Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
And if it isn't Jesus, it isn't going to get you anywhere. All you've done is make my point for me.

Of course it did, and without offense, I know that is what you wanted to present to me, somethingg like a closed loop, or mind trap. It is of course a set up. You intended to trap me in there.

Take no offense in it, but such a thing can be quite irritating. (I felt quite irritated by your set up, excuse me I - You see I am only human....).

Why do you want to trap me in, and then offer me a way out on your terms (the "heaven" thing)?

What urges you to treat others that way?

Is that "Christian' way of treating others?

What makes you think I care what you believe?

Nothing realy.

What makes you think that anything to say would matter to me, if you do not show any signs of having a real conversation with someone. Why start a debate if you "don't care".

What program are you running. Jesus salvation version 3.x?

Why should I talk with a program?

No, that doesn't bother me, because I know it's false.

How do you know that? Do programs know anything, apart from pretending to have knowledge?

Pretty long...

You show no indication of having a real idea about infinity/eternity.

Try harder.


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
That's a picture of me in my avatar. You didn't think it was a movie star, did you?


Let us just for the moment assume that it is you.

Fact is, I find your "conversation stragegy" a little hard to deal with.

Can you imagine why?


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
You could try a little harder to come up with a coherent reply...

You could try a little harder to show some more human talent in communication. You know what humans are, do you?


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Maybe you just need to learn English better.

I can agree on that, but there is more to communication then just the language skills. I am sure you can nevertheless understand me. I am sorry that English is not my mother language, I can just try to express myself well.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by heusdens
I can agree on that, but there is more to communication then just the language skills.

Yeah, but I'm not here to make anyone like me. I'm here to speak my piece, and you can like it or not. It doesn't really matter to me.

I am sure you can nevertheless understand me.

More or less.

I am sorry that English is not my mother language, I can just try to express myself well.

Don't sweat it. I think I get your gist.


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Yeah, but I'm not here to make anyone like me. I'm here to speak my piece, and you can like it or not. It doesn't really matter to me.

Well, my reasons for coming here, is because I was interested in the debate, the arguments used, and so fort. And also I speak my piece, and try to explain why I adapt to another perspective on reality, and hoping for fruitfull debates, and not just "stand stills". After all, when human knowledge is concerned, there is no apriori way to tell who is right and who is not.
So we better listen to each other, and explore each others arguments, try to understand one another, etc.

But about my remarks, I grew a little embarrased in a certain stragey towards conversation you had. I hope you don't take it as an offense, I don't want to have hard feelings.

The issue is of course this. When you tell someone that "your ways are not going to get you anywhere", this might be taken personally, and even more personally perhaps as intended. It can be interpreted as telling someone that their lifes have no value.
To each and everyone of us, of course, it is a fact that one's life, no matter what you have done or who you are, are valuable, and are the most important to them as anything in the world.

How can you state such a thing, without having real knowledge about someone. What makes you say such a thing?

I know, it probably did not even enter your mind, when you stated it. It should not have bothered me. But I can not escape from sometimes taking offense in such things.

But the same thing can of course happen the other way around also. Maybe something I did or said here, are offensive to others.
I don't intend to, but I can imagine that it could.
And for those concerned, I hope it is clear that such was not intendend.

As to the issue itself, your statement was that my ways are not going to bring me anywhere. The fact is of course, you have no way of knowing that.
Your reply in later instance was, that I would have to follow Jesus.
I already knew you were intending to bring that in. So at that point I referred to your future statement, that even if I took offensive in what you said, and would turn myself into changing myself, this would nevertheless be "my way" No way around that. So, suppose I would follow Jesus. Even that would be "my way". But your initial statement was that "my ways are not going to get me anywhere". The absoluteness of that remark, of course implicates, that "there is no solution".
The trivial thing is of course, whatever one does, a human life is gonna end anyway. No way to change that. (not even when following Jesus).
But apart from the "common view" in which it is said to be refrettable that one dies, I could think of it the other way.
What would living in eternity be like? That's why I asked you, do you know how long eternity is?
Let me try to give you a slight idea on this. Suppose all of your life (I don't know how old you are, I think perhaps near the 40?) (I am 40 by the way) which already happened, would have occured in the time an electron (on average) evolves one time around the nucleus (if one could use that analogy, although it's quite inadequate cause an electron is not like a satelite orbiting a planet, but anyhow) and that occurs at least a million times every second. Now your age would be a million times your age stated in seconds, and that would just be less then a fraction of a fraction of your life. In fact you would grow older then the age of stars (the sun is perhaps 5 billions years old, and will continue another 5 billion years) of galaxies, and even the age of the universe would be a fraction of your lifetime.
Do you think you could keep up with yourself, for that time? And even this unimaginable amount of time, is just a whisper on your total life time of eternity, in fact it never lasts at all!
What would that be like? Yes, indeed. Even when you would be in heaven, it would be hell after all! You would not want that even for your worst enemy!
Conclusion: don't be worried that life only is so short, be very pleased that it doesn't last forever! It would be the worst thing that could happen to you!


New member


I am new to this site and have enjoyed reading the Battle Royale which is going on as well as some of these posts. I have some observations and opinions of my own.

