Bloomberg: 'Yes' to Drugs 'No' to Styrofoam


New member
try going into a store and buying pure ethanol

try buying anything containing ethanol (intended for consumption) if you're under 21

Same with pot in CO if you are under 21. And there are limits to amounts you can possess. What's the limit on cases of beer?


in canada?

as many as the dogs can pull :idunno:



Well-known member
Why would it matter? :plain:
It matters because New York dumps a lot of garbage into the Atlantic Ocean. And styrofoam doesn't sink, or deteriorate for a very long time. So it floats around and eventually finds it's way back to land, and pollutes the shorelines. And it's not just styrofoam. This is where all that dangerous medical waste that was washing ashore on the East Coast some years ago came from.

And this is why its a significant issue for New Yorkers. And why people everywhere should care about it.


Bloomberg: 'Yes' to Drugs 'No' to Styrofoam

Are conservatives against the depletion of the ozone layer due to the combustion of styrofoam - or do they deny the very existence of the ozone layer and the atmosplere as an "untested theory?"

The Horn

Why is it that so many of the people who are outraged about the former NYC mayor's attempts to control certain substances for public health and safety are perfectly happy with laws which make it easier for the government to pry into people's bedrooms, especially gay ones , and not women's reproductive organs ?
Isn't this is a little bit hypocritical ? Laws making it illegal for gay people to work in certain jobs, join the military, the Boy Scouts, to adopt kids, get married , etc .
And laws which make certain contraceptives illegal , illegal to have abortions, even ones which would save the lives and health of certain women , and making it harder for women to get the very contraceptives which can PREVENT so many abortions ?
These are the very people who are always screaming for "liberty" and "freedom ", "smaller government " and "limited government ".