Right, towards the beginning, she almost disagreed that she was debunking Christianity and/or the bible! She doesn’t want that issue to ever come up, she just wants people to stupefy and listen and accept her view and buy her books, and that debate and discussion simply be over her studies and findings. Yet she claims that this non-thinking attitude that blindly and emotionally just accepts all the pat answers, is exactly why she has a problem with Christians and their 2000 years of bible understanding. (!!!)
Sure, she may claim to have a purely objective standpoint, and she probably believes that her view of the Bible is far different than the standard view and believes in that view of the Bible,
but, could she really be so ignorant as to not be fully aware that she is
opposing and debunking
the very heart of the central message of the Bible, that is the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
, and that we Christians have at least some very good reasons for the validation of Jesus’ resurrection? She even granted without hesitation the one apologetic argument that Bob broached on the show about prophecy coming true from the ancient scriptures.
It is common if not customary to have qualifications/skills/training exposed or questioned so as to acquaint the audience with the nature of their background and training. She seems to expect that just because she has a Masters in Bible, that she is somehow above reproach when it comes to her credentials in backing up her claims aginst Christ’s bodily resurrection. Without her understanding, let alone addressing the significant claims from many who validate the resurrection, this ignorance is basically the same as her acting like they really don’t exist, or that “somehow” they have no meritorious baring on the issue. Both of which is quite absurd, and again, it goes against what she claims to hold to the need for objective review, that even though they disagree, it’s a good thing to hear out both sides of a debate, instead of just blindly accepting one view.
She admitted that there are NO good arguments in favor of Christianity(!!!), which I think was really begging the question. She thinks that she is right and that Christians are wrong, her arguments are right or better, and ours are wrong or not good. ... Of course she thinks she is right, she wrote a whole book which debunks Christianity right at it’s most central message. The question wasn’t, does she think she is right and we are all wet, the question was, has she even given apologetics for the Bible an objective professional evaluation, prior to (or even since) debunking it.
A background or bias does not make or break a thesis. But I think her pride and hypocritical methodology got the best of her, because evidentially she values her outward appearance of biblical understanding too much to simply let it get exposed for the shame that it is, because logically, her sales would probably suffer proportionately as the more folks realize that her findings are ignorant of the claims that would debunk her view.
Right then and there, live for all to hear, Bob gave an on the fly example of a “good” argument for the validity of the bible, and she had nothing to add or take away from his example, in fact she simply agreed with it!
So what does she do? She attacks Bob personally, and judged against him for wanting to mop up the floor with her and I think she mumbled something about him being foul too. And that was right when he made it abundantly clear that he was just examining her credentials over the issue she was effectively debunking.
She played the hypocrite when it came to exposing her credentials, her slogan seemed to be,
Just mindlessly accept as un-doubtable fact that I am an authority over the issue that I am debunking, don’t question my training or understanding, just become blank in the mind, and be happy that I shared anything at all about my training, and accept me and my claims as an authority quite unconditionally. But, if you judge or even question my background over the issue I am debunking, then I will sharply attack and judge against you for not blindly accepting my qualifications, and for not just letting the emotional wonder of it all, loudly proclaim the freedom and joy in what I have to share in my book for only 19.95.