Calvinist Blasphemies Against God and His Son Jesus Christ

Robert Pate

Well-known member
It is blasphemy against God to say that he predestinates people to hell before they are born, because that makes him unjust.

It is blasphemy against Jesus Christ to say that he did not atone for the sins of the world, because that means that he is not Lord.

It is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to say that people can be saved without hearing and believing the Gospel.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Read the Old Testament much?

In the Old Testament and under the law life was harsh. If you did well you were blessed, if you did evil you were cursed.

God was bringing forth a nation and a people from whom the savior of the world would come. He had to preserve the line from which Jesus Christ was to come.

All that God does he does within the frame work of his holy, just, merciful, righteous nature. He always does what is right, that is why he can be trusted.

He does not interfere with the will of man. He lets him do as he pleases and then allows him to suffer the consequences of his own actions.

You will not escape the consequences of blaspheming God, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


In the Old Testament and under the law life was harsh. If you did well you were blessed, if you did evil you were cursed.

So in other words, God can in fact choose to not be merciful.

Because He would've killed every person on this site by OT standards :rolleyes:

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So in other words, God can in fact choose to not be merciful.

Because He would've killed every person on this site by OT standards :rolleyes:

No one died in the Old Testament that did not deserve death. Those that sinned died. "The soul that sins shall die". Under the law you were always subject to death. The law was harsh because the law was Israels keeper until Christ should arrive. This is the age of grace so that..."Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.


Well-known member
No one died in the Old Testament that did not deserve death. Those that sinned died. "The soul that sins shall die". Under the law you were always subject to death. The law was harsh because the law was Israels keeper until Christ should arrive. This is the age of grace so that..."Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

Promoting salvation by works of the law again, by what man does!


Well-known member
You will not escape the consequences of blaspheming God, his word, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Lol, that's you. Teaching that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, denying that Christ is the Saviour from sin!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Lol, that's you. Teaching that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, denying that Christ is the Saviour from sin!

There is no scripture that says God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell.

But there are many, many, scriptures that tell us unless you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you will perish.

You are under the judgment of God because you do not believe the Gospel nor have you received Christ as your savior, John 1:12.


Well-known member
There is no scripture that says God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell.

But there are many, many, scriptures that tell us unless you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you will perish.

You are under the judgment of God because you do not believe the Gospel nor have you received Christ as your savior, John 1:12.

Teaching that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, that's denying that Christ is the Saviour from sin. That's blasphemy, even against the Spirit that reveals in scripture that Christ shall save His people from their sins Matt1:21

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Teaching that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, that's denying that Christ is the Saviour from sin. That's blasphemy, even against the Spirit that reveals in scripture that Christ shall save His people from their sins Matt1:21

Jesus has provided salvation for EVERYONE, Hebrews 2:9.

Now its up to you to receive what he has done for you, John 1:12.

Ask Mr. Religion

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No, according to the Bible.

If predestination were a true doctrine of salvation the Bible would be full of it. There is NOTHING.

You like Calvinism because it is religion and you love religion, don't you?
Never an answer, only another unsubstantiated opinion. Such is the style of one who uses a discussion site for mere blogging.



Well-known member
No, according to the Bible.

If predestination were a true doctrine of salvation the Bible would be full of it. There is NOTHING.

You like Calvinism because it is religion and you love religion, don't you?

Attacking the Gospel Truth of Predestination to Salvation Ephesians 1:5