New member
Yep. Sin is always in vogue. This is just this decade's 'new' old fashion. The Greeks and Romans lost world denomination because of sin. We will too. There is a cycle to every nation. Our heyday will be over for 'attacking the family unit.' That's where the rubber meets the road. It isn't very bright to give 1% of the population all this power over 99%. It will come back over and over again and bite us in our collective ends. God cannot be mocked, a man does, in fact, reap what he/she sows. You all will live through the time when the pendulum swings back hard, because there really will be no other place for it to go. You cannot escape consequences. "For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction." Read your own books if you won't read mine.
Why are you concerned with world domination? That sounds kind of scary and hardly a fruitful spiritual pursuit