"Black Lives Matter" & Antifa are Communist front organizations


Well-known member
All lives. All lives matter. "All lives" include black lives.

But you cannot say it, then? Interesting.

In the UK there have been many BLM marches in empathy with the US marches.

There are not many Communist sympathisers here.


like marbles on glass
Not at all. I've been following much of this since the start. I've seen this tactic being used with my own eyes.

You're not the only person following "much of this." You can defend BLM and be a part of BLM and abhor violence and looting. You're taking the actions of a small sample and generalizing them to the population and it doesn't work, so no, it's not "accurate." You're using hyperbole to make a point perhaps, but to label it as "accurate" for the population of BLM supporters and defenders is simply wrong.


like marbles on glass
But you cannot say it, then? Interesting.

In the UK there have been many BLM marches in empathy with the US marches.

There are not many Communist sympathisers here.

"All lives matter" is coded language, it's not as neutral as its users would like to make it out to be.


Well-known member
You cannot say that all lives matter? Interesting.

Here in the US, a couple of people have been murdered by BLM for saying "all lives matter." Interesting.

Ah ah!
You prejudged me .
Your agenda is driving you, here.

I think that all lives matter. The reason for the BLM movement is that racism is still horribly huge.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"All lives matter" is coded language, it's not as neutral as its users would like to make it out to be.

"Black lives matter" is coded language that is being used to deflect, obfuscate, and otherwise sweep under the rug all of the violence, rioting, looting, robbery, arson, vandalism, assault, murder, etc, that is being perpetrated in cities throughout the country by Black and White criminals who are operating under the banner of "Black lives matter."


like marbles on glass
"Black lives matter" is coded language used to deflect, obfuscate, and otherwise sweep under the rug all of the violence, rioting, looting, robery, arson, vandalism, assault, murder, etc, that is being perpetrated by Black criminals who are operating under the banner of "Black lives matter."

No, it's really not. And do you think there aren't a lot of whites out there doing it? There are plenty of photos and videos of them instigating and participating in the violence. And there are a lot of whites marching in support and solidarity. Why do you relegate all of it to "Black criminals?"

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"All lives matter" is coded language, it's not as neutral as its users would like to make it out to be.

If we were out in a crowded public setting, I would say "black lives matter," instead of "all lives matter," but I would do so only out of fear of being assaulted or murdered if I said the latter, rather than the former.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Your agenda is driving you, here.

I think that all lives matter. The reason for the BLM movement is that racism is still horribly huge.

"There was an active arrest warrant in Blake's name at the time of the shooting, the Tribune reported. Court records indicate Blake had been charged with third-degree sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse on July 6." - https://www.insider.com/picture-details-jacob-blake-black-man-shot-by-police-kenosha-2020-8

Why couldn't this man simply have cooperated with police, rather than get into an altercation with them? The police tased him, but the taser was ineffective. He refused all verbal lawful orders to stop. He opened the door of his car and attempted to enter. What might he have done once he gained entry into the vehicle?


Well-known member
"There was an active arrest warrant in Blake's name at the time of the shooting, the Tribune reported. Court records indicate Blake had been charged with third-degree sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse on July 6." - https://www.insider.com/picture-details-jacob-blake-black-man-shot-by-police-kenosha-2020-8

Why couldn't this man simply have cooperated with police, rather than get into an altercation with them? The police tased him, but the taser was ineffective. He refused all verbal lawful orders to stop. He opened the door of his car and attempted to enter. What might he have done once he gained entry into the vehicle?

Whoa up there!
You have changed the subject matter!

Previously you decided that I had said something which I didn't say. You decided that I would not say that all lives matter before you had asked. That's prejudgement, or prejudice.

Now you want to tell me why a black man was shot by police officers.
We've seen too many videos, filmed by very brave people, of police officers gunning down black people. I remember that one where a young child with a mobile filmed a policeman taking careful aim and multi shooting a black man who got out of his car and ran away. He took several shots at the man's back. The police officer was in no danger. That one won't ever leave my memory. Or the group of officers who draged a black man from his car on a bridge (I think) and just clubbed him repeatedly.

This has been going on for years.

It's time to wake up.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
He took several shots at the man's back. The police officer was in no danger. That one won't ever leave my memory.

I don't suppose there was any chance that the Black criminal might have reached into his car and pulled a gun on the arresting officers, do you? Or, perhaps, gotten into his vehicle and turned it into a lethal weapon? No, I don't suppose so.

This criminal could have submitted himself to his lawful arrest. He chose not to. He chose poorly.


like marbles on glass
If we were out in a crowded public setting, I would say "black lives matter," instead of "all lives matter," but I would do so only out of fear of being assaulted or murdered if I said the latter, rather than the former.

Do you realize how racist that sounds?