Biblical Clues to TEMPLE Location in the City of David


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From Acts 22-23:10 Paul is in Jerusalem speaking before the Sanhedrin.
Now when there arose a great dissension, the [Roman] commander, fearing lest Paul might be pulled to pieces by them, commanded the [Roman] soldiers to go down [to the Temple area] and take him by force from among them, and bring him up into the [Roman Antonia Fortress] barracks. - Acts 23:10

Roman Fortress Antonia (aka: Haram al-Sharif, aka: "Temple Mount") is of a higher elevation, overlooking Herod's Temple. So, the Roman soldiers descended to the Temple to rescue Paul.

The Antonia fortress was higher than the Temple mount platform. This doesn't prove anything.


Well-known member
Note the site of the Temple would have been very near Gihon Spring.
That is where the next Temple will be built. It is SOUTH of the "Temple Mount".


What is now called the "Temple Mount" was originally a high rocky outcropping, which can be seen inside the "Dome of the Rock". Later, the walls were built by the Romans and the area was "filled in" with debris, to make a flat 35 acre Roman Fortress Antionia, which endures to this day.


David bought an area of land from Araunah large enough to build the temple with its inner courtyard its adjacent buildings lower down the slope of Mount Moriah and the great courtyard surrounding the lot:

2 Samuel 24
18On that day Gad went to David and said to him, “Go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.” 19So David went up, as the Lord had commanded through Gad. 20When Araunah looked and saw the king and his officials coming toward him, he went out and bowed down before the king with his face to the ground. 21Araunah said, “Why has my lord the king come to his servant?” “To buy your threshing floor,” David answered, “so I can build an altar to the Lord, that the plague on the people may be stopped." 22Araunah said to David, “Let my lord the king take whatever he wishes and offer it up. Here are oxen for the burnt offering, and here are threshing sledges and ox yokes for the wood. 23Your Majesty, Araunahd gives all this to the king.” Araunah also said to him, “May the Lord your God accept you.” 24But the king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekelse of silver for them. 25David built an altar to the Lord there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. Then the Lord answered his prayer in behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel was stopped.

Threshing floors were high up as they needed to be in windy place to catch the chaff away when threshing.

1 Kings 6:2
2The temple that King Solomon built for the Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty wide and thirty high.b 3The portico at the front of the main hall of the temple extended the width of the temple, that is twenty cubits,c and projected ten cubitsd from the front of the temple. 4He made narrow windows high up in the temple walls. 5Against the walls of the main hall and inner sanctuary he built a structure around the building, in which there were side rooms. 6The lowest floor was five cubitse wide, the middle floor six cubitsf and the third floor seven.

1 Kings 6:36
And he built the INNER COURTYARD of three courses of dressed stone and one course of trimmed cedar beams.

1 Kings 7
1It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. 2He built the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high,a with four rows of cedar columns supporting trimmed cedar beams. 3It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns—forty-five beams, fifteen to a row. 4Its windows were placed high in sets of three, facing each other. 5All the doorways had rectangular frames; they were in the front part in sets of three, facing each other. 6He made a colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty wide.c In front of it was a portico, and in front of that were pillars and an overhanging roof. 7He built the throne hall, the Hall of Justice, where he was to judge, and he covered it with cedar from floor to ceiling.d 8And the palace in which he was to live, set farther back, was similar in design. Solomon also made a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married. 9All these structures, from the outside to the GREAT COURTYARD and from foundation to eaves, were made of blocks of high-grade stone cut to size and smoothed on their inner and outer faces. 10The foundations were laid with large stones of good quality, some measuring ten cubitse and some eight.f 11Above were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams. 12The GREAT COURTYARD was surrounded by a wall of three courses of dressed stone and one course of trimmed cedar beams, as was the INNER COURTYARD of the temple of the Lord with its portico.

It would have looked similar to this layout notice it is 600 feet in length and and approximately 450 feet from threshing floor to the southern extent. Below are Warren's drawings, the only full survey of the temple mount. As to exactly where the threshing floor was will not be determined till proper archaeology is done on the temple mount:




Are you aware the Roman temple of Jupiter was built on the temple mount by Hadrian after 135AD. The Romans built the Jupitar temple to desecrate the Jewish temple site but the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the rock sanctuary (that were built after the Romans were driven out by the Muslims) perfectly fit onto the floor plan of the Jupiter temple:

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Bob Cornuke (born 1951[citation needed]) is an American writer and president of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration Institute (BASE), which is operated from his home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.[1] He describes himself as a Biblical archaeologist, but has no degree or training in archaeology.[1]...
That figures
He holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and a Ph.D. in Bible and Theology, both from the unaccredited Louisiana Baptist University.[2]
That figures too
He is the author of six books about his explorations.
More like going over old ground.
Cornuke uses the Bible as a literal guide for his explorations, and gives it priority over secular and historical sources.
He's not the first to do that.
James K. Hoffmeier describes him as "a former Los Angeles SWAT policeman and more recently a real estate agent"
in his 2005 book Ancient Israel in Sinai: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition.[3]
Money money money!
Cornuke claims to have discovered the anchors from the Apostle Paul’s shipwreck in Marsaskala, as described in the Bible's Book of Acts, chapter 27 — by searching the sea floor off the coast of Malta.[4]

Funny but these where discovered in the 1970's:

I remember watching a film showing them discovering them in the 1970's and giving them to the museum there but can't find it now due to the overload of Cornuke video's on the subject.

