ECT Calling All Confused "MADs"

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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I still say that all us wacko MADists sing out a rendition of Good Ole 14-A! I will start it off... A one-h...a two-uh....

Welcome sweet springtime,We greet thee in song,....Mummers of gladness,Fall on the ear......

Only if we can give Danoh a high powered hot mike, saint john.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I still say that all us wacko MADists sing out a rendition of Good Ole 14-A! I will start it off... A one-h...a two-uh....

Welcome sweet springtime,We greet thee in song,....Mummers of gladness,Fall on the ear......

I've favored Santa Lucia ever since Gome sang it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I've favored Santa Lucia ever since Gome sang it.

I'm partial to Ernest T.'s "Aunt Maria." Uh one-uh....a two-uh....

Old Aunt Maria, jump in the fi-ah,
Fire too hot, jump in the pot,
Pot to black, jump in the crack,
Crack to high, jump in the sky,
Sky to blue, jump in canoe,
Canoe too shallow, jump in the tallow,
Tallow too soft, jump in the loft,
Loft to rotten, jump in the cotton,
Cotton so white she stay there all night.

Do you take off on Acapella, Mayor?

patrick jane

Yep, and that is in line with the latter half of Romans 1, the middle of Romans 3 foward to the end of the chapter, and the end of Romans 11, for starters.

Not to mention Paul's full fledged Gentile ministry in Acts 9.

Hang in there, you'll yet be fully infected with their same, erroneous, ALMOST 28er bug. :chuckle:

Acts 17: 11, 12
Listen to this audio, Justin Johnson will teach you.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Might it be the question of whether or not the doctrine found in the general Epistles (Hebrews through Jude) is for those in the Body of Christ?

Danoh, please explain what you believe about that.


New member
Listen to this audio, Justin Johnson will teach you.

He only has lists and videos compiled by other people for us to read and watch.

Amusing how often you and your would be pals contradict yourselves. :chuckle:

As for that audio by Justin, I listened to the whole thing.

Your point?

By the way, his house, deed, mortgage example was off.

And given why he brought that up, his having been off on it could easily have been used against him by those he was saying take issue with the Acts 9 Position.

As you know, I have always enjoyed the guy's studies and was basically the only one who high-fived your many posts of his writings way back when.

At the same time, contrary to Acts 17:11C, he often asserts "things" that are not "so."

His consistency in those kinds of mis-fires here and there reveals a hole in his study approach, in general - the need ever to "prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thss. 5:22) before allowing oneself to run with them.

These kinds of things are not only what distinguish these men from one another, but the laity (us pew warmers), also.

That and how well we each actually handle within our own hearts when some mis-fire is pointed out to us, no matter where that pointing out is coming from, or who it is that is doing that pointing out.

Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that...

1 - they received the word with all readiness of mind, and...

2 - searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 17:12...

3 - Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.

Again, though - your point in posting that audio to me? (which I enjoyed, by the way, as usual. :thumb:)

Rom. 14:5; 5:6 -8.


New member
Might it be the question of whether or not the doctrine found in the general Epistles (Hebrews through Jude) is for those in the Body of Christ?

Danoh, please explain what you believe about that.

To rightly quote that part of PJ's post to me that was partly sound...


But kidding aside, hear that basically a decent study out (didn't prove PJ's point).

We can deal with your quiry after that, and based on it, as he brought up some good points held by many within the actual Acts 9. Position that impact one's resulting understanding of your ever endless "12 in / 12 out" question. :chuckle:

If you do that much (actually hear the guy out), as some so called "MADs" on here view the brother as an enemy of their skewed version of the Mystery.

Her insolence told me so heir-self. :chuckle:

Because the study approach of such so called "MADs" on here is obviously off in some area they have just as obviously remained equally clueless on.

Which is why answering their often just as skewed questions and or pointing a thing out to them goes right past them.

That, and their obviously thin skin. :chuckle:

Rom. 14: 5; 5: 6-8.
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New member
Is there anything you are off on, Danoh?

I'm sure there is.

But that is something one tends to find out about only when one encounters it, or it is brought to one's attention by some one and one not only actually hears them out, but has actually learned how to properly evaluate what is being pointed out to one, to begin with.

Other times, one finds one holds a view that differs from that of others, upon encountering the view of said others.

Case in point, that time you went back and forth with JB about what "the mystery of the faith" might be referring to and his view turned out different from yours.

Still, other times, one finds one's view has changed on its own (due to other understandings one has come to which, together, have automatically resulted unawares, in a change in one's understanding of some other area one has yet to think of).

Believe me, I try to be very thorough in my curiosity of how all those kinds of things work.

But yeah, I'm sure I'll run into a mis-fire of my own here and there.

At which point I'll take it apart towards seeking to identify "of what sort it is" what study principles I may have violated, missed, been unaware of, might do well to incorporate and so on, that I might refine my study approach and resulting understahding a bit more.

By the way, how long ago was it that you went back and forth with JB on that "mystery of the faith" question?

Rom. 5: 6-8


New member
Yep, on salvation, general eschatology, and the like. 95%.
Does Shawn have a copy of the Official MAD Handbook?

I was wondering how long ago it was that you went back and forth with JB on that "mystery of the faith" question?

Rom. 5: 6-8


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Because the study approach of such so called "MADs" on here

You well know you only bring up your "approach" bit that you might then pound others over the head with your view about it.


New member
Who's JB?

Jim Brackin - one of the men you told me you learned your view from.

I was wondering HOW LONG AGO it was that you and he went back and forth, back when you went back and forth on what the phrase "the mystery of the faith" was a reference to.

Rom. 14:5; 5:6-8.
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