One of the worst things about ET is how arbitrary it makes the nature of God, most of those who believe in it accept that the casualty rates are immense in relation to those who are spared the grief and agony, but whats worse is that many people could suffer eternal pain because of the actions or inactions of other frail human beings, Jesus himself said that with man his own salvation was impossible but with God all kinds of things are possible, is it really not obvious that the world God created - and everyone and everything in it - is unredeemable for God whatever mankind does? Is mans will more powerful than God's?
Free will doesnt enter into the argument because if its 'wrong' for God to bring people to a knowledge of the truth because it infringes it - then how is it not also wrong to force people into a state of perpetual suffering with no chance of escape?
ET falls down on virtually everything, God - the divine creator of the universe - who states clearly in the word that all things are done in conformity to the PURPOSE of his will - cannot redeem his entire creation, its impossible for God, cant be done.......all kinds of things ARE possible for God but nope - not this one, it doesnt matter that God came to save the world - and that he desires all to come to the truth - God just cant do it because of his pesky creations....
So - the only thing to be done is to torment and agonise the majority of his creation while the relative handful who are spared can celebrate accordingly,
With ET God redeems probably less than 20% of his own creation, I think God can do better than that no matter what any human would tell me........