BEL: Bob with Ann Coulter 8-01-2003

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Nathon Detroit

Re: Knight...

Re: Knight...

Originally posted by naima
I just cannot understand the TOL mindset that embraces virtually any radical right wing way of thinking, including the militia-ish, white-power-ish, gun-toting, etc... schlock and attempting to mesh it into your daily Christian lives as some sort of mutually inclusive hybrid of "truth"?
"white-power-ish"??????????? Please admit that is a bald faced lie and apologize to me and the rest of TOL.


Yeah, I am offended by that. I am black and I NEVER use racism in an argument, neither do the regular TOLers!!!!!!!


Re: Knight...

Re: Knight...

Originally posted by naima
Coulter also pummels nonsensical straw-man caricatures of political opponents throughout the book.

Naima, I really couldn't understand your post. What does it mean? Can you explain in laymans terms what Coulter has done in her book? I find it hard to believe that you didn't quote the above statement directly from the web-site, but I don't want to challenge you on that, what I would like is your interpretation so we all can understand you better. Thanks


Repent Leo, repent
Re: rfburnhertz...

Re: rfburnhertz...

Originally posted by naima
...go to Yahoo and search "ann coulter critics".

I believe the 2nd choice is "spinsanity...(something)..."

I was actually more interested in hearing you defend for yourself your own comments.

But I now withdraw my request as I imagine that you will use the words of another to defend your words.


Repent Leo, repent
Re: Knight...

Re: Knight...

Originally posted by naima
I just cannot understand the TOL mindset that embraces virtually any radical right wing way of thinking, including the militia-ish, white-power-ish, gun-toting, etc... schlock and attempting to mesh it into your daily Christian lives as some sort of mutually inclusive hybrid of "truth"?


You don't make it to TOL very often do you.

I've yet to see either of these here.

I am fairly sure that if someone came here promoting their white-power ideology, they would be soundly beaten down.

As for militia, I suppose that depends on your view point.

The liberal view point tells us that militias are bad (while the Constitution tells us to form such groups).
The liberal view point assumes that all militas are manned by white racists. When they are not.

No, I don't have a problem with the idea of militas.

I do have a problem with the idea of racist militas.

What is funny though is that many of the lefty freaks love the Black Panthers.

4 A.M. Prayer

Re: busy audit at work...

Re: busy audit at work... I've mentioned at least a couple of times in other posts, I'm not a computer whiz nor do I want to be and I am 'naima'.

Let me try to respond to your comments...

It's obvious that I don't buy into this right wing brain-washed mindset but the milksop-y naive left way of thinking leaves me equally sick to my stomach...

Maybe we can at least attempt to clarify our positions, perhaps agreeing to disagree at the very least...

As I said previously Ann Coulter, along with Moore, or Stern or any other left or right pundit that pushes "entertainment+my big ego=objective truth" are all equally a part of the problem, not the solution. (Read: 'right-wing' pundits can be as secular as the left and our Lord is no more a part of their daily life as their left counters)

BillyBob---you're black??? As another poster here said, well slap me silly and call me Wanda...(on second thought, I'm not sure I even believe that...)

Knight, I repeat, why are you (and Goose, and any others who have the power to censure with your "BANNED!" approach) so 'reactionary'? BillyBob (I was wrong initially) injects at least some levity into his pulpit-'venom'. and Jefferson (after I told him about the wonderful time I had at the Black Expo-"oh evil, TOL'ers, evil!") responded with something like: "I've never been, maybe I should go". I have more respect for Jefferson and BillyBob than I do Knight or Goose.

ALL affirmative action seems to be wrong in TOL's eyes...
"If you've got a Black Expo, den how come we ain't a got no White Expo?" is racially insensitive at least and bigoted at the worst.
A Doug McBirney airing about a year ago with this 'wannabe celeb' doing some jive a** impersonation of a black inmate was sickening...

rfburnhertz, no racially insensitive white is going to be beat down on THIS forum if he falls in line with protocol; you are mistaken and if you don't have a problem with ''militias" then perhaps we can ALL be happy that the whole TOL mindset is, indeed, a minority in our society and will remain that way. I've been here for over two years and I continue to see the "white" mindset.

Nimrod, I appreciate your post.

As for quoting an article; have you ever had someone say something better than you could say it yourself?
Has anyone read the link I posted? (he actually praised Coulter (I wouldn't!) in places)
I have some lifelong friends (I love them very much) that lean 'lefty' and I found a critique against Micheal Moore a year ago that was "spot-on". I couldn't have said it better and I use it often to knock down this 'moron's' supposed 'credibility'.

Just censure me; I'll never change anyone's way of thinking on this forum...


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Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Originally posted by 4 A.M. Prayer
Jefferson (after I told him about the wonderful time I had at the Black Expo-"oh evil, TOL'ers, evil!") responded with something like: "I've never been, maybe I should go".(
Well, I said I wouldn't be adverse to going. That is unless the black expo in question is just false advertising for what should be called, "The Liberal Black Expo." If conservative blacks are also allowed a forum then I would go but if conservative blacks and their views are censored then no thank you.

