I did already. :noid:
Perhaps you can help me; what is it that us MADists have done wrong?
You have been away a spell, so consider the following.
I titled the thread in the manner I have due to the ignorance and false charges I have encountered from various so called "MADs" on here.
I assert they are off on one thing or another, point out where, and that it implies a mis-fire in study approach; am met with all sorts of pettiness and ignorance, and am then accused of never having provided evidence of what I am asserting is off, or that it implies mis-fires in study approach somewhere.
I've never met such thin-skinned and narrow minded MADs as a group, in all my years within MAD.
That last statement will bring them running.
Only proving my point. That is what they live for on here - conflict.
Even as they alone deny it; for everyone else on TOL is always having to point it out.
To date, not a one of them has ever addressed any of the 25 points the person in that link in the OP basically laid out rather well, whenever In have posted that list.
They do the same with other errors I have pointed out here and there; but boy are they all over a thing when they sense an opportunity to be their usually petty selves.
And no, I am not referring to every MAD here, where any of these issues are concerned.
There are in fact several different MADs represented on TOL.
There is also something definitely wrong with those I am referring to, that they so easily take issue with having an error pointed out to them - the very thing they each and collectively engage in towards non-MADs throughout any given day of the week.
Case in point, the fact is that the Jew mentioned in Romans 2:17 is not the Romans Paul has just admired the well-known faith of in Romans 1.
To conclude otherwise, is not only an error; and is not only indicative of a mis-fire in study approach somewhere; and not only indicates that same mis-fire is possible in many other areas (over 25 thus far); but to take petty issue with having it pointed out, only further reveals one is dealing with an individual who's understanding of grace is just as off.
There is no hope for an iron sharpeneth from, and with such.
That is what is wrong.
I've rocked their false status quo only because they themselves even now continue to prove that is what theirs is.
Nothing new.
In Stam's, Baker's and O'Hairs day, those errors were then referred to as "Acts 28ers in Mid-Acts clothing."
For that is what these errors are a result of - a result of an obvious confusion of where The Acts 9 Position apparantly soundly studies a thing from consistently, with where The Acts 28 Position erroneously and ever inconsistently does.
And from the same ignorance and arrogance this ALMOST Acts 28er...Acts 9 / Acts 28 Hybrid System appears to attract such to.
Rom. 5: 6-8.
Acts 17: 11, 12.