Calvinism: A Denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ


TOL Subscriber
I'm still confused. If God not only predetermined who would be saved or lost, but also the means by which the chosen will be saved (in other words predestination who is going to preach to the chosen so they will receive it) WHY CAN'T I SIT BACK AND LET GOD'S WILL BE DONE?

If I'm predestined to be saved, and that takes a response to the Gospel, that response will be something I can't help. God will make sure it happens without my efforts because it's preordained.

If I'm predestinated to be lost I can't do anything about that either.

If I'm predestinated to be a tool God uses to save people, that'll happen spontaneously as well. It's been predestinated, so it can't help but happen, without any decision or effort by me. If God ordained me to expend effort, his plan will make sure that happens.

In all of the above why shouldn't I sit back in leisure and take the easiest and most comfortable road I can? What God has preordained will happen no matter what.

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Do not confuse Calvinism with Fatalism.

The Reformed Faith upholds human accountability and exercise of morality, as well as confessing the absolute sovereignty of God over all things.


Well-known member
No its not.

Christ death is not yours, because you have not received the atonement.

"But we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, BY WHOM WE HAVE NOW RECEIVED THE ATONEMENT" Romans 5:11.

Sure it is. You are saying People that Christ died for wind up lost in their sins. So that means you dont believe His death saves. You really dont believe Christ is a Saviour from sin and its consequences !


New member
Do not confuse Calvinism with Fatalism.

The Reformed Faith upholds human accountability and exercise of morality, as well as confessing the absolute sovereignty of God over all things.

It seems like the difference is simply semantics, but I'm sure you feel otherwise.

Please explain the difference between Calvinism & Fatalism in your words.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Do not confuse Calvinism with Fatalism.

The Reformed Faith upholds human accountability and exercise of morality, as well as confessing the absolute sovereignty of God over all things.

God's sovereignty does not override his Just, merciful, holy righteous nature.

All that God does he does justly, mercifully and righteously.


TOL Subscriber
It seems like the difference is simply semantics, but I'm sure you feel otherwise.

Please explain the difference between Calvinism & Fatalism in your words.

Calvinism is a systematic belief in the words of God (Holy Scripture).

Calvinism teaches not only divine sovereignty, but human accountability and causality before God.

Fatalism is a humanistic worldview (philosophy).

Fatalism teaches inability of man to effect any cause at all.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Calvinism is a systematic belief in the words of God (Holy Scripture).

Calvinism teaches not only divine sovereignty, but human accountability and causality before God.

Fatalism is a humanistic worldview (philosophy).

Fatalism teaches inability of man to effect any cause at all.

If Calvinism was a systematic belief in the word of God, then you would accept all of God's word. Instead you pick and chose scripture that you think supports Calvinism and reject the rest.