Aimiel said:
But, again, those factors don't dictate reality.Any objections (on any grounds) are nothing more than just that: objections. What will be is what has been described, by The Lord, Himself. He has described eternal conscious torment. He has not said that it will come to an end. He also has not said that anyone sent there will ever return. He has not said that everyone who has ever lived will be saved. These things are only said by heretics, who don't believe The Word of God, they want to make what has been said mean what they want to hear. Professing themselves to be wise, they have become fools.
ANY objection, on ANY grounds Aimiel?
Here is what I believe the following Bible passages teach...
Jn 4:42 Jesus is Savior of the world
Jn 12:47 Jesus came to save all
1Tim 2:4 God will have all to be saved.
1Tim 2:4 God desires all to come to the knowledge of truth
1Tim 2:6 Salvation of all is testified in due time
Eph 1:11 God works all after the counsel of His will
1Jn 4:14 Jesus is Savior of the world
Col 1:16 In Him all were created
Rm 5:15-21 through Adam all condemned, through Christ all live
1Cor 15:22 Through Adam all die, through Christ all live
Eph 1:10 All come into Him at the fullness of times
Phl 2:9-11 Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord; 1 Cor 12:3 Cannot confess except by the Holy Spirit
Rm 11:26 All Israel will be saved
Acts 3:20,21 Restitution of all things
Luke 2:10 Jesus will be joy to all people
Heb 8:11,12 All will know God
Eph 2:7 His grace shown in the ages to come
Titus 2:11 Grace has appeared to all
Rm 8:19-21 Creation set at liberty of the sons of God
Col 1:20 All reconciled unto God
1Cor 4:5 All will have praise of God
Jms 5:11 End of the Lord is full of mercy
Rev 15:4 All nations worship when God's judgments are seen
Rm 11:32 All subject to unbelief, mercy on all all
Eph 4:10 Jesus will fill all things
Rev 5:13 All creation seen praising God
1Cor 15:28 God will be all in all
Rev 21:4,5 No more tears, all things made new
Jn 5:25 All dead who hear will live
Jn 5:28 All in the grave will hear & come forth
1 Cor 3:15 saved, so as by fire
Mk 9:49 Everyone shall be salted with fire
Rm 11:15 Reconciliation of the world
2Cor 5:15 Jesus died for all
Jn 8:29 Jesus always does what pleases His Father
Heb 1:2 Jesus is Heir of all things
Jn 3:35 All has been given into Jesus' hands
Jn 17:2 Jesus gives eternal life to all that His Father gave Him
Jn 13:35 The Father gave Him all things
1 Tim 4:9-11 Jesus is Savior of all
Heb. 7:25 Jesus is able to save to the uttermost
1Cor 15:26 Last enemy, death, will be destroyed
Is 46:10 God will do all His pleasure
Gen 18:18 All families of the earth will be blessed
Dan 4:35 God's will done in heaven and earth
Ps 66:3,4 Enemies will submit to God
Ps 90:3 God turns man to destruction, then says return
Is 25:7 Will destroy veil spread over all nations
Deut 32:39 He kills and makes alive
Ps 33:15 God fashions all hearts
Prv 16:9 Man devises, God directs his steps
Prv 19:21 Man devises, but God's counsel stands
La 3:31,32 God will not cast off forever
Is 2:2 All nations shall flow to the Lord's house
Ps 86:9 All nations will worship Him
Is 45:23 All descendants of Israel justified
Ps 138:4 All kings will praise God
Ps 65:2-4 All flesh will come to God
Ps 72:18 God only does wondrous things
Is 19:14,15 Egypt & Assyria will be restored
Ezk 16:55 Sodom will be restored
Jer 32:17 Nothing is too difficult for Him
Ps 22:27 All ends of the earth will turn to Him
Ps 22:27 All families will worship before Him
Ps 145:9 He is good to all
Ps 145:9 His mercies are over all his works
Ps 145:14 He raises all who fall
Ps 145:10 All His works will praise Him
Is 25:6 Lord makes a feast for all people
Jer 32:35 Never entered His mind to torture his children with fire
Ps 135:6 God does what pleases Him
Jn 6:44 No one can come to Him unless the Father draws them
Jn 12:32 I will draw all mankind unto Myself
Rom 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things
But I guess I'm wrong. I'm just an emotional madman, trying to get people to see these scriptures mean what I think they mean.
Please explain how it is that God, by inspiring the writers of the Bible to use the words they used, and by inspiring them to use words like "aion" and it's adjectives, has somehow contradicted everything said in the above verses of scripture?
I don't think He contradicted these scriptures at all...certainly using the words He inspired them to use.
But...I guess any objection, on any grounds, to eternal conscious torment is foolishness...and a mere emotional excursion into some kind of fantasyland...isn't it?