Hello everyone,
I hope to have a polite discussion about the Bible.[My favorite book]
First, off, don't expect nice. That is asking too much.
Secondly, it appears your desire is to get off on the wrong foot as your bio says "atheist" and "pinko commie" and yet you say the bible is your favorite book? Something isn't right there.
The bible says "it is appointed unto man once to die and then face judgment". And "all those not found written in the Lambs book of life were cast into the lake of fire".
So, if the bible is your favorite book, why are you an atheist? How about getting saved so your name gets written in the Book of Life and you don't have to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire?
Welcome to TOL.
You're not from Scotland, by any chance? It's just that I know of a guy who goes by the name Big Red here.
Hopefully you last longer than the flavor of your chewy delicious namesake.
Hi Red.
Welcome to TOL, BigRed!
Welcome to the jungle.
Yup Knight is right. It's a jungle here. :chuckle: I hope you like it here.
Welcome to TOL!
Hi Red.I'm happy to see a fellow Atheist but politically we seem to be at opposite ends.
Half a glass is better than an empty glass. I hope we can be friends.