I think that Zakath's 2nd post was his best, and his third post was his worst. How did he get to go from discussing evidences for, or against, the existence of an eternal Creator God; to attacking the God of the Bible, and all the Christians who believe in Him?
He does this practically daily on these other forums, why, when he should be presenting reasons why there is no God of any kind at all, he instead shows why he doesn't believe in the Christian God.
His reasons for not believing in the God of the Bible are contradictory. God should be just , He shouldn't allow anyone to be murdered, He allows people to be killed, His followers have murdered people, therefore He is not God. Other religions believe in different gods, they can't all be right, so they must all be wrong. Therefore there is no God? How can he make these judgments and leaps of illogic. What does he base these beliefs of what God should be like, and what He should do. upon?
Let's look at it this way. I don't believe in evolution. Why not jeremiah. Glad you asked. Because evolution is responsible for all the deaths that have ever occurred. Creatures who are evolving kill other creatures. Scientists who believe in evolution have so many different beliefs and theories about it, and are constantly contradicting each other, and some of these scientists are murderers as well. If there was such a thing as evolution there would not be any carnivores, or destuctive acts of "nature" These things are wrong, and I do not believe in that kind of evolution. Therefore evolution does not exist. If it did exist then the driving force behind it is all powerful and eternal; and should tell us humans what it is doing and why it is doing it. After all it is only fair. All powerful and self existent force speak up now and prove to me that you exist and I will believe in you. I for one have never heard its voice. I am an evolution Atheist. :ha:
Show me a species that evolved or that evolution has ever worked anywhere without killing another living thing and I will believe in EVOLUTION.
He does this practically daily on these other forums, why, when he should be presenting reasons why there is no God of any kind at all, he instead shows why he doesn't believe in the Christian God.
His reasons for not believing in the God of the Bible are contradictory. God should be just , He shouldn't allow anyone to be murdered, He allows people to be killed, His followers have murdered people, therefore He is not God. Other religions believe in different gods, they can't all be right, so they must all be wrong. Therefore there is no God? How can he make these judgments and leaps of illogic. What does he base these beliefs of what God should be like, and what He should do. upon?
Let's look at it this way. I don't believe in evolution. Why not jeremiah. Glad you asked. Because evolution is responsible for all the deaths that have ever occurred. Creatures who are evolving kill other creatures. Scientists who believe in evolution have so many different beliefs and theories about it, and are constantly contradicting each other, and some of these scientists are murderers as well. If there was such a thing as evolution there would not be any carnivores, or destuctive acts of "nature" These things are wrong, and I do not believe in that kind of evolution. Therefore evolution does not exist. If it did exist then the driving force behind it is all powerful and eternal; and should tell us humans what it is doing and why it is doing it. After all it is only fair. All powerful and self existent force speak up now and prove to me that you exist and I will believe in you. I for one have never heard its voice. I am an evolution Atheist. :ha:
Show me a species that evolved or that evolution has ever worked anywhere without killing another living thing and I will believe in EVOLUTION.
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