Bill Maher, Bill Nye, Evolution Just Don't Fly


The Dark Knight
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
On top of your head, maybe.

He pointed out an obvious shortcoming in your 'argument' which you, as per usual, were too arrogant to concede, hence the lame smiley response to the both of us. In no way did Hawking say we treat - or should treat people like animals.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
He pointed out an obvious shortcoming in your 'argument' which you, as per usual, were too arrogant to concede, hence the lame smiley response to the both of us. In no way did Hawking say we treat - or should treat people like animals.
I never said, nor did Bob, that Hawking said we do treat each other like animals. The issue is that Hawking suggested we euthanize people as we do animals; to show mercy.

Hawking essentially said, "We do it to animals, why not people?"

I am in no way dumbfounded, flabbergasted or otherwise surprised that you, in particular, are too stupid to understand that.

Ah, another demonstration of the subtle 'insult as evasion technique' as practised by certain other posters of a similar persuasion.
Because you're nothing but a blowhard full of conceit and no humility regarding your positions, thus you are worth nothing more than being mocked. If I were Calvinist I would fully believe you to be reprobate.

And as for your stupidity; you have demonstrated as much in that you didn't get the Beam/whiskey joke.


New member
I never said, nor did Bob, that Hawking said we do treat each other like animals. The issue is that Hawking suggested we euthanize people as we do animals; to show mercy.
We were talking about the OP. The OP said exactly this:

'...Stephen Hawking suggesting that humans treat one another like animals.'
Hawking essentially said, "We do it to animals, why not people?"
But Hawking said a great deal more than the way you have spun this, didn't he?
I am in no way dumbfounded, flabbergasted or otherwise surprised that you, in particular, are too stupid to understand that.
And you appear similarly incapable of understanding that the OP misrepesented what Hawking said.

Because you're nothing but a blowhard full of conceit and no humility regarding your positions, thus you are worth nothing more than being mocked. If I were Calvinist I would fully believe you to be reprobate.
Colour me unsurprised that you find faults in others that you appear to manifest so obviously yourself.
And as for your stupidity; you have demonstrated as much in that you didn't get the Beam/whiskey joke.
Again, insofar as you clearly failed to 'get' the jokiness in my response, you seem to be simply chastising others for perceived shortcomings that you display yourself.

Happy birthday, by the way (FYI, no sarcasm, ill-will, concealed antipathy or any other form of hostility towards you intended therein; I hope you have a nice day).
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We were talking about the OP. The OP said exactly this:

'...Stephen Hawking suggesting that humans treat one another like animals.'

But Hawking said a great deal more than the way you have spun this, didn't he?

And you appear similarly incapable of understanding that the OP misrepesented what Hawking said.

Colour me unsurprised that you find faults in others that you appear to manifest so obviously yourself.

Again, insofar as you clearly failed to 'get' the jokiness in my response, you seem to be simply chastising others for perceived shortcomings that you display yourself.
You're an idiot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I never said, nor did Bob, that Hawking said we do treat each other like animals. The issue is that Hawking suggested we euthanize people as we do animals; to show mercy.

The OP said this:

"Stephen Hawking suggesting that humans treat one another like animals". That is a loaded statement right there with obvious negative implications, which surely don't need spelling out? An ignorant oversight perhaps which you've managed to compound, and somehow without realizing it.

Hawking essentially said, "We do it to animals, why not people?"

Rather he drew a comparison with how people put down animals in order to end their pain to argue that people should have the right to end their own in terminal states of suffering.

I am in no way dumbfounded, flabbergasted or otherwise surprised that you, in particular, are too stupid to understand that.

I understood it from the get go, which is why I've been arguing against the misrepresentation of Hawking - ignorant or otherwise - given in the OP along with your continual nonsense. I in turn am hardly shocked that you deflect away from your own 'clanger' in order to do your usual lame insults. Ho hum...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thanks for the reasoned response. Do you have difficulty following and participating in a reasoned and reasonable discussion?
I reasoned out that you're an idiot.

The OP said this:

"Stephen Hawking suggesting that humans treat one another like animals". That is a loaded statement right there with obvious negative implications, which surely don't need spelling out? An ignorant oversight perhaps which you've managed to compound, and somehow without realizing it.

Rather he drew a comparison with how people put down animals in order to end their pain to argue that people should have the right to end their own in terminal states of suffering.

I understood it from the get go, which is why I've been arguing against the misrepresentation of Hawking - ignorant or otherwise - given in the OP along with your continual nonsense. I in turn am hardly shocked that you deflect away from your own 'clanger' in order to do your usual lame insults. Ho hum...
You're just plain stupid.