

Well-known member

I Really Didn’t Expect It!

Butler Shaffer

After earlier disappointments in Scotland and Catalonia, I really didn’t expect the British voters to come down on the side of secession! At the very least, I thought planeloads of Florida “hanging chad” hunters would arrive in London counting halls to “correct” ballot errors. I was not surprised by the choir of sour-pussed anti-Brexit commentators on American news channels this morning, nor by the leftist ideologues with their one-barreled explanation for everything that doesn’t go their way: “racist hatred,” some have begun chiming. If there is an after-life, I imagine Murray’s endearing cackle to be echoing throughout!

As the Dow Jones passed the 18,000 level yesterday – in apparent expectations of Brexit being rejected – and with the DJ opening some 500-600 points lower this morning – the identity of the Establishment “owners” becomes more evident. Will Hillary be able to put together the idea that Brexit was her idea in the first place? Will Obama send the Marines to English shores, with a declaration that the opinions of voters don’t really matter; that only “official” decisions should be respected (e.g., a vote of Parliament, or an edict by the Prime Minister)? That Prime Minister Cameron has apparently offered his resignation, is one of a number of unintended consequences likely to flow from complexity.

If the Brits can secede, what about the American cousins? Might similar campaigns be energized in such places as Texas, Oregon, Alaska, or Alabama? What about Rhode Island, the final of the original thirteen states which, being reluctant to ratify the Constitution, was threatened with military invasion and occupation lest it approve the alleged “social contract”? Should the honor of leading the secession parade go to Rhode Island, the first victim of American imperialism?

:up: We shall see how much momentum this movement really has....but good for our cousins.


Well-known member

Après Nous le Déluge

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

June 24, 2016

Brexit is a victory for more than England and Wales. It is a victory for decentralism and secession. It is a defeat for the left, the open borders types, the world government cabal, for Rockefeller, Soros, Koch, for SJWs, for the establishment, for all the bad guys. The EU should be through, as more countries will seek their freedom. Oh, and Merkel and Hillary must be shaking in their ugly boots. Next: the globalist empire of DC? Perhaps starting with Texit.

It is a victory! SECCESSION!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So just for clarification;
What does this mean?
How much weaker is the EU because of this and in what ways?
How does this change day to day life in The UK now? Do you have to show ID at the border or anything? Is the Money the same? Does your credit card work everyplace else?
When we cross the border from The USA to Canada we wait in a line in our cars at a crossing booth and show a Pass port or enhanced Driver License and have a brief, or perhaps longer chat. They send like ten percent to "Inspection" where they search your car or perhaps take it apart if your acting a little too nervous. Why are you nervous? There's nothing to be nervous about right?

There's no working in Canada. You can go on vacation or pass on thru or go shopping but don't work that's very bad. If you have tools in your car they'll ask you all sorts of questions as to why you have tools to make sure you're not going to use them in Canada for money. And the Money in Canada has the Queen of England on it that's how we know who she is.

Is it like that?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Après Nous le Déluge

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

June 24, 2016

Brexit is a victory for more than England and Wales. It is a victory for decentralism and secession. It is a defeat for the left, the open borders types, the world government cabal, for Rockefeller, Soros, Koch, for SJWs, for the establishment, for all the bad guys. The EU should be through, as more countries will seek their freedom. Oh, and Merkel and Hillary must be shaking in their ugly boots. Next: the globalist empire of DC? Perhaps starting with Texit.

It is a victory! SECCESSION!!!!!!!!!!

So.....The Queen of England could be on the money in Texas? Texas and The UK should join up I think that would be hysterical.


Well-known member
DR, I wish I could be there to have a pint of stout with you but I'd be afraid of getting knifed in a mob of Muslims. Have one for me.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
My instincts are that as usual the British will do whatever the media tells them to do so it will prolly be 2 to 1 in favour of staying in.

Let me get your thoughts on something. The media in the UK has been pushing to stay? And you think the media is not honest and has an agenda?

I know it is quite late over there. This is just to get a heads up.


Well-known member
Really good article describing the collapse (?) of the elites. Focuses on D.C. but applies very well to Brexit.

We have breakdown, chaos, and upheaval in our politics today not because the people are “insane”, as Rauch writes, but because they are sane. They know the leadership class which held power for the past generation has not looked out for them. Don’t blame a people for turning on elites who thought they knew better but proved over and over that they didn’t. It is thoroughly rational to want something else instead. Even if that something else turns out not to deliver either, at least you know it’s not the same as what’s failed.


New member

Après Nous le Déluge

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

June 24, 2016

Brexit is a victory for more than England and Wales. It is a victory for decentralism and secession. It is a defeat for the left, the open borders types, the world government cabal, for Rockefeller, Soros, Koch, for SJWs, for the establishment, for all the bad guys. The EU should be through, as more countries will seek their freedom. Oh, and Merkel and Hillary must be shaking in their ugly boots. Next: the globalist empire of DC? Perhaps starting with Texit.

It is a victory! SECCESSION!!!!!!!!!!

If I didn't have family in Texas, I'd be all for a Texpulsion. Conservatives would never win another important election in the US for a generation. But I suspect you're just excited to see anything that feels like the breakdown of society above the individual.


Well-known member
If you feel disempowered, Musty, there must be something right with the world. Proudly homophobic, xenophobic, racist, scornful of the poor, fanatically religious, paranoid and innately violent, your loss is civilization's gain.

And yet it falls apart with people like you pretty much running things. Odd, that.


Well-known member
If I didn't have family in Texas, I'd be all for a Texpulsion. Conservatives would never win another important election in the US for a generation. But I suspect you're just excited to see anything that feels like the breakdown of society above the individual.

LOL!!!!! Just because you take the easiest path with the least amount of resistance, doesn't mean you have to ruin it for people who believe in individual freedom.