false teachers were not true believers.

Bless you for asking!


Active member
No sinner has faith.

Jesus committed sin ?
The verses sited by Paul in Rom 3 were applicable before Jesus, but not after He made it possible to be reborn from Father's seed.

He will also erase some of those names.
It is written..."He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." (Rev 3:5)

Scripture, please.
Are there some who will not be judged on the day of judgement ?

You can undo it, with a single lie.
Hoping.....I do not know you and have never spoken to you so I must your modes of operation to post what IS NOT SAID????

Why would you ask................"Jesus never sinned????".........NO, He was God and it was impossible for Him to sin as He did not have a sin nature!!!

Rev. can not be used to speak of about the church or any doctrine. Therefore the use of Rev. 3:5 does not apply to anyone today!

I understand your need to use Rev. 3:5 to validate the idea that someone can lose their salvation, and while some individuals think this statement implies that a believer may lose His salvation, it simply means the conqueror—the "overcomer"—can be secure knowing their name will never be erased.

Every born-again person has eternal life that will be His divinely given possession forever.


Active member
I must use what God has provided in order to bear any "fruit" to His glory, and to be found worthy of eternal life on the day of judgement.
God doesn't keep me from lying and stealing and committing adultery, but He makes it possible to do it myself.

Who will be judged on the last day for MY actions ?

Amen to that !
He gives us all we need to keep making right decisions.
If we make wrong decisions, that will be charged to us alone.

Again.........what Scriptures do YOU have to validate your post. You did not post ANY which means that there are none. That makes your post an opinion not based in Biblical Scriptures. You are entitled to your opinion, but that is all it is.

Allow me to give you another "opinion"..........The moon is made up of chedder cheese!

Then you asked........."Who will be judged on the last day for MY actions ?"
That depends on whether or not you are born again in Christ. If you are then Jesus the Christ paid for YOUR sins. If not, YOU WILL!

My dear friend.........all of life is based on choices. Good choices lead to a good life. Bad choices lead to destruction!


Active member
Do you have any verses stating that faith is a gift ?
Do you have any verses stating that the "gift of faith" was withheld from some or anybody ?

I am glad I couldn't be so evil that the gift of grace was withheld from me.
I am glad that His gifts also allow me to now live without sinning.

Romans 8:29-30
"For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers."

Ephesians 2:8-9..........
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Romans 10:17.........
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."

John 6:44.......
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day."

EVERYONE has faith. Some more than others. The real question is what do you have faith in?

You said.........
I am glad that His gifts also allow me to now live without sinning.

I am sorry to be the one to tell you this my dear friend, but you are wrong. YOU are just as much a sinner as was Hitler, Judas and ME!

Romans 3:23..........
"ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

You may very well be a FORGIVEN sinner...........But you are still a sinner!

In fact, to say that ........"I am glad that His gifts also allow me to now live without sinning" the sin of PRIDE and that is the sin God hates the most!!!


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I know that He provides all I need not to sin, but will I take, and use, what He provided for the rest of my life ?
What exactly are you claiming God "provides" you, here, which you say you don't know if you "will take and use"?

Also, when did or will God start "providing" you whatever it is you mean by "all I need not to sin"? While you were a sinner (if you even think you ever were a sinner!)?
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Paul didn't remain a sinner after converting to Christianity.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
1 Timothy 1:15[

According to @Hoping, Paul, chief of sinners, was not yet a Christian when he wrote his first epistle to Timothy.


Active member

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
1 Timothy 1:15[

According to @Hoping, Paul, chief of sinners, was not yet a Christian when he wrote his first epistle to Timothy.

All that means is that he does not know anything about the Scriptures! May I say the following in an effort to support you and your conclusions. Paul and NO one else would write a Christian document to a church unless that person was a saved man.

ALL of Romans was written after his conversion, and there is no indication whatsoever that Paul was speaking in the past tense.

Therefore, following the basic rules of interpretation apply which prove that he is speaking about after he was saved.

Those eight rules are copied from the Apologetics Research page below and are:
1. The rule of DEFINITION: What does the passage mean?
2. The rule of USAGE: It must be remembered that the Old Testament was written originally by, to and for Jews.
3. CONTEXT. Every word you read must be understood in the light of the words that come before and after it.
4. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. We must have some awareness of the life and society of the times in which the Scripture was written.
5. LOGIC. Does the interpretation make sense?
6. PRECEDENT. We must not violate the known usage of a word and invent another for which there is no precedent.
7. UNITY. Scripture being interpreted must be construed with reference to the significance of the whole.
8. INFERENCE: An inference is a fact reasonably implied from another fact. It is a logical consequence.


