Calvinism: A Denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Yes it is an attack on the death of Christ, to teach that those He died for, tasted death for, still wind up lost in their sins !

Now why do you suppose that happened?

Could it be that those Christ died for rejected him as their savior?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies rejecting Him Rom 5:10 !

That is a lie. If that were true everyone would be saved.

If you want to be saved you must come to Christ as repentant sinner.

"Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

You don't have many days left. Call on him today and be saved.


Well-known member
That is a lie. If that were true everyone would be saved.

If you want to be saved you must come to Christ as repentant sinner.

"Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

You don't have many days left. Call on him today and be saved.

You reject the Truth ! Those Christ died for are reconciled to God by His death while being enemies, rejecting God and hating Him Rom 5:10 ! The word enemies in the greek is the word echthros and means:

  1. hated, odious, hateful
  2. hostile, hating, and opposing another
    1. used of men as at enmity with God by their sin
      1. opposing (God) in the mind

        Now, according to Rom 5:10, all for whom Christ died were reconciled to God by His death while they were at enmity with God by their sin, and while opposing God in their minds !

        And you dont believe it ! So my foe, you are still in unbelief !


Well-known member

That is a lie. If that were true everyone would be saved.

Christ did not die for everyone, Rom 5:10 is proof, since many people are condemned and under Gods wrath as enemies Jn 3:18,36 !

Robert Pate

Well-known member

Christ did not die for everyone, Rom 5:10 is proof, since many people are condemned and under Gods wrath as enemies Jn 3:18,36 !

The God that you serve is not the God of the Bible. Romans 5:10 proves nothing. Your whole doctrine hangs on just a few scriptures that you have misinterpreted. The only ones that are condemned are people like yourself that have rejected God's great free gift of salvation that has been provided by Jesus Christ.


Well-known member
You don't know, nor do you want to know what the Gospel is.

Christ acceptance into heaven is everyone's acceptance, blind one.

You reject and oppose the Gospel everyday. Even teach falsely that sinners Christ shed His Blood for, still die in their sins !


Well-known member
No response to the Gospel, is a response that will send you to hell.

The vessels of wrath Rom. 9:22 God had surely prepared for destruction.
Their own response is of no significance with regard to the destination
which God hath appointed them to Mat. 25:41!



Well-known member
No response to the Gospel, is a response that will send you to hell.

Thats teaching salvation by works, responding ! However those Christ died for are saved/reconciled to God while they are being enemies, hating God and rejecting Christ ! Rom 5:10

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Thats teaching salvation by works, responding ! However those Christ died for are saved/reconciled to God while they are being enemies, hating God and rejecting Christ ! Rom 5:10

So, you believe that heaven is going to be full of God haters and Christ rejectors like yourself?

Brother Ducky

New member
The resounding message of the New Testament witness is that "Jesus is Lord". A Lord is one that has dominion over his domain....

This means that salvation can only be by grace through faith. Everything else is a denial of the Lordship of Christ and his Gospel.

This is pretty much the hallmark of Calvinistic Theology.

At any rate, Calvinists call upon the Name of the Lord, so they are what, Mr. Pate?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
This is pretty much the hallmark of Calvinistic Theology.

At any rate, Calvinists call upon the Name of the Lord, so they are what, Mr. Pate?

No one will be saved that does not have faith in Christ and his Gospel.

It is not the Gospel plus Calvinism. It is the Gospel plus NOTHING.