Ben Sasse Will Make Democrats Go on Record About Whether They Support Infanticide


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
"But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.”
--Matthew 5:22

"But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you....”
--Luke 6:27

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
--Luke 6:37

By the way, Jesus’ real first name was “Norman.”

We notice you conveniently ignore all the instances when Jesus advanced a conversation by calling people names.


We notice you conveniently ignore all the instances when Jesus advanced a conversation by calling people names.

The unvarnished Jesus has a unique voice print. This makes it easy to separate the later dogma and theology that was placed into his mouth after the crucifixion from the actual teachings and deeds of Jesus.

I see the evangelists as human beings who were inspired by God to write their different--and often contradictory--versions. Natrually, they looked for a Jesus that made sense for them.
Much like some believers today: Thery want a Jesus who is against abortion, homosexuality, welfare, world peace-making, etc.

But he Jesus of the church has become a hypocrite. The church’s Jesus does not simply “walk his talk."

Those early follwers who were angry, resentful and violent painted a Jesus that agreed with them.
Jews a Jesus who spews vitriolic anti-Semitism simply because when John was written at a time when followers of Jesus were being banned from the synagogues. Jesus people were angry and they wanted a gospel that reflected their struggles.

Simple as that.

John’s community of believers were in severe conflict with Judaism and so they crafted their Jesus as a person who stood on the side of the Jesus people and who was angry and hateful toward their opponents.

Jesus was said to have taught “ALL” in parables and it is those parables that overturn conventional wisdom and point to an ethic that is nonviolent, anti-tribal, compassionate and merciful.

To me, Jesus is the ultimate disclosure of the divine in a human being. Jelousy, revenge, retributive justice, etc. are not part of the passion and character I see reavealed in Jesus of Nazareth. He did not preach or reflect the petty human characteristics people of the world exhibit.

The Jesus before Easter had none of the all-too-human traits of ordinary people.
That’s why his followers called him divine.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The unvarnished Jesus has a unique voice print. .......

Are you incapable of staying on topic in any thread? Every thread you post in you manage to derail the thread with off-topic posts. Are you suffering from some sort of mental issue or disorder that prevents you from staying focused on the issue at hand? This thread is about Ben Sasse making Democrats go on Record about Infanticide; its not about Jesus, Jesus calling people names, or any of that.


Are you incapable of staying on topic in any thread? Every thread you post in you manage to derail the thread with off-topic posts. Are you suffering from some sort of mental issue or disorder that prevents you from staying focused on the issue at hand? This thread is about Ben Sasse making Democrats go on Record about Infanticide; its not about Jesus, Jesus calling people names, or any of that.

I am sorry you feel that way. My own commitment to Jesus is not for everybody.

Stripe posted to me that

We notice you conveniently ignore all the instances when Jesus advanced a conversation by calling people names.

I took issue with that view and so I gave my own opinion. I am not so smug and scornful that I would ever entertain the idea that I am absolutely right about anything. Nor can I ever definitively prove that.

But I believe a man of God like Jesus does not have to call other people’s names.

You might have simply said my description of Jesus does not resonate with you.
And if you can do it respectfully and maturely, that would be even better!

As a Christian, I believe it is ALL about Jesus.
In my view, such a stance is essential for living in the world and is foundational for my faith.



My personal relationship with Jesus is indeed amazing. To me at least.

It's very useful for me to know how words like salvation, repentance, belief, sin, etc. actually meant to first-century contemporaries of Jesus.

When ancient people heard or read these words, what did they actually think of them?
What did they mean to people who spoke them?


I'm thinking we should all ignore him and let him go gently into that night

My faith in Jesus is not for everyone.
I’m sorry you feel that way.
When my brother was young, he would deliberately hold his breath when he wanted to ignore Mom.

But the only thing that happened was that his face would turn blue.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The unvarnished Jesus has a unique voice print. This makes it easy to separate the later dogma and theology that was placed into his mouth after the crucifixion from the actual teachings and deeds of Jesus.


Well, I'm glad you're here to dictate what passages in the Bible we need to throw out. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My personal relationship with Jesus is indeed amazing. To me at least.

It's very useful for me to know how words like salvation, repentance, belief, sin, etc. actually meant to first-century contemporaries of Jesus.

When ancient people heard or read these words, what did they actually think of them?
What did they mean to people who spoke them?

dude - why don't you start your own thread if you want to ramble on off-topic?



Well, I'm glad you're here to dictate what passages in the Bible we need to throw out. :plain:

Although the Bible has no over-arching story [historians think this view as naive], the Bible remains a complex blend of remembered history, oral tradition, various traditions & theologies, allegories, myths, legends, metaphors and parables.

Taking the whole Bible into account reveals that it is a developing tradition where supposedly unchangeable things change and evolve through time.

For example, each gospel writer’s personal agendas can be traced and isolated.



Oh, I’m so bored...
Instead of talking about it, I think I’ll just withdraw and go to sleep!

When I wake up early in the morning
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream (Float up stream)
Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me
Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping
Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find there's no need (There's no need)
Please, don't spoil my day, I'm miles away
And after all I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
Lying there and staring at the ceiling
Waiting for a sleepy feeling...
Please, don't spoil my day, I'm miles away
And after all I'm only sleeping
Ooh yeah…



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Although the Bible has no over-arching story [historians think this view as naive], the Bible remains a complex blend of remembered history, oral tradition, various traditions & theologies, allegories, myths, legends, metaphors and parables.

Taking the whole Bible into account reveals that it is a developing tradition where supposedly unchangeable things change and evolve through time.

For example, each gospel writer’s personal agendas can be traced and isolated.

Meanwhile, when people stand against childkilling, you ridicule them.