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Turn away from pretending to be Christian.
According to you, you do not know that you are a Christian, and you won't know that you are a Christian until judgement day (if then). Yet, you go about saying that you are a Christian, despite your admitted not-knowing that you are a Christian. So, what is that but you pretending to be a Christian? When are you going to stop pretending to be a Christian? (Which is to ask: When are you going to stop lying?)
Can't you tell if a man is a Christian, or not, by what he does, says, or wears?
Notice how you answer your own question in the negative by telling us that nobody can know until judgement day that a man is a Christian:
My final judgement will determine if I am "in Christ".
Since you admit that you do not know that you're a Christian (hint: you're not a Christian!), what business do you imagine you have, getting onto forums and pontificating your self-defeating, heretical stupidities to people who are Christians?


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Hall of Fame
Tambora, I think that the Scriptures answers your question clearly............
It most certainly does by the all examples the prophets gave of people that used to have trusting faith in the Lord deciding to turn away from Him and and worship another.

1 John 2:19...........
"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us."

The "Context" of that Scripture is "antichrists".

In Johns day these false teachers claimed to be believers, but were not.

John explains why: "if they had been of us, they would have continued with us." John uses the idea of "continuing" to refer to ongoing or repeated action. Those who did not last in the faith, particularly those who claimed to be leaders in the church, but turned against God, were literally against Christ or antichrists and were never saved to begin with.

John adds, "But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us." This abandonment of the faith offered proof or evidence that these false teachers were not true believers.

Bless you for asking!
All you are saying is that you don't believe anyone ever turned from having trusting faith in the Lord to worship another, and yet scripture is full of examples of people that did just that.
Not only do we see that it happened in scripture but we see it happen in real life as well.
To claim that none of those people in scripture or real life have ever done such a thing is a cop out and doesn't line up with the stories in scripture.


Well-known member
Hoping.....I do not know you and have never spoken to you so I must your modes of operation to post what IS NOT SAID????
Why would you ask................"Jesus never sinned????".........NO, He was God and it was impossible for Him to sin as He did not have a sin nature!!!
You cited a scripture saying all men sinned and I cited the fact that Jesus didn't sin.
So your basis is not really true.
Rev. can not be used to speak of about the church or any doctrine. Therefore the use of Rev. 3:5 does not apply to anyone today!
Why can't the book of Revelations be used when speaking of the church or its doctrine ?
I understand your need to use Rev. 3:5 to validate the idea that someone can lose their salvation, and while some individuals think this statement implies that a believer may lose His salvation, it simply means the conqueror—the "overcomer"—can be secure knowing their name will never be erased.
I agree, so the only ones who will, or can, lose their salvation are the unbelievers.
And it is only the unbelievers who commit sin.
Believers don't commit sin.
Every born-again person has eternal life that will be His divinely given possession forever.
Our rebirth will be determined/proven on the day of judgement.


Well-known member
Again.........what Scriptures do YOU have to validate your post. You did not post ANY which means that there are none. That makes your post an opinion not based in Biblical Scriptures. You are entitled to your opinion, but that is all it is.
Why should it be necessary to validate the truth that what God provides will do what it was provided for ?
Do you think you can bear any fruit to God without using what He provided for you to bear fruit ?
That would be, repentance from sin, the washing of past sins by the blood of Christ, the gift of the Holy Ghost, His word, fellowship, and much more.
Allow me to give you another "opinion"..........The moon is made up of chedder cheese!
Great, that is your opinion.
I don't need scripture to know it was your opinion.
Then you asked........."Who will be judged on the last day for MY actions ?"
That depends on whether or not you are born again in Christ. If you are then Jesus the Christ paid for YOUR sins. If not, YOU WILL!
I don't see any difference between the judgement of the reborn and of the unbeliever.
Only the outcomes will differ.
All men will be judged on the last day.
My dear friend.........all of life is based on choices. Good choices lead to a good life. Bad choices lead to destruction!
That's right.


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I agree, so the only ones who will, or can, lose their salvation are the unbelievers.
How can you be that stupid, man? By "unbelievers", I take it you mean people who are not saved--people who have no salvation to lose. So, what you've just handed us is:
I agree, so the only ones who will, or can, lose their salvation are [people who have no salvation to lose].
How can you be that stupid??