Ben Sasse Will Make Democrats Go on Record About Whether They Support Infanticide

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Fifteen years ago he was obsessed with Bush and the Iraq war - "illegal, immoral and unjustified" was practically his signature line


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Although the Bible has no over-arching story

Have you even READ the Bible cover to cover?

It does, in fact, have an overarching story, a "plot," if you will.

[historians think this view as naive],


the Bible remains a complex blend of remembered history, oral tradition, various traditions & theologies, allegories, myths, legends, metaphors and parables.

Taking the whole Bible into account reveals that it is a developing tradition where supposedly unchangeable things change and evolve through time.

For example, each gospel writer’s personal agendas can be traced and isolated.

1. The Bible is complex because it tells a story that spans around 5000 years.
2. The Bible is not a book of mythology. It is a book of history, law, poetry, admonition through letters (called epistles), and prophecy.
3. Taking the whole Bible into account (properly) shows that God has an overarching plan for mankind, and if man rejects Him, he will spend eternity apart from God, but if he loves God, then he will spend eternity with Him forever.
4. The Bible (which is God's Word), apart from God Himself, who is Truth, is the most objective source of truth that we have today. Looking at writing styles of the men who wrote the various portions of the Bible can tell us about the men, but to then imply that they put their own agenda into their writing of the portions they wrote defeats the purpose of God giving an account of History from an objective viewpoint, which results in an inherent distrust of some or all of what it says, because such implication leads to the possibility that what is written is not true at all. In other words, by implying that "each gospel writer’s personal agendas" had something to do with the Bible, you're effectively saying that the Bible may not be completely true, which destroys it's credibility, and even makes God out to be a liar. And that's blasphemy.

You should repent of your blasphemy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and so, if this mother decided she wanted to kill her baby, in NY state there's no law to prevent it



You should repent of your blasphemy.

I don’t condemn you. It is indeed difficult, especially in today’s global culture, to do a fearless and searching moral inventory of our own beliefs. Many feel surrounded and under attack by the secular, logical, rational and scientific world.

The ancient exalted titles such as “Lord,” “Messiah,” “Son of God,” “virgin-born,” etc. are no longer compelling or persuasive in the world of today.

As Christians we should trust in God.
God has already won.s
Long before his death, Jesus said that he saw “Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

Rome did not win. It perished along with the powers and principalities of Jesus’ day.
Listen and follow Jesus--don’t just sit back in church and worship Christ.
Let Jesus speak for himself and take heed of his teachings.

“The Father makes his sun to shine on the evil and the good and sends the rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous alike.”
--Matthew 5:45