Cornuke did the same thing when Ron Wyatt died and started to claim he had discovered all the things Ron had, except in the wrong places.


New member
There never was a 'mountain there as you believe. Utterly ridiculous!

Please start using evidence rather than imagination.

:dunce: I can see that you know zero about geography.
The subject (of last video) is the Citadel of David and Hezekiah's Tunnel.
Zion=David's Palace=Citadel of David=SOUTHERN end of the City of David. This large mount was totally REMOVED in 160 BC. Historical records of the Hasmoneans [DSS] reveal this was part of the "cleansing of the Temple" following the desecration by Antiochus.
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New member
That figures That figures too More like going over old ground.He's not the first to do that.Salesman! Money money money!

Derek Walker has 41 books on Goodreads with 85 ratings. Derek Walker's most popular book is A Panorama of Prophecy.
You've been duped by a charlatan


Well-known member
:dunce: I can see that you know zero about geography.
The subject (of last video) is the Citadel of David and Hezekiah's Tunnel.
Zion=David's Palace=Citadel of David=SOUTHERN end of the City of David. This large mount was totally REMOVED in 160 BC. Historical records of the Hasmoneans [DSS] reveal this was part of the "cleansing of the Temple" following the desecration by Antiochus.

You obviously didn't read what I posted:

The problem there is that the evidence says there was never a 'mountain' there because of a 2,800 years old inscription found on a wall of the tunnel, 6m from the end of the tunnel at the Shiloah pool. This inscription, 6 lines of ancient Hebrew script carved on the limestone rock, was one of the important findings of Biblical archaeology in the 19th Century. It was found in 1880 and brought to Istanbul, where it is on display today. The Shiloah (Siloam) inscription tells the story of the tunnel, and how the two teams of diggers met after cutting the tunnel on both ends:


"... (When) (the tunnel) was driven through. And this was the way in which it was cut through: While (...) (were) still (...) axe (s), each man toward his fellow, and while there were still three cubits to be cut through, (there was heard) the voice of a man calling to his fellow, for there was an overlap in the rock on the right (and on the left). And when the tunnel was driven through, the quarrymen hewed (the rock), each man toward his fellow, axe against axe; and the water flowed from the spring toward the reservoir for [twel]ve hundred cubits, and the height of the rock above the head of the quarrymen was 100 cubits". (W.F. Albright, ANET 321)

Hezekiah's Tunnel was therefore 1200 cubits long = 512.5 meters = 0.427m/cubit

and was 100 cubits underground = 42.7 meters

Today the tunnel is still 39.6 meters (130 feet) below the ground surface above on the Ophel:

There never was a mountain there as you believe in this video:

Utterly ridiculous!

Please start using evidence rather than imagination.
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Well-known member
Derek Walker has 41 books on Goodreads with 85 ratings. Derek Walker's most popular book is A Panorama of Prophecy.
You've been duped by a charlatan

I don't believe everything Derek Walker says but if you're going to compare him to Bob Cornuke in the vain hope that some how proves the temple was built above where Hezekiah's tunnel was then your reasoning skills are really very poor. But I will defend Derek over Bob any day:

Derek Walker has been Pastor of Oxford Bible Church for 27 years.
Bob Cornuke in not a Pastor of any church

Derek Walker studied Mathematics at Oxford University (you may have heard of it?). He also went to Bible College in the USA.
Bob Cornuke holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and a 'Ph.D' in Bible and Theology both from the UNACCREDITED Louisiana Baptist University.

Derek Walker taught Maths and became Head of Maths at Cherwell Tutors Oxford after which he started his own church.
Bob Cornuke was a 'former' Los Angeles SWAT policeman and more recently a real estate agent, after which he began describing himself as a Biblical archaeologist, but has no degree or training in archaeology.

Derek Walker has written 41 books
Bob Cornuke has written 6 books


Well-known member

So what, the city of David (previously called Jebus) was above where Hezekiah's tunnel is now and the height of that HILL has not changed since that tunnel was built. This is a fact unlike the imaginary mountain you think was there according to your Bob Cornuke:

At the time Hezekiah's built his tunnel it was 100 cubits underground = 42.7 meters

Today the tunnel is still 39.6 meters below the ground surface.

Unless you think mountains can only be 3 meters high? Perhaps you are a Borrower? (That's a imaginary person only 4cm high from children's literature) Perhaps that's the kind of literature you're more used to?

You've been duped by a charlatan book-seller by the name of Derek Walker (a mathematician :rotfl: )
How much money did you send him? :hammer:

Wow, you really are deluded.