4 A.M. Prayer

Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Originally posted by 4 A.M. Prayer I've mentioned at least a couple of times in other posts I am 'naima'.

Let me try to respond to your comments...

It's obvious that I don't buy into this right wing brain-washed mindset but the milksop-y naive left way of thinking leaves me equally sick to my stomach...

Maybe we can at least attempt to clarify our positions, perhaps agreeing to disagree at the very least...

As I said previously Ann Coulter, along with Moore, or Stern or any other left or right pundit that pushes "entertainment+my big ego=objective truth" are all equally a part of the problem, not the solution. (Read: 'right-wing' pundits can be as secular as the left and our Lord is no more a part of their daily life as their left counters)

A Doug McBirney airing about a year ago with this 'wannabe celeb' doing some jive a** impersonation of a black inmate was sickening...

Nimrod, I appreciate your post.

As for quoting an article; have you ever had someone say something better than you could say it yourself?
Has anyone read the link I posted? (he actually praised Coulter (I wouldn't!) in places)
I have some lifelong friends (I love them very much) that lean 'lefty' and I found a critique against Micheal Moore a year ago that was "spot-on". I couldn't have said it better and I use it often to knock down this 'moron's' supposed 'credibility'.


Please understand this, I don't consider myself intellectually or spiritually superior to anyone on this site; I simply want to know what makes some of you TOL'ers/pro-Enyartites tick...
Once again it seems, as before, that anytime I seemingly invade a sort of "comfort zone" here at TOL and welcome a little feedback as to why you believe what you do, I get nothing but dead airspace. I posted the above quotes to remind that I'm simply wanting some feedback on the views that you regs share.

good luck guys (from some of the opinions I've read you'll surely need it!) Of course so will I.....


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Re: Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Re: Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Originally posted by 4 A.M. Prayer
Please understand this, I don't consider myself intellectually or spiritually superior to anyone on this site; I simply want to know what makes some of you TOL'ers/pro-Enyartites tick...
What makes us tick is our view that the Bible is God's word. We are not so arrogant as to do and believe what we think is right. Instead we have an obligation to find out what is right (in the Bible) and do and believe what is written therein. Often this makes us VERY politically incorrect. But we fear God rather than men. Does this answer your question?


Re: Re: Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Re: Re: Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Originally posted by Jefferson
What makes us tick is our view that the Bible is God's word. We are not so arrogant as to do and believe what we think is right. Instead we have an obligation to find out what is right (in the Bible) and do and believe what is written therein. Often this makes us VERY politically incorrect. But we fear God rather than men. Does this answer your question?

No it really doesn't.
First, in response to your other post, I would suggest we make an effort to not always class every one or every issue as "liberal" or "conservative" or "right wing" or "left wing". It tends to catagorize and pigeon hole people and make communication that much more difficult.
What if you met some black folks at the Expo (or anywhere) that were pro-life AND anti-death penalty? pro-choice AND pro-gun? etc, etc...What does that make them?
I'm not fond of Ann Coulter, Fred Phelps, Bob Enyart, Rush L., Donald Rumsfield, Doug McBirney, Dick Chaney, Robert Tilton etc... but I'm also not fond of Al Gore, Babs Streisand, Hillary Clinton, Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, etc.. yet most of the "regs" on board here treat me like some "enemy" apparantly because I don't embrace this all or nothing way of thinking with respect to ultra-right social, political, religious ways of thinking.
As to the Word of God you state that you (and others) are not so arrogant as to do and believe what you think is right but it seems to me that you, and others, on board do just that.
Here at TOL, I see just as much citing of verses to support your views and actions as your ''watered down" counterparts.
I believe that to seek God as revealed thru His Son Christ Jesus is an absolute truth.
But for anyone or any group to arrogantly proclaim that they have the Bible down pat, with an answer to EVERY question, to claim that everything is right there to see as plain as day is...well, if it was we, as Christians, would all believe the same things and behave accordingly but we don't.
Could it not be a part of Divine planning to have us only 'know in part' and with a lack of total knowledge proceed in our walk cautiously, being slow to anger, yet quick to acknowledge Him who is at the head of our lives?
I believe that much of the arrogance and anger and line drawing seen in this forum is more personal opinion and pride than any acting in God's will but I doubt we'll ever get on the same page here except to, perhaps, agree to disagree on this.



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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: busy audit at work...

