ECT Calling All Confused "MADs"

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Well-known member
You know darn well that no one was booted from the thread for not agreeing with my view.
They were booted for turning it into a Trump bashing thread when we already had several Trump bashing threads that you losers made.
So your "little ol innocent me" act is just getting even more sickening than usual.

Have a mod delete my posts from this sickening call out thread of yours.
You make a thread calling all MADs to tell them how inadequate they are, and then cry foul when they show up and give their analysis of you.
And after that you usually start your mantra of "It's not about me or you", as if no one can clearly see that you do indeed make it about particular people.
It's sickening to watch you belittle all my friends here while you try to convince everyone it is for their own good and they should thank you for being so privileged to be granted advice from the great enlightened Danoh.
Your delusions of self grandeur is blinding you to what you are doing.

Is that Danoh idiot doing it again?
Is that all he has in him?

I think it is. Between him and God's UNtruth, there is no safe place to avoid the stink of PRIDE.

But, some people are born to turn on anyone who refuses to treat them like the Special One they think they are. Narcissism on full display. :DK:


New member
Just exactly how is a gentile worshiping God in a synagogue with God's people a pagan?

What do you make of this?

Acts 17:1 Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews: 17:2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, 17:3 Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ. 17:4 And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few.

Later, when Paul writes to them, he related the following about the spiritual state God had viewed them in, prior to Paul's preaching unto them...

1 Thessalonians 1:9 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Acts 17: 11, 12.


New member
Just exactly how is a gentile worshiping God in a synagogue with God's people a pagan?

When worshipping in Spirit and truth, there is no Jew, gentile, or synagogue. That's the purpose of the gospel, to bring fourth the new spiritual man.


New member
You listened to people like Bullinger, Stam and Feldick.

Andy, if you are going to post your opposition to Dispensationalism in general or Mid-Acts in particular, there are plenty of other threads where that is going on.

Please do not post what ever your issues are with Mid-Acts on this thread, as it is about different understandings held by different MADs within Mid-Acts.

Thank you.

Rom. 5: 6-8 towards you.

patrick jane

Andy, if you are going to post your opposition to Dispensationalism in general or Mid-Acts in particular, there are plenty of other threads where that is going on.

Please do not post what ever your issues are with Mid-Acts on this thread, as it is about different understandings held by different MADs within Mid-Acts.

Thank you.

Rom. 5: 6-8 towards you.
Oh, you mean like you and [MENTION=7147]jgarden[/MENTION] spam and troll every political thread with Trump hating Fake News? Freedom of speech [MENTION=7147]jgarden[/MENTION] says, you have to let andy post what he wants. TOL rules. :thumb:

patrick jane

Is that Danoh idiot doing it again?
Is that all he has in him?

I think it is. Between him and God's UNtruth, there is no safe place to avoid the stink of PRIDE.

But, some people are born to turn on anyone who refuses to treat them like the Special One they think they are. Narcissism on full display. :DK:
Sing it sister !!! :thumb:


New member
I did already. :noid:

Perhaps you can help me; what is it that us MADists have done wrong?

You have been away a spell, so consider the following.

I titled the thread in the manner I have due to the ignorance and false charges I have encountered from various so called "MADs" on here.

I assert they are off on one thing or another, point out where, and that it implies a mis-fire in study approach; am met with all sorts of pettiness and ignorance, and am then accused of never having provided evidence of what I am asserting is off, or that it implies mis-fires in study approach somewhere.

I've never met such thin-skinned and narrow minded MADs as a group, in all my years within MAD.

That last statement will bring them running.

Only proving my point. That is what they live for on here - conflict.

Even as they alone deny it; for everyone else on TOL is always having to point it out.

To date, not a one of them has ever addressed any of the 25 points the person in that link in the OP basically laid out rather well, whenever In have posted that list.

They do the same with other errors I have pointed out here and there; but boy are they all over a thing when they sense an opportunity to be their usually petty selves.

And no, I am not referring to every MAD here, where any of these issues are concerned.

