Can a Christian lose their salvation


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What I think of myself now may be proved wrong by sin tomorrow.
But because I am born of God's seed, I won't do that.
Out of the one side of your mouth, you admit you are capable of sinning tomorrow. Out of the other side of your mouth, you claim you are not capable of sinning tomorrow. You've shot yourself down, you lying sinner.


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A sin would show I was lying about having been "in Christ", reborn, repentant, or a believer.
You have been persistently sinning by writing the lying posts you have been writing in this thread, you lying sinner. Your sin of lying shows you to be a lying sinner, you lying sinner. Your refusal to candidly admit your sin of lying is you lying on behalf of your lying.


Well-known member
So you retracted your earlier claim that they fall away, and replaced it with your claim that they do not fall away.
Their "fall" is only in appearance.
They were sinners before their supposed conversions, and their next sin proves they were not reborn of God's seed.
It appeared like they fell away, but they really had nothing to fall away from.


Well-known member

Out of the one side of your mouth, you admit you are capable of sinning tomorrow. Out of the other side of your mouth, you claim you are not capable of sinning tomorrow. You've shot yourself down, you lying sinner.
I am certainly capable of sinning.
But because of my new mind, and divine nature, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and other things, I won't.

Considering oneself as reborn is no guarantee that one is actually reborn.
The deeds done by the man manifest from which seed he is born of.


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Their "fall" is only in appearance.
They were sinners before their supposed conversions, and their next sin proves they were not reborn of God's seed.
It appeared like they fell away, but they really had nothing to fall away from.
Oh, OK, so when you wrote
Many men start out strong, "in the Lord", but fall away later when things get tough.
you meant
Many men start out strong, "in the Lord", but [do not] fall away later when things get tough.
It's just another case of you not knowing how to use English to express what you mean. Got it.


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I know God has provided all I require to make it through this life without mark,
Obviously you do not know that, since, as you have told us, you'll know nothing until judgement day.
but still, I must do it.
According to the other side of your self-defeating mouth, there's no "must" about it, since you say that
until we face judgement, salvation is undetermined.
You are an absolute ignoramus regarding everything you have said in this thread.


Active member
It's sort of a loaded question.
Salvation is based on one's trusting belief that only the Most High God (YHWH) can bestow eternal life and must endure till the end with that belief.
In other words, it's not based on a one time belief that you had at one time, but is is based on standing firm in that belief through the good times and the bad times.
So if one believes that at one time and then makes a conscience choice to switch their hope on some other god, such as Baal, and choses to put their trust in Baal instead, then they have fallen away.
There ain't gonna be no Baal worshippers in the eternal kingdom, so yes they would lose salvation to eternal life, forever in the presence of YHWH.
Isn't the basis of our salvation on the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Ephesians 2:9-9 clearly says that we are saved not by what we do but by the grace of God through faith.


Active member
Yep, grace is a gift of God.
I am certainly happy I believe it today.

Will I still believe it tomorrow ?
Will I fall into lethargy and laziness and let the devil sneak into my life ?
Will a lackadaisical life-style end up causing me to bow to some teacher of lies ?
Will future pain and suffering sway my belief ?
All the false preachers present an easier sort of life than I now live "in Christ".
By the grace of God, I recognize that "easy" isn't necessarily "right".
My future is in my hands.

"Your future is in YOUR hands"????

What Scripture exists that supports that idea!

I suggest that you pray over and think about...........

Psalm 31:14-15, …"I am trusting you, O LORD, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in your hands…"

Psalm 16:5, ..........." You, LORD, are all I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands."


Active member
I don't know if my name is in the book of life, so all I can state is that I am "converted".
Do you have away to know if your name is in that book ?
I mean, not by being a faithful non-sinner now or anything, but by direct communication with the Keeper of the book of life ?
Friend..........there is no such thing as a "faithful non-sinner".

Scripture says that........"ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" !

Scripture says that our salvation is the result of God’s sovereignty. You don’t go in and out of the book of life in a he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not kind of a way. No, God was absolutely sovereign from the very beginning and has always known those who are his.

Scripture also says that the MOMENT we accept Jesus as the Christ we are born again, saved from the judgment!

Actually and Biblically, the Scriptures also show that, if you’re a Christian, God wrote your name in his book before he created the world.
What He did........NO ONE can undo!