You seem to be believing something that isn't there. And presupposing your view of the scriptures onto the scriptures themselves. I'm intrigued by the things you are saying, but can't find them in the scriptures you give for reference.
I believe what the scriptures say, but they don't seem to say what you say.
Seeing what you quoted in this response in addition to what you quoted in your first response to me here:
Nope, not scrambling.
This is a relevant scripture passage which you keep conveniently ignoring:
1 Corinthians 15:45-47 ASV
45 So also it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul.[Gen2:7] The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.[Joh6:62-63]
46 Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; then that which is spiritual.
47 The first man is of the earth, earthy:[Gen2:7] the second man is of heaven.[Gen1:26-27]
Paul is telling you right there that the order of Genesis 1&2 is not in chronological order, just as I keep repeating in these several threads which concern this topic: for the natural man Adam comes first, and he is written in Gen2:7, and Psa8:3-8 informs us that the Son of Man is the second man from the heavens in Gen1:26-28 which Paul speaks of herein above, and both Paul and the author of Hebrews confirm this thinking, (1Cor15:21-27,28, Heb2:6-10). According to what Paul teaches here you are taking the ultimate prophecy of Messiah written in the Torah and turning it into a supposed literal-physical creation of the cosmos, and above that, you are using your misconceptions to fabricate flat-earth theories! (lol). Once you understand the six yamim-hours of Gen1, and how they correspond to the six hours of Golgotha, the Light will indeed come on in your heart and mind: but you keep thinking that I speak out of my own self when I do not. You are terribly mistaken for walking according to the natural mind of the natural man and not walking according to the Testimony-Spirit of the Master and his apostles. It cannot be much plainer then how Paul says it in the above passage.
I do not see how we can go any further: it says what it says, plain as day.
But it apparently does not fit with what you expect or want it to say.
The first man is of the earth, (Gen2:7), the second man is of the heavens, (Gen1:26-28).
The first man is natural, (Gen2:7), the second man is spiritual, (Gen1:26-28).
Genesis 1&2 are not in chronological order according to Paul.