Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty


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It's because Xi is a tyrannical dictator who will make his subjects do anything he tells them to, because he can.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What's wrong with beans melons and squashes?
Did a little digging and found ...

China's propaganda machine has been scrambling to soothe public anger amid reports that local "agricultural management" officials threatened to uproot backyard fruit and vegetable plots as part of a rural "beautification" campaign.

"Due to the need to create a civilized environment, the planting of climbing vegetables like beans or melons and squashes in front and backyards is strictly forbidden," a notice placed in a village near the northern city of Xian dated April 1 said.

Well there you have it. Beans melons and squashes are "uncivilized" 😀


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Missing a few steps...

Death and misery, followed by collapse of nation, followed by return to capitalism, followed by national prosperity, followed by generation who wasn't alive during national collapse being spoiled by the wealth, followed by arrogance of said generation, followed by generation promoting socialist ideals, followed by "but that wasn't real socialism!", and then the cycle repeats.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
False accusations... again... and again.... and again....
Wasn't even an accusation, just observation. It is ironic when the far right go on about infringement of liberty when they support laws that would usurp and curtail freedoms themselves. You do think that homosexuality should be a capital crime, right?

Right Divider

Body part
Wasn't even an accusation, just observation.
You might be able to fool an eight year old with nonsense like that.
It is ironic when the far right go on about infringement of liberty when they support laws that would usurp and curtail freedoms themselves.
Another FALSE accusation and, as usual, unsupported by anything.
You do think that homosexuality should be a capital crime, right?
I just believe what God says about things like that.