I showed Angelfortruth where there is the gospel of Jesus and then the gospel of Paul. She disappeared.
What does that have to do with this discussion?
I showed Angelfortruth where there is the gospel of Jesus and then the gospel of Paul. She disappeared.
The Urantia book USES Jesus name but has nothing in common
with the TRUE Word of God (Bible) By the way, don't you cultists
call Jesus by another name in the Urantia papers?
What does that have to do with this discussion?
To make the claim of fraud doesn't make since for many reasons, but they also said Jesus was a trickster, in fact the Jews still do and they also use the OT scripture to deny Christ.
She was trying to imply that the UB had a different gospel therefore it should be rejected, so I showed her that Paul had a different gospel.
There's NO comparison between Christ and the Urantia book! Christ
is the Son of God (God the Son) and the Urantia non-sense is a
combined effort by man and Satan to lead people away from the
Jesus taught us that there was more to come, to be prepared.
Is it possible that you could be wrong?
His heavenly name is Michael, this was revealed to John in the revelation on Patmos that happened 50 years after Jesus left.
I have provided Grossnick with the names of the authors of each paper. Just as Gabriel announced to Mary the impending incarnation, he also oversaw the Urantia Book revelation.
"Sponsored by a Nebadon Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington."
Salvington is the headquarters world where Michael resides, aka Jesus of Nazareth, "the right hand of the Father"
Who wrote the Urantia Book?
"The authors are a collection of celestial beings who identify themselves at the end of each paper. It is said that these papers were transmitted through an individual in Chicago during his sleep and that when he awoke he was totally unaware of what had transpired. It was mandated that his identity be kept secret because he was simply a conduit; that the message was important, not the messenger. This individual came to the attention of Dr. William Sadler, a noted psychiatrist and debunker of spiritualism, who began to take great interest in the material being transmitted. Sadler then gathered a handful of people who became known as the Contact Commission. They began recording the information which came through as a series of papers. The next twenty years were spent reviewing the information, asking questions of the revelators and taking their revisions."
Dr Saddlers adopted daughter Emma "Christy" Christianson took dictation for many of the sessions when the "sleeping subject" was being used by the celestials to communicate the revelation.
But, part 4, the Jesus papers were written by the sleeping subject himself, in his hand writing although he had no recollection. They simply appeared one morning complete.
I showed Angelfortruth where there is the gospel of Jesus and then the gospel of Paul. She disappeared.
Wow! - What a crock of BALONEY! It would be about as credible if I said my dog was receiving revelations. Maybe he is, so I might need to hire a dog whisperer to translate what he's hearing.
Angel4Truth gave a link to your non-sense!
It's beyond me how anyone falls for this garbage.
I've read that link, and am familiar with a few of the other apologetic articles on the UB there, which have been addressed elsewhere. If there are any 'points' that we haven't already discussed on the main thread, you're free to intelligently debate those points hereOtherwise, you've been served 'corrections' on your own thread, so it would behoove you to properly represent the facts on account of 'intellectual honesty', if you would gain respect among peer reviews.
You mean i was not online and had signed out for the day.
There are not 2 gospels, sorry - yours is a false one, which is why you needed to tell that whopper there too, because you are supporting a lie, so lies have to be told to uphold it.
Hint: ive already proven my stance with scripture, its up to you to refute it in scripture, the urantia book refutes nothing in the bible and actually shows you preach another gospel according to scripture.