An apropos metaphor for his presidency.
No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me - has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.
H. L. Mencken
I have to admit that it irritates me no end to think that he might be right. But he might be right, even if it looks as though Donald Trump might just become an important counter-example. We'll know shortly.
I appreciate how you, here, being the Nazi leftard Democrat and Darwin cheerleader you are, plainly demonstrate your inherent Democrat/Darwinist disdain for the great masses of the plain people. You're one arrogant, self-righteous fool, indeed.
Thank you for your cogent reminder of your, and your baby-murdering Demagogic Party's hatred for the great masses of the plain people.
Oh wow, it's Captain Punctuation Torment again. Has the Disney channel gone off air or something?
Oh wow, it's Captain Punctuation Torment again. Has the Disney channel gone off air or something?
Why do you call yourself "Captain Punctuation Torment"?
Disney? Ah, you mean your fellow Darwin cheerleaders who make National Geographic!
I guess the Creation Science forum is as dead as the religion forum.
I didn't.
Hmm, maybe Nickelodeon's more your speed.
Or, in case you haven't got it yet, you're too childish, boring and weird to bother with. Thought you already had the memo but here it is again.
It's creepy how obsessed you are with children and things that have to do with children, and how every time you try to burn people on TOL, you do it in such a manner as demonstrates that you like to imagine you're actually talking to children.
I guess the Creation Science forum is as dead as the religion forum.
He's got a thread up there that's not getting any traction and rightfully so. It's the same ole usual so he's looking for attention elsewhere it would seem...