Who wrote the Urantia Book?
"The authors are a collection of celestial beings who identify themselves at the end of each paper. It is said that these papers were transmitted through an individual in Chicago during his sleep and that when he awoke he was totally unaware of what had transpired. It was mandated that his identity be kept secret because he was simply a conduit; that the message was important, not the messenger. This individual came to the attention of Dr. William Sadler, a noted psychiatrist and debunker of spiritualism, who began to take great interest in the material being transmitted. Sadler then gathered a handful of people who became known as the Contact Commission. They began recording the information which came through as a series of papers. The next twenty years were spent reviewing the information, asking questions of the revelators and taking their revisions."
Dr Saddlers adopted daughter Emma "Christy" Christianson took dictation for many of the sessions when the "sleeping subject" was being used by the celestials to communicate the revelation.
But, part 4, the Jesus papers were written by the sleeping subject himself, in his hand writing although he had no recollection. They simply appeared one morning complete.
It all sounds a wee bit, "OCCULT" to me! Sorta like, Ouija board
stuff! If it occurred, as you say it did; there's a possibility of
demonic involvement!