Regarding God of the Gaps- I could reverse this argument right back at the Atheist. You, the Atheist, can not prove that these "Gaps" weren't a direct result of God's plan. If we, Christians, "cleverly" provide "God did it" as an answer to these "Gaps" in scientific knowledge, than Atheists cleverly provide "science doesn't know yet" as way to steer away from trying to prove that "God didn't do it". "Science doesn't know yet isn't a good enough answer.

I have observed, although I haven't read every single post under Battle Talk, that Atheists seem to post the longest most elaborate posts filled with excerpts from various texts, scientific journals, etc. Who are you trying to convince? Yourself or the believer? I haven't seen much of this from the believer due mostly because of faith. This is especially true for me. The proof that I have that God exists is in my heart. It's the way that I feel and the way my life is. I do understand the need to convince oneself that God does not exist as I was there myself at one point.

As a Christian, I have nothing to lose whereas an Atheist or Agnostic has everything to lose. If God does not exist, than when I am dead it won't matter. Having believed my whole life in Christ would not have hurt me anything. In fact, doing my best to abide by God's will to live my life brings me happiness anyways (eg, Loving ones neighbor as thyself, honor thy mother and father, etc). Those are good things. If God does exist like I believe him too, than I have everything to gain. What will you, the non-believer, gain if you are wrong and God does in deed exist. You risk everything. Now, obviously there is more to being a believer than fear but it's a good start.


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
I could, but I won't. Just suffice it to say that I'm not surprised.

I might feel inclined to nevertheless ask you. (but read my previous post firs, maybe this clears things up for you)

Intended to what?

1. Stating something that could be interpreted offensive

2. Arguing with someone about probably their most deepest and most personal feelings (since it is about one's life, isn't it?) and in the context of such a debate stating "what you belief in does not matter to me".

Don't want to take it offensive, only argued that it could be taken offensive. No hard feelings.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by heusdens
1. Stating something that could be interpreted offensive

I meant to say what I said. If you found it offensive, then oh well...

2. Arguing with someone about probably their most deepest and most personal feelings (since it is about one's life, isn't it?)

I thought we were talking about the way to Heaven.

and in the context of such a debate stating "what you belief in does not matter to me".

Why should it?

Don't want to take it offensive, only argued that it could be taken offensive.

The truth often is offensive.

No hard feelings.


Nathon Detroit

Re: Atheism

Re: Atheism

Originally posted by SOTKForEver
I am new to this site and have enjoyed reading the Battle Royale which is going on as well as some of these posts. I have some observations and opinions of my own.

Regarding God of the Gaps- I could reverse this argument right back at the Atheist. You, the Atheist, can not prove that these "Gaps" weren't a direct result of God's plan. If we, Christians, "cleverly" provide "God did it" as an answer to these "Gaps" in scientific knowledge, than Atheists cleverly provide "science doesn't know yet" as way to steer away from trying to prove that "God didn't do it". "Science doesn't know yet isn't a good enough answer.

I have observed, although I haven't read every single post under Battle Talk, that Atheists seem to post the longest most elaborate posts filled with excerpts from various texts, scientific journals, etc. Who are you trying to convince? Yourself or the believer? I haven't seen much of this from the believer due mostly because of faith. This is especially true for me. The proof that I have that God exists is in my heart. It's the way that I feel and the way my life is. I do understand the need to convince oneself that God does not exist as I was there myself at one point.

As a Christian, I have nothing to lose whereas an Atheist or Agnostic has everything to lose. If God does not exist, than when I am dead it won't matter. Having believed my whole life in Christ would not have hurt me anything. In fact, doing my best to abide by God's will to live my life brings me happiness anyways (eg, Loving ones neighbor as thyself, honor thy mother and father, etc). Those are good things. If God does exist like I believe him too, than I have everything to gain. What will you, the non-believer, gain if you are wrong and God does in deed exist. You risk everything. Now, obviously there is more to being a believer than fear but it's a good start.
Good post and welcome to TheologyOnLine!


New member
Zakath said: 1. If the God of Christianity were to exist, then he would have caused situation S to exist.

That is the question of whether Pastor Enyart's God actually wants everyone to believe in the gospel. According to I Timothy 2:4 (NIV) God, "wants all men to be saved and come to knowledge of the truth." In context, we can presume that "truth" here includes the gospel message. If this is true, then God must want situation S. Other scriptures supporting the idea that the Christian God wants situation S to exist include those commanding people to disseminate (Mt. 28:19-20, Mk 16:15-16) and believe (I Jn 3:23) the gospel. The gospels and epistle are replete with passage upon passage lending credence to the idea that God desires situation S to exist. Thus, premise 1 is true.

I [desire/want/command] that I win the lotto. I therefore must be causing the end result of the lotto. What a correlation! I should try this more often.

Who knew desire could be a tangible catalyst for causality!

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by heusdens
What would living in eternity be like? That's why I asked you, do you know how long eternity is?
Let me try to give you a slight idea on this. Suppose all of your life (I don't know how old you are, I think perhaps near the 40?)

My date of birth is in my profile. But trying to imagine eternity in terms of numbers is your first mistake.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by ApologeticJedi
I [desire/want/command] that I win the lotto. I therefore must be causing the end result of the lotto. What a correlation! I should try this more often.

Who knew desire could be a tangible catalyst for causality!
Hey Jedi and others....

If you wish to discuss the specifics of the battle (since this thread is a little here and a little there) you can do so here.
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