Originally posted by naima
What if you met some black folks at the Expo (or anywhere) that were pro-life AND anti-death penalty? pro-choice AND pro-gun? etc, etc...What does that make them?
I'm not fond of Ann Coulter, Fred Phelps, Bob Enyart, Rush L., Donald Rumsfield, Doug McBirney, Dick Chaney, Robert Tilton etc... but I'm also not fond of Al Gore, Babs Streisand, Hillary Clinton, Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, etc.. yet most of the "regs" on board here treat me like some "enemy" apparantly because I don't embrace this all or nothing way of thinking with respect to ultra-right social, political, religious ways of thinking.
That's because most of the regs on this board don't respect fence-sitters.
As to the Word of God you state that you (and others) are not so arrogant as to do and believe what you think is right but it seems to me that you, and others, on board do just that.
Here at TOL, I see just as much citing of verses to support your views and actions as your ''watered down" counterparts.
The difference is we cite verses in context.
Could it not be a part of Divine planning to have us only 'know in part' and with a lack of total knowledge proceed in our walk cautiously, being slow to anger, yet quick to acknowledge Him who is at the head of our lives?
Sure, but what if scripture is clear? Are we supposed to be fence-sitters just to make sure as many people as possible "like" us?

4 A.M. Prayer

Re: Jefferson, et al...

Re: Jefferson, et al... to your Black Expo comment...
is there no uniqueness in human beings Jefferson?
...fry 'em all, and stockpile the assault weapons? Am I missing something in the TOL mantra?

...the regs don't respect 'fence sitters'?
Who are you refering to youngster?
I guess I fall into a "moderate" catagory over all...
It depends on the issue...I'm obviously not brain washed like Mike Moore, or Jefferson, or Knight, or Streisand....
I'm pro-life/Like our own Senator Lugar has said Jefferson, I believe our post-war policy in Iraq has, to date, been a blundering failure/I'm sick of political correctness and the left wing naive schlock/I'm sick of right-wing psuedo-Christian idiots going to a gay man's funeral and screaming at his mother that her homo son is now rotting in hell...

You cite verses in context? OK, whatever you say...

But scripture is clear you say? (see above)

It's obviously impossible to simply agree to disagree with the TOL group here.

Well, at least this whole TOL credo (and you all know this to be true) will always be embraced by only a minority and will never catch on with any significant amount of people (no flawed way of thinking can ever hope to). The sad thing is that so many of you obviously take your thinking to others proclaiming your white-militia crapola to be Christian truth alienating many who thirst after our Lord who, instead, turn away after getting a taste of your "truth"...


Staff member
Super Moderator
Re: Re: Jefferson, et al...

Re: Re: Jefferson, et al...

Originally posted by 4 A.M. Prayer to your Black Expo comment...
is there no uniqueness in human beings Jefferson?
...fry 'em all, and stockpile the assault weapons? Am I missing something in the TOL mantra?
What are you talking about?

...the regs don't respect 'fence sitters'?
Who are you refering to youngster?
I guess I fall into a "moderate" catagory over all...
It depends on the issue...I'm obviously not brain washed like Mike Moore, or Jefferson, or Knight, or Streisand....
So anyone who disagrees with you is automatically "brain washed"?

I'm pro-life
Yeah, but I'll bet you're pro-life in a very politically correct way aren't you? For example, you would never display a giant poster that looks like my avatar on a public street corner while protesting abortion would you?

Well, at least this whole TOL credo (and you all know this to be true) will always be embraced by only a minority and will never catch on with any significant amount of people
I agree. There will always be a minority who refuse to worship the false god of Public Acceptance. This is a very exclusive club that I am proud to be a member of.

The sad thing is that so many of you obviously take your thinking to others proclaiming your white-militia crapola . . .
Please name me one person on this forum who is a member of a "white-militia." I'm not aware of any.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
naima wrote: "for anyone or any group to arrogantly proclaim that they have the Bible down pat, with an answer to EVERY question, to claim that everything is right there to see as plain as day is...well, if it was we, as Christians, would all believe the same things and behave accordingly but we don't. Could it not be a part of Divine planning to have us only 'know in part' and with a lack of total knowledge proceed in our walk cautiously, being slow to anger, yet quick to acknowledge Him who is at the head of our lives?"

naima, I'm a bit unsure of your point. You are offering a general disagreement with those of us who explain today's issues, by providing your own explanation of today's issues, which states that we can't really explain today's issues. Do I have you right? -Bob

4 A.M. Prayer

naima, I'm a bit unsure of your point. You are offering a general disagreement with those of us who explain today's issues, by providing your own explanation of today's issues, which states that we can't really explain today's issues. Do I have you right? -Bob

...thank you for responding Pastor Enyart;
I disagree with what, seemingly, constitutes a blind interpretation of what are "today's issues".

Does not Ann Coulter play 'fast & loose' with "today's issues" as much as a Michael Moore, or Al Franken, or 'take your pick on the left'!?

The blending of the 'truth' in our Christian walk with right-wing political/social issues is the main issue in my attack of the beliefs of many of the regulars in this forum.

I will stop here; I have too many irons in my personal fires to attempt to validate with any structure, my Christian walk.

C.S. Lewis is a major influence in my (and I would guess your's and other's) lives.

George MacDonald is, IMO, so close to our Lord's heart; his "Creation In Christ" sermons have inspired me to never waver in my walk with our Lord...

Thank you pastor; with national recognition comes 'national' responsibility; but I'm sure you're already aware of that...
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