There are in fact several different MADs represented on TOL.

There is also something definitely wrong with those I am referring to, that they so easily take issue with having an error pointed out to them - the very thing they each and collectively engage in towards non-MADs throughout any given day of the week.

Case in point, the fact is that the Jew mentioned in Romans 2:17 is not the Romans Paul has just admired the well-known faith of in Romans 1.

To conclude otherwise, is not only an error; and is not only indicative of a mis-fire in study approach somewhere; and not only indicates that same mis-fire is possible in many other areas (over 25 thus far); but to take petty issue with having it pointed out, only further reveals one is dealing with an individual who's understanding of grace is just as off.

There is no hope for an iron sharpeneth from, and with such.

That is what is wrong.

I've rocked their false status quo only because they themselves even now continue to prove that is what theirs is.

Nothing new.

In Stam's, Baker's and O'Hairs day, those errors were then referred to as "Acts 28ers in Mid-Acts clothing."

For that is what these errors are a result of - a result of an obvious confusion of where The Acts 9 Position apparantly soundly studies a thing from consistently, with where The Acts 28 Position erroneously and ever inconsistently does.

And from the same ignorance and arrogance this ALMOST Acts 28er...Acts 9 / Acts 28 Hybrid System appears to attract such to.

Rom. 5: 6-8.
Acts 17: 11, 12.

patrick jane



What's wrong dano? No fun having a thread that you want about a certain topic and then having "trolls" post anything they want?


New member
Oh, you mean like you and [MENTION=7147]jgarden[/MENTION] spam and troll every political thread with Trump hating Fake News? Freedom of speech [MENTION=7147]jgarden[/MENTION] says, you have to let andy post what he wants. TOL rules. :thumb:

Rubbish, I post over there every now and then. Same issue - your kind's failure to vet that fraud and your having turned him into a idol.

And I am not you and your kind. I have not banned Andy. I merely asked him to refrain from bashing MAD itself on this thread, as there are other threads where that is going on.

But I did predict you fools would come running once more with your nonsense.

Proving once more none of you can apparantly address any of the 25 plus errors you fools assert is Mid-Acts.

I won't be surprised if Andy respects my request that if he is going to post on this stread, he refrain from bashing MAD in general.

I will be surprised, though, if any of you grace frauds prove otherwise and address the errors this thread is actually about and in a manner actually worthy of a MAD.

Thank God for Rom.5: 6-8.l - in each our stead.

patrick jane

I am not you and your kind. I have not banned him. I merely asked him to refrain from bashing MAD itself on this thread, as there are other threads where that is going on.

But I did predict you fools would come running once more with your nonsense.

Proving once more none of you can apparantly address any of the 25 plus errors you fools assert is Mid-Acts.

I won't be surprised if Andy respects my request that if he is going to post on this stread, he refrain from bashing MAD in general.

I will be surprised, though, if any of you grace frauds prove otherwise and address the errors this thread is actually about and in a manner actually worthy of a MAD.

Thank God for Rom.5: 6-8.l - in each our stead.
I did not ban anybody either and I am so glad I'n not one of your kind. Look at the Q Anon thread, I asked like you did, but YOUR KIND and your brown nose [MENTION=7147]jgarden[/MENTION] have to troll Trump threads. At least you've started a dozen or more of your own hate threads in between your teaching us. You are too sensitive to be here danny boy, now run along and "teach" your study approaches.


New member
I did not ban anybody either and I am so glad I'n not one of your kind. Look at the Q Anon thread, I asked like you did, but YOUR KIND and your brown nose [MENTION=7147]jgarden[/MENTION] have to troll Trump threads. At least you've started a dozen or more of your own hate threads in between your teaching us. You are too sensitive to be here danny boy, now run along and "teach" your study approaches.

It remains obvious you are unable to defend your erroneous learned/parroted ALMOST 28er views.

So, no surprise your deflecting on this too.

Very well, post away your nonsense.

Think I'll ignore you on this thread until you step up to the plate and at least attempt to do what even your betters on here have failed to - attempt to deal with the errors pointed out in that 25 point list in that link in the OP.

Or not...

For you have said you are "too lazy to study the Bible."

In your obviously clueless case then, your obvious attempt at deflection is perhaps warranted.

I'm fine with that as well.

Rom..5 :6-8 towards ya.

patrick jane

It remains obvious you are unable to defend your erroneous learned/parroted ALMOST 28er views.

So, no surprise your deflecting on this too.

Very well, post away your nonsense.

Think I'll ignore you on this thread until you step up to the plate and at least attempt to do what even your betters on here have failed to - attempt to deal with the errors pointed out in that 25 point list in that link in the OP.

Or not...

For you have said you are "too lazy to study the Bible."

In your obviously clueless case then, your obvious attempt at deflection is perhaps warranted.

I'm fine with that as well.

Rom..5 :6-8 towards ya.
I'm Acts 9 fool. I don't need your "teachings", but tell me, when did Paul first preach to gentile pagans?


Well-known member
When worshipping in Spirit and truth, there is no Jew, gentile, or synagogue. That's the purpose of the gospel, to bring fourth the new spiritual man.

I don't think Paul would have referred to them as pagans, because they did not subscribe to one of the cults of the area. And such people would not have been in a synagogue; they were in the agora. The god-fearing would have been non-jewish who respected what they heard in synagogues. While it was not the Gospel, Christianity does have Judaic roots, but when push comes to shove, there are things in Judaism that ruin what the Gospel is saying, and there must be decisive action against those things.

People somehow have a hard time realizing that the self or world that was crucified in Christ for Paul (Gal 2:19+, 6:14) was his Judaic education and upbringing. So then they go use the expressions about today's moral issues, and call it a great discipleship verse.


New member

Patience Peej; patience.

And no, Acts 9ers do not hold to any of the errors you have been agreeing with STP on, for some time now.

How quickly you forget how he and his pals shunned your posts by Justin - an Acts 9er who heir asserted is an enemy of the fellowship of the Mystery, just because he does not hold to hers, STP's, nick's and so on's ALMOST Acts 28er errors.

Errors you apparently also hold to.

Meaning, yours is also a confusion of their Acts 9 / Acts 28 error.

Never mind their obvious double-standard in their taking issue with me for pointing their own errors out.

Deflect away. That list proves you guys wrong.

Acts 17: 11, 12.

patrick jane

Patience Peej; patience.

And no, Acts 9ers do not hold to any of the errors you have been agreeing with STP on, for some time now.

How quickly you forget how he and his pals shunned your posts by Justin - an Acts 9er who heir asserted is an enemy of the fellowship of the Mystery, just because he does not hold to hers, STP's, nick's and so on's ALMOST Acts 28er errors.

Errors you apparently also hold to.

Meaning, yours is also a confusion of their Acts 9 / Acts 28 error.

Never mind their obvious double-standard in their taking issue with me for pointing their own errors out.

Deflect away. That list proves you guys wrong.

Acts 17: 11, 12.
:blabla: Just make sure YOU "deflect" and fail to answer my question.


Well-known member

Is a Jewish sorcerer pagan enough for you? Can Jews be pagans? Acts 13:8. That's the first encounter Paul has after being sent out from Antioch.

In 14:1 they are just called the Gentiles not the god-fearers, and they are at synagogues.

So after the first death threat of 9:30 (a death threat means he didn't exactly fit with Judaism, right?), he is removed to home, then he goes to Antioch for 13:1, but nothing is given about that Tarsus period. Based on how God changed him from his Judaistic background, he had a rooted interest in trying to change as many of the people in Judaism that he had formerly been the champion enforcer for. And now he knew (Eph 3:5,6) that the Gospel was how the nations were to receive their Abrahamic blessing, clearing that up from what Judaism taught (race and torah). So like Christ and Rom 9-11, he tried to get as many of them involved in the mission to the nations as well.
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