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AMR handed me this post of his. It may or may not help. If it confuses you further, I'll try it differently.I'm talking about absolute foreknowledge: maybe I don't get it.
A very small defense here (uncompared to AMR who is thorough) is that we really don't know what implications are involved with this kind of foreknowledge because you and I don't have it. We are guessing.
Yes, but are those specific individuals entitled to special cars? What about the drunk driving ones? God did tell Adam and Eve, "...the day you eat of it, you shall surely die." Is a warning label: "Don't drink and drive"So Ford has an inspector, whose duty it is to know which cars are going to have fatal accidents, due to his absolute foreknowledge; if Ford did not pull those cars from the assembly line, Ford would be responsible for the accidents. If word got out that Ford knew which cars were going to be involved in fatal accidents, even ordained them to have accidents, and sold them anyways, who would believe that Ford wasn't responsible?
sufficient? IOW, it doesn't matter what one knows about 'misbehavior' ahead of time, it doesn't make one responsible for their disobedience (And again, as a small but I think important defense, we don't 'know' much about divine foreknowledge other than it exists. We have inklings, ideas, thoughts but little else. Even whatever 'looks' culpable isn't enough when we are clueless as to what exactly divine foreknowledge does. What we do know is that God is light and in Him is no darkeness at all, and that we know He is incapable of wrong. Because we are really trying to delve into the divine counsel of God, I merely answer this as a Calvinist, in affirming that God has foreknowledge. The Open Theist deal with this by denying in his/her theology that God has it, thus trying not to think about the problematic implications. For me, not knocking Open Theism especially in this thread, I've chosen to believe that God has it, and that speculation about something we know not a lot about isn't indictment. It was when I realized I had no case that I further embrace His Righteous Sovereignty. Paul McCartney's Magneto and Titanium man says that Magneto and Titanium and the Crysom dynamo were mad because the accused were the law. I always remember that when I read something in scripture that seems to implicate God (silly but the tune goes through my head now whenever I read something in scripture that I has me questioning God).
See how our minds work? God didn't create these flaws and actions in sin. We choose to drink and drive, etc. (And my analogies are easy to pick apart, I am not capable of intricate parables like Jesus gave us).On the other hand, if Ford knew, and pulled those cars, fatal accidents in Ford cars would cease.
Because they are selling only 'good' cars in this analogy. God is only capable of giving 'good' (that song sure helps right about here)If Ford had absolute foreknowledge, and wouldn't pull those cars, why not?
How do you know? I have no idea what divine foreknowledge 'could' really mean. Well, I guess I have ideas, but that's all I really have.It would definitely have something to do with the character of Ford.
I'd point to AMR's post again in hopes that He is able to address this in details that I'd be hard pressed to reproduce. The man is a thorough thinker and I envy that He seems to have a natural talent for it.
I think my gift is to try and teach these higher truths in simpler terms but simpler isn't always better (I really do envy Him, it would take me a week or two to produce this post of His and I'd still be correcting afterwards).
I'm not jealous, I'm envious! If I pump this just a bit further, his head will explode. This is why he is indespensible on TOL and I'll ever be picking up his table scraps (where is the head exploding icon?).