Ignore what? Jesus's answer about all kinds of things being possible for God? :liberals: What exactly am I supposed to be ignoring? If this is some cheap shot at myself then I repented - and continue to repent - many years ago...
I was in fear... paralyzing fear until I repentented. Had I not repented my sins would have been put on my shoulders to deal with. Then I would have been like the people you keep alluding to, calling myself by the Name of Christ yet fearing the lake.
You tried to deny my witness the first time it stood in opposition to your beliefs. Now, just as then, you can believe whatever you like, but you can not deny my witness.
I dont deny any of your witness, you wouldnt be the first nor the last to have been terrified into belief, but if I recall it was the conviction of your actions towards others that caused true repentance wasnt it? The realisation that the hurt and wrong you'd caused had brought you to tears? I apologise if I'm wrong here but this is how i recollect your words, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong,
Fear in itself rarely holds people in its thrall for long if belief is solely founded in it, thats why I've seen many leave because its only the fear of an incomprehensible 'punishment' that keeps them in the church, true belief and true repentance come from within and no paralyzing fear is involved for it to be genuine
This is pathetic Nineveh, ya remember when I said I was 'tired of being misrepresented by other posters', well this is what I was on about, taking a snippet of someones post and completely misrepresenting what they were saying, unless you have the arrogance to presume that all of those who dont share your doctrine are incapable of belief in God then you might want to debate like an adult on this issue, its utterly hypocritical for you to expect an apology from me when you've just prooved my initial complaint was correct...
I have no doubt God has done everything necessary for the salvation of men... except force it on them.
nobody has said God would
do....this has been explained to you so many times by now and yet you persist in this strawman, God wont
force anyone, and if force is such an abhorrence to you why would you think that God would force people into an eternal torture pit?
Were you aware the Bible has more to say than your favorite proof text?
Of course, as has been evidenced
throughout this thread, its all over the word when one looks without indoctrinated glasses..
It appears you just loath the idea of consequences. God is Just. Without God being Just He can not be Loving.
Thats ridiculous, we face consequences for our actions all the time - both good and bad so the idea of loathing consequence is crazy, it just happens to make more sense to believe that the consequences will serve an ultimate purpose instead of a futile state of suffering which serves nothing, I dont disagree that God is just, just not with the warped and nonsensical view that the only way that God can be both just and loving is to cast people off forever into eternal misery