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Take the atheism test! For atheists only.
For a fun little break.
And that is a "natural" occurrence?Originally posted by Flipper
D. Time and energy was created in a non-supernatural event i.e. the collision of two P-branes in different dimensions, or a series of quantum events
What I call it is an unknown. What's going on here is only semantics in the sense that some folks are trying to insist that an unknown equates to a God, which it does not. The bottom line is that we are trying to answer a question that we don't have the information to answer. We can simply accept this, or we can go into all sorts of convoluted reasoning to try and come up with the answers we want.Originally posted by LightSon
Can matter/energy be created from nothing? I don't think our science allows for that? That third option, whatever you want to call it(God, the quantum-dimensional-boogey-man, etc.) , must be able to bring matter/energy into existence, where nothing was there before. If you choose to call that act natural, okay, but it is still a phenomenon which is not described by our science. Wouldn't it just be easier to call it supernatural (outside or above) science? These semantic pitfalls are frustrating. Perhaps we can call it "superscience" (super meaning "above" or "beyond" the realm of).
All of which supports my earlier prediction that neither combatant will be able to win the debate, if victory is based upon their ability to fulfill their position. If victory is based on a point system, where points are awarded simply for providing evidence, regardless who compelling or uncompelling the evidence may be, then a clear victor could be shown, regardless whether either side manages to fulfill its position. But if victory requires fulfilling the position, neither can win. Bob's position is that God exists. If he can't prove God exists, he can't win. Zak's position is that God doesn't exist. If he can't prove God doesn't exist, he can't win.Originally posted by Soulman
Zakath is asking the impossible. If it was possible to “prove” the existence of God, faith wouldn’t be necessary. The unbeliever rejects the “evidence” of the creation, the “evidence” of the power of the gospel (transformed lives and the believer’s “witness” to the truth), and the “evidence” of the special revelation of God’s Word. While supressing the truth, the atheist MUST conclude that believer's are a)psychological cripples, b) clinically insane, or c) pathological liars, hardly the basis of an unprejudiced "debate." Bob's taking Zak apart one limb at a time, but Zak is “proving” something else; that “seeing” (the evidence) is NOT the same thing as “believing” the evidence. It may not "prove" anything, but watching Zak lay bare the intellectual bankruptcy as well as the spiritual bankruptcy of atheism is worth the price of admission.
Well, my fellow Missourian (and perhaps fellow Irishperson?), unfortunately the same can generally be said about the "for" side, too. Such judgments as you have made above are generally based upon the reader's understanding of the position. If you understand Bob's position, then his arguments will probably seem much more concise and relevent to you, whereas Zakath's will seem vaporous and evasive. To those who understand Zakath's position, it is exactly the opposite. We see relevence in Zakath's line of questioning, but evasion in Bob's answers. In truth, both sides are probably being equally concise in their manner, but the followers of this debate are rarely disaffected by the topics and will therefore generally only attribute conciseness and relevence to one side or the other.Originally posted by Cleohair
Why is it that when there's a debate between ideas for or against God the one who's 'for' is clear & concise in what they believe & answering questions about it; but the 'against' usually don't answer direct questions & instead ramble on forever about side issues & almost always not of their own beliefs, but what someone else wrote????
Originally posted by Stratnerd
No radiometric dates to be > 10,000 years
Worldwide sediments to be arranged: gravel, sand, silt, clay
No estimates of population coalescense to be > 10,000 years old
Grand Canyon and other regions of the world with > 100 m of sedimentary rock not to exist
Signs of humans in all strata including the lowest
Signs of modern forms (birds, mammals, herps, in all strata inclusing the lowest
Gradient of species based on votility with a single center
Islands not to have unique species and distant islands only with birds, bats, winged insects
how so?
one goes evidence -> conclusion and the other goes Truth -> evidence.
One can change based on new evidence, one can never change and is immune to any counterevidence.
it is the very epitome of scicence,
wherein you have paradigms,
tests of predictions,
reevaluation of old hypotheses (what happen to Lamark?),
doubt & debate,
it consumes new data like a beast and is constantly on the move.
It's not that simple. The macrofendorfian drglwnbawd, for instance, is a morphing creature, sometimes becoming more semblant of a true drglwnbawd, and sometimes becoming a little old lady who sells daisies in the shape of zippos. For more information, you should read Michael R. Darnell's landmark autobiography My Life Amidst the Digeradoo and Macrofendorfian Species of Drglwnbawd and Our Shared Adventures in Detroit's Automotive District. For the record, drglwnbawd is both singular and plural.Originally posted by philosophizer
A drglwnbawd is a drglwnbawd. It cannot be anything else. It can only be a drglwnbawd.
I think most people will agree that there are some things, and some catagories of things (such as the physical structure of any given object or symbol). However, it is not a logical assumption that because concrete things may have absoluteness that it must automatically follow that abstracts also have absoluteness to them. By abstracts, I mean ideas, notions, values, etc.Originally posted by Freak
Exactly. This is a powerful tool to prove the reality of absolutes. The understanding of the philosophy of language points to the reality of absolutes. As you have just noted.
Stratnerd you replied:
> much more probable an event for God to have created all things
such a conclusion indicates that you estimated the probability for both natural and supernatural explanations for the universe. What are these p-values?
That's only in the French cajun dialect.Originally posted by Zakath
:chuckle: Good post, Eireann!
Although I always heard that there was a gender ending for drglwnbawd, with the female spelled drglwnbawda...
I could be mistaken thought... :think:
Originally posted by Eireann
It's not that simple.
It would be a chair regardless of what I think. Me “deciding” that a chair is not REALLY a chair has zero affect on the physical reality that the chair IS. I cannot “deny” the chair out of existence. I can “ignore” the chair, or call the chair a foot-stool, but I cannot deny the physical reality of the chair’s existence. My “definition” or “perception” of the chair doesn’t alter the fact that the chair IS. If a chair is inadvertently used as a foot-stool, the physical reality of what we “call” a chair remains the same. The “chair” doesn’t CHANGE into a “foot-stool.” So, whatever we want to "call" this physical object, the object really and absolutely IS.It's only a chair because you have decided that it is.
You could claim that the object, whatever it's called, is at least absolutely there, but even that statement is relative to what you define and conceive of as an object.
Originally posted by LightSon
To rephrase. To assert that a thing is itself adds zero value to any discussion.
I know. But I had to seize the opportunity to post something completely irrelevent, and above all, goofy!Originally posted by Freak
But it is. A drglwnbawd is just that (in it's structural form) a drglwnbawd. A drglwnbawd is not "truck." Remember, I'm not speaking of it's meaning but it's structural form as a word. It is absolute.