No he didn't, Americans for such a HUGE country, are so peculiarly inward looking....there are things you don't seem to see. Look I don't lie when I say I love Americans, I am not a "damn the Yanks" merchant.
But you should stop and consider that the 2008 crash was a Capitalist crash as was the Wall St. crash last century, and all the financial squeezes and freezes that happens in between all come from the banks.
Take for example the credit crunch of G.W.Bush. People were not borrowing money for things they didn.t need but for the things totally necessary for society to carry on, homes, health, education for the kids etc.
By what actually is a modest redistribution of the tax system poorer people can be helped along with these things. People are NOT born equal, people who get ahead, who are able to get ahead ought to help lift the rest of their people with makes sense politically.....if the state doesn't do it then crooked financiers will do it.....the mafia will do it.
America has no social cohesion, your society could so easily just splinter and fall apart.
Socialism in Europe came from THE CHURCH, it didn't come from Russia, didn't you never hear of
Good King Wenseslas? he was a real King.
The Labour party of Britain was formed by a combination of the Methodists, the Anglicans and the workers, Unions.