Biblical Flat Enclosed Earth and Firmament

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Joshua 10:12-13 KJV
(12) Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
(13) And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed,
until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

Is this possible for a spinning orbiting globe earth?
With all the data you have on how a spinning orbiting globe earth functions, what would happen to earth if the sun and moon stood still for a day?

Why is this any harder for spinning, globular earth than a flat earth? Are there no side effects in this passage for a flat earth? Or is it just that the flat earth physics haven't been worked out yet?

Is it possible for the sun to "go down" with a flat earth? Some models say "no".

I worked some of this out before for a globular earth. If the earth stopped instantaneously, it would feel, at the equator, like everything that wasn't tied down suddenly was moving at 1000 miles per hour! Unless God also stopped everything at the same time. Thus, the Israelites and their enemies would both go flying through the air, or bumping along the ground. Bodies of water would slosh violently, leaving, possibly, some evidence of a flood to the east, and a smaller slosh/flood to the west. It would seem like the mediterranean Sea would flood a bunch of Canaan.

A similar thing would occur, in the reverse direction, when the earth started moving again.

But that assumes a lot. If you change it from instantaneous to something that happens over 30 minutes, for instance, the rate of the change in velocity drops dramatically--down to .5 miles per hour change per second, or .8 feet per second squared. A moving sidewalk, like at the airport, moves at around 1 to 2 feet per second. The problem here is that the initial jolt, while not as severe, would continue, like getting on to a faster moving sidewalk every second, to be felt for the next 30 minutes. But you get the picture. I think such a spreading out of the effect would be reasonable. And could be applied to both the start and end of the sun/moon-stopping effect.


Eclectic Theosophist
Literal bunk........

Literal bunk........


Unless the original hebrew infers or implies a "flat earth", I find the old english translation above a bit fanciful :)

It may not matter the shape of the earth as far as prophetic or dispensational events go, except such factors are features integral to the fulfillment of humanity's progress and ascension in the divine plan.

Everyone views earth from his own viewpoint, and only a cosmic or universal being can view our material world from all points of view simultaneously. How these interact or intersect is speculative, but surely interesting ;)


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Could you provide a list of Scriptures that points, absolutely, to the earth being flat (meaning, lacking even the possibility of the earth being round)?
I can do ya one better so ya don't have to accept my interpretation.
This here is what language experts on the Hebrew language (who are NOT flat earth proponents) say it would look like if the language is taken as literal.
So it is not in question that scripture describes it this way; but whether to take it as literal or not.



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Why is this any harder for spinning, globular earth than a flat earth? Are there no side effects in this passage for a flat earth?
There would be no side effects for the flat earth theory because the earth is always stationary and not moving.


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Live video feed from the International Space Station:

They removed that one in a hurry.
What did it say?

Sorry, just noticed it would play on youtube but not here on TOL.

Heck, I could make a movie just as good with Legos and an old Erector set.



Well-known member
There would be no side effects for the flat earth theory because the earth is always stationary and not moving.

Yes, but the sun is. do we know enough about the sun in a flat earth model to say there would be no effects? I'd say we don't. Nor the moon.

patrick jane

Yes, but the sun is. do we know enough about the sun in a flat earth model to say there would be no effects? I'd say we don't. Nor the moon.
Common sense says it would have absolutely no effect on anything major. Think if the sun and moon were gone for even an entire 24 hour period it would only be dark for 24 hours. There would be no tides or current, let's say and temperature changes. A little more magical gravity? Perhaps, but off the top of my head I can't think of anything too bad that would happen if the sun and moon stood still in the firmament. But like I said, in your universe God would have had to stop at least one more thing, the earth. And perhaps the whole "universe".

patrick jane



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If an object stood 100 ft. above sea level, could it be seen by a ship 40 miles away or would it be hidden by the curvature of the earth?
I ask because ships have reported seeing the lighthouse at Cape Hatteras from 40 